Well-Known Member
Well NOW the police wont call me back....I WANT PROSECUTION TODAY, NOW! I may need help getting it...I need IDEAS...I need to know how to navigate this correctly...Here is the article written to the MuskegonChronicle and to the Fruitport Area News(I know the latter of the 2 will publish it exactly as I wrote it because they are church friends of mine/this rescue!)It has already been emailed and delivery confirmed:
Monday June 15, 2009 the Muskegon police came to the rescue followed by 2 people in a van to CRITTER CAFE RESCUE .
These people had reported that several DOMESTIC bunnys were ruining/eating their flowers-the location from down town Muskegon/PineStreet area, was supposedly full of domestic bunnys.
Upon their arrival to the CritterCafe- 7 bunnies would be saved by the GRACE OF GOD!!!
These little "Himalayan" bunnys-miniatures-3-4 pounds at their largest weight-were emaciated and dehydrated -they had car oil/grease all over them and are FULL of dirt.
Too, they were missing fur in many areas too and full of bites from fighting amongst themselves probably for food and for territorial rights as well as and MOST ALARMING and shocking to me- their ears were CUT OFF within an inch or so of the bunnys little heads AND one has her nose slashed.
This is so very alarming to SEE but then when you look at and know the facts that a bunnys sensitivity to pain is the very highest in the area of their ears-this becomes absolutely heart breaking...
The vets say its very likely that their screams could be heard for miles when this was being done to them and it would have hurt very very is surprising to me that the bunnys just didnt die from the intensity of that pain..
Not one but 2 vets confirmed the ears being CUT from this bunnys head-this was NOT from bunnys fighting! Both vets faxed documentation of their findings to Officer Williams-we want prosecution of the bunnys owners that surrendered them-this is animal cruelty- is it not?
It is thought that this was done to these bunnys to be used as "bait" in part of a dog fighting ring.
Once the bunny begins bleeding, s/he is thrown out to the dog/s and they "fight" each other over her and also give chase.
Many many pets meet this fate including "freebie" pets/pets given away on such lists as the Muskegon Chronicle Freebies and Craiglist because these people are able to get them for nothing and the "surrendering" person does not do a house /home checks after the animal is given away to make sure s/he is ok and in a good place.
These bunnys have all now been to the vet for care. We are in the process of fixing them after getting them healed up some We will adopt them to good homes as INDOOR LITTER TRAINED pets only.
Please please help these bunnys if you can by donating or giving a forever home to one.
Our vets office is Fruitport Animal Hospital. Our vet is the bunny loving and bun-expert Dr.Jeanne Corbett DVM.
Please put a note that you are helping CritterCafe bunnys on your gift.
Please also URGE the Chronicle to ad a disclaimer to its "freebie" pets so people get educated on what can happen. Pit bull BAIT and class B dealers are where your free pet very likely will/ can end that what you are intending when you need to rehome your pet??PLEASE speak up for the voiceless innocence of our beloved animal friends.
Sincerely, Christine Founder of CritterCafeRescue in Fruitport Mi.
Ok thats it. It may come to be that letters need to be written to our copshop here. I called our attorney.He is in court. Will try again later.
Need ideas...
I have not one but 2 vets documnetation this IS ABUSE!!! How do I go about GETTING PROSECUTION???
Monday June 15, 2009 the Muskegon police came to the rescue followed by 2 people in a van to CRITTER CAFE RESCUE .
These people had reported that several DOMESTIC bunnys were ruining/eating their flowers-the location from down town Muskegon/PineStreet area, was supposedly full of domestic bunnys.
Upon their arrival to the CritterCafe- 7 bunnies would be saved by the GRACE OF GOD!!!
These little "Himalayan" bunnys-miniatures-3-4 pounds at their largest weight-were emaciated and dehydrated -they had car oil/grease all over them and are FULL of dirt.
Too, they were missing fur in many areas too and full of bites from fighting amongst themselves probably for food and for territorial rights as well as and MOST ALARMING and shocking to me- their ears were CUT OFF within an inch or so of the bunnys little heads AND one has her nose slashed.
This is so very alarming to SEE but then when you look at and know the facts that a bunnys sensitivity to pain is the very highest in the area of their ears-this becomes absolutely heart breaking...
The vets say its very likely that their screams could be heard for miles when this was being done to them and it would have hurt very very is surprising to me that the bunnys just didnt die from the intensity of that pain..
Not one but 2 vets confirmed the ears being CUT from this bunnys head-this was NOT from bunnys fighting! Both vets faxed documentation of their findings to Officer Williams-we want prosecution of the bunnys owners that surrendered them-this is animal cruelty- is it not?
It is thought that this was done to these bunnys to be used as "bait" in part of a dog fighting ring.
Once the bunny begins bleeding, s/he is thrown out to the dog/s and they "fight" each other over her and also give chase.
Many many pets meet this fate including "freebie" pets/pets given away on such lists as the Muskegon Chronicle Freebies and Craiglist because these people are able to get them for nothing and the "surrendering" person does not do a house /home checks after the animal is given away to make sure s/he is ok and in a good place.
These bunnys have all now been to the vet for care. We are in the process of fixing them after getting them healed up some We will adopt them to good homes as INDOOR LITTER TRAINED pets only.
Please please help these bunnys if you can by donating or giving a forever home to one.
Our vets office is Fruitport Animal Hospital. Our vet is the bunny loving and bun-expert Dr.Jeanne Corbett DVM.
Please put a note that you are helping CritterCafe bunnys on your gift.
Please also URGE the Chronicle to ad a disclaimer to its "freebie" pets so people get educated on what can happen. Pit bull BAIT and class B dealers are where your free pet very likely will/ can end that what you are intending when you need to rehome your pet??PLEASE speak up for the voiceless innocence of our beloved animal friends.
Sincerely, Christine Founder of CritterCafeRescue in Fruitport Mi.
Ok thats it. It may come to be that letters need to be written to our copshop here. I called our attorney.He is in court. Will try again later.
Need ideas...
I have not one but 2 vets documnetation this IS ABUSE!!! How do I go about GETTING PROSECUTION???