Horrible abuse case in Michigan!

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OK I have now CALLED and alerted ALL these and will await calls back:((((THANKYOU so much)
Every freakin time I called I STARTED CRYING AGAIN....I cant help it-I am so heartbroken for these beloved buns...
They keep saying to call local police-which is so stupid-our local cops-including the one that brought these babies here-ADMITTED he dont know "beep" about animals(alls he has/knows about- is his aquarium at home)-as matter of fact he did not even LOOK at the buns to document/testify HIMSELF all that was/IS wrong with these babies:(
OK I gotta do ratty/bun meds
Too, please know everybunny...
I am going to adopt a pair of these to Emmie here:)) I am accepting your contract to adopt Emmie::)) CONGRATULATIONS YOUNG LADY:)))
Now the work begins on getting them safely to you...
Daddy BUN is well enough to fix today:) He is in right now-
I am on my way to get a camera(Cats pee'd on mine) so I can show PICTURES! The vet said Daddy's ears look remarkably well and his fur is no longer starchy and getting a nice shine-he is getting healthier...they all are-I couldnt be more pleased!
I agree Pla725....
I SWEAR we will call every single Monday until KINGDOM COME and BUG Officer Williams so he knows we MEAN BUSINESS about having the prosecutor press charges here in MuskegonCounty about the "PINE STREET BUNNIES". Upon Officer Williams report going to the prosecutors desk then I will start STALKING HIM TOO every Monday at 8AM sharp-its my new thing:)to do every Monday-until we get results! Until this guy is in jail for doing this to these babies...I will not rest! Upon the prosecutor's telling me charges will not be filed, I will then be posting here and hundreds of other places(and giving crossposting permission) to ask for you all to call the prosecutors office or write a letter URGING HIM TO TAKE ACTION against the abuser of these bunnies!
Yesterday the "Captain" at the police station said he talked to OfficerWilliams who did plan on sending his report soon and that "these things take time"-that there will also be the time to actually FIND the abuser to arrest him(I cant wait).I said to that remark quite politely "that will be easy-he made the call to you-he is WHERE YOU PICKED UP THE BUNNIES AT on Pine Street, down town Muskegon"!!He did not say anything else. The Officer brought the abuser HERE to my shelter and HOME-He heard the guy SAY they were his bunnies-that he got them for his kids!
I have a HUGE problem with the entire procedure taken by Officer Williams...Upon SEEING the physical abuse done to these bunnies THE GUY SHOULD HAVE BEEN ARRESTED RIGHT THERE! Then they should have called me TO COME and GET the buns-NOT bring this idiot abuser to my home where I am by myself 90% of the time!
The abuser/guy broke the law and if the officer would have taken the time to LOOK at the condition of the bunnies he would have known that!He should have called a vet for verification ON SITE(of these buns)-
If he cared about animals he would have done that!
I am so mad about this whole thing...I have IMPLODED!
I might sue him(the officer) too!
Also-I have considered that upon an arrest being made...maybe I will SUE the abuser for the money it is costing me/this rescue to care for these babies!
(I am sure he has NO money though)
...as a matter of fact...my friend was saying last night that really,it is a good chance the guy is an illegal immigrant here(the guy could not speak English at all and his son was translating for him when they brought the bunnies)...OH and did you know that ALL THE BUNNIES(so be it they are 3-4 pound at best and are of a smaller breed of bunnies)-they were STUFFED all together in a cage too small for a RAT!
I really think the Michigan Humane Society or SPCA needs to step in here. I know you are trying.

That was really bright of the cop to bring the guy to your house. I wonder if this guy knows people in law enforcement and that is why they are dragging their heels besides not knowing how to proceed.

Maybe they just don't want to make any waves so speak. In this case it needs to be done.
Here is the link to....are you ready??
The newspaper here LOCALLY-printed it today and put a picture of a Himy bun-the vet said calls came in all day for people wanting to foster but I have not had a chance yet to ck the AM messages.Here is the link.
(OH praise God)...maybe the officer and prosecutor will see WE ARE SERIOUS!!!
OH AND Marie Mead is sending us books:)Her book-
Rabbits: Gentle Hearts, Valiant Spirits: Inspirational Stories of Rescue, Triumph, and Joy..
We will make a gift pack with the book-our classic wonderful wooden bunny toys and nice oxbow hay and Orchard grass and sell them for a reasonable price to help pay for everything for the bunnies. I also have become a member at the BGRR:) SO I CAN GET THE BUNNIES TO HOMES FAR AWAY SAFELY:)
Ok I have to get to the grocery store for greens...
Keep it up because God hears and is answering!!!
Daddy bunny is doing so good he COMES WHEN CALLED and is picking up his toys and throwing them around now:)

The females tentatively called sister bunny and baby girl WERE PREGNANT when they were fixed:( its so sad to me.My vet had to have surgery yesterday herself- we will have to use another vet for the next few weeks and this makes me very nervous:( Continue with your prayers for the bunnies, PLEASE you guys, please.
Crap like this makes me lose faith in mankind. It is good to see that rescue people try to pick up the pieces from their fellow man (if you can call them that at this point). I wonder how those people would feel if we cut off their ears? (Sorry, I have little tolerance for this crap). I hope they are doing better.
You're doing the best thing by getting them all speutered.

It's fabulous that the Muskegon paper may open up several foster homes for you, or good rabbit-caring adopters.

Great to hear that Marie Mead is contributing with her excellent book! :)

Like Kelly and everyone who's logged a comment, I hope they are all doing better. :hearts Fantastic update on the Daddy Bunny tossing about toys.

:thumbup :bunnyhug:
A reporter called here just now...SHE is gonna do a story on the bunnies...but the best part is she is calling the Muskegon Police to find out where they are on the arrest/prosecution of the abuser!!
That is great news, Christine. I wish I were closer so I could come and help you.

Do you have contact numbers/emails/adresses for the local prosecutor(s) and police dept you are dealing with? If we post the contact info all over the bunny groups we're sure to get some clout behind us (getting people to call and write letters).
Muskegon Police number is 231-724-6750.CALL THEM!!!I just talked back to HeatherPeters, the Musk.Chronicle reporter doing the story and she said that the police DID NOT THINK THERE WAS ABUSE(though the report will still go over to the prosecutor's office who makes the final decision)!!!!! I explained to her that that is because the cop DID NOT LOOK AT THE BUNNIES!! He even had the owners/abusers TRANSPORT THE BUNNIES IN THEIR OWN VEHICLE!!! I am forwarding the pictures of abuse to her NOW! I AM LIVID! STUPID COP!