Horrible abuse case in Michigan!

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Well NOW the police wont call me back....I WANT PROSECUTION TODAY, NOW! I may need help getting it...I need IDEAS...I need to know how to navigate this correctly...Here is the article written to the MuskegonChronicle and to the Fruitport Area News(I know the latter of the 2 will publish it exactly as I wrote it because they are church friends of mine/this rescue!)It has already been emailed and delivery confirmed:

Monday June 15, 2009 the Muskegon police came to the rescue followed by 2 people in a van to CRITTER CAFE RESCUE .
These people had reported that several DOMESTIC bunnys were ruining/eating their flowers-the location from down town Muskegon/PineStreet area, was supposedly full of domestic bunnys.
Upon their arrival to the CritterCafe- 7 bunnies would be saved by the GRACE OF GOD!!!

These little "Himalayan" bunnys-miniatures-3-4 pounds at their largest weight-were emaciated and dehydrated -they had car oil/grease all over them and are FULL of dirt.
Too, they were missing fur in many areas too and full of bites from fighting amongst themselves probably for food and for territorial rights as well as and MOST ALARMING and shocking to me- their ears were CUT OFF within an inch or so of the bunnys little heads AND one has her nose slashed.
This is so very alarming to SEE but then when you look at and know the facts that a bunnys sensitivity to pain is the very highest in the area of their ears-this becomes absolutely heart breaking...
The vets say its very likely that their screams could be heard for miles when this was being done to them and it would have hurt very very badly....it is surprising to me that the bunnys just didnt die from the intensity of that pain..
Not one but 2 vets confirmed the ears being CUT from this bunnys head-this was NOT from bunnys fighting! Both vets faxed documentation of their findings to Officer Williams-we want prosecution of the bunnys owners that surrendered them-this is animal cruelty- is it not?

It is thought that this was done to these bunnys to be used as "bait" in part of a dog fighting ring.
Once the bunny begins bleeding, s/he is thrown out to the dog/s and they "fight" each other over her and also give chase.
Many many pets meet this fate including "freebie" pets/pets given away on such lists as the Muskegon Chronicle Freebies and Craiglist because these people are able to get them for nothing and the "surrendering" person does not do a house /home checks after the animal is given away to make sure s/he is ok and in a good place.

These bunnys have all now been to the vet for care. We are in the process of fixing them after getting them healed up some We will adopt them to good homes as INDOOR LITTER TRAINED pets only.
Please please help these bunnys if you can by donating or giving a forever home to one.
Our vets office is Fruitport Animal Hospital. Our vet is the bunny loving and bun-expert Dr.Jeanne Corbett DVM.
Please put a note that you are helping CritterCafe bunnys on your gift.

Please also URGE the Chronicle to ad a disclaimer to its "freebie" pets so people get educated on what can happen. Pit bull BAIT and class B dealers are where your free pet very likely will/ can end up...is that what you are intending when you need to rehome your pet??PLEASE speak up for the voiceless innocence of our beloved animal friends.
Sincerely, Christine Founder of CritterCafeRescue in Fruitport Mi.

Ok thats it. It may come to be that letters need to be written to our copshop here. I called our attorney.He is in court. Will try again later.
Need ideas...
I have not one but 2 vets documnetation this IS ABUSE!!! How do I go about GETTING PROSECUTION???
Once, when I was still in Italy, the group for animal support rights that I am part of, got to know of a very bad case of cruelty on a dog. Police did not want to deal with that because some local vets were involved. So we wrote letters and collected signatures. Then we finally could start the prosecution of the people involved. I don't really know how it works here in the U.S.A., but i think that contacting the humane society could help. They have animal cruelty investigators... I am sure they can tell you what to do. Kisses to the bunnies.

Oh, and I agree with you, it is not a good idea to put pets for adoption on the internet. I would go through a humane society. You never know what people can do. And I think the animals should stay in the same city, or should not go too far. I am always suspicious of people that want an animal that is far from where they live, because homeless pets are everywhere unfortunately.
We are on Petfinder, Pets911, 1800SaveAPet(and some others) and a 501C3 exempt rescue that works closely with HouseRabbitSociety and some other bun orgs....
We are www.CCCandR.petfinder.org
The Humane Society of Muskegon I post for!!!! I take their bunnies(Katie here has one I took from there)...
They do not have officers...and Harbor Humane in GrandHaven sadly does not either...us MI hicks rely on Animal Control which is LAUGHABLE at best! Oh my goodness especially for bunnies...the cop had not a CLUE what to do with these buns...I just happen to be involved with PoundBuddiesRescue who keeps their rescue AT the local AnimalControl-one of the main ppl from PBR was there when the call came in about these bunnies...the bunnies would be put down now if Barb from PBR had not stepped up and said CALL!!!Christine!!! at CCR-they may be able to take them!!
Oh geese...I better email her right away to thank her...
I CALLED the prosecutor who will not do nothing until the report from Officer Williams is handed over(the 2 vets findings will be included into that report he said the first day)...at that point if the PROSECUTOR does not press charges I am going straight to the media...We have done it before and will do it now again for these buns...Cat&DogsMagazine is doing the bunnies story-FruitportAreaNews is too...I am hoping the Chronicle is...SOMEONE will surely, after they see the bunnies stories, want to give a cute little bunny a home...a bunny without ears:(((( or a bunny with a badly botched nose(the vet said she was cut down the middle of her face)...her little nose has a .....
I just cant describe it...and I cant see through so much tears...
I will write more later and try to send pictures of her:(
I was thinking the same as pla725. About contacting bigger sources: Margo DeMello of National House Rabbit Society. (I'm prepared to email her this topic thread).

O, the Oprah magazine's June 2009 issue has special content on "If We Could Talk to the Animals". Oprah is shown with dogs on the cover. A no kill shelter in Chicago was featured. I wonder if bigger sources would dare cover the horrible abuse those rabbits suffered? I can imagine Christine and HRS volunteers on the show holding some of those ear-cut rabbits.

To imagine that animals can't feel pain nor do they have feelings is absurd. A horrible abuse case.

Oprah magazine also ran a story on hoarder who had amassed over 300 dogs, kept in deplorable conditions.

I hope this goes to a larger network who step up to help. Keep us posted with pictures, etc.

Margo helped us when we rescued the "Fremont40"... it just kept being more and more bunnies (I have at least 25 of them still HERE, adoptable(!!) healthy, HUGE!! BEAUTIFUL!! BUNNYS!!!Oh they are SHINY PRETTY so well behaved beautys:))))))) I love them so very much:(
My God,we were live-trapping over several months there from Aug08...they had been "let go" from their breeder "pens"...The Fremont 25-30 ended up being 40 or more even...
We need adopters...
The Life Care contract is PICKY (ask Katie here)...but good bunny loving INSIDE homes, right NOW...I will pay folks to drive them to their new forever approved home...I will pay for these buns to be in a forever home..and to receive LOVE for the rest of their life-I dont care WHAT WE HAVE TO DO!!!I will order hay for them FROM OXBOW!!!Just please if you can/are considering another bun...let me know...TRUST ME...it will be worth YOUR time...
i just wanted to say as someone who adopted from christine that you can't get better.

it is true, her application is picky, and i love that about her. she really does care. toulouse is an orange mini lop that i adopted from her about a year ago (right? cant remember the exact date) he is a love bunny. you can tell he got the care needed from christine.

if anyone is considering adopting one of these guys (or another in her rescue) i will just say that it is worth the time.

i personally cannot wait to see photos of these guys. i am really trying to work a trip down to see her and all the critters. trying to tell myself not to try at adopting another bunny. . . my pro side to the list is highly outweighing the con side. lol.
As a fellow rescuer I can only personally offer moral support at this time. I wish I can do more but I have seven of my own and am about to take a foster. I'm only working about 15 -20 hours a week right now. You are doing a great job to help out these poor buns. I hope the person or persons who did thiscruel act get what they deserve.
Saudade wrote:
OakRidgeRabbits wrote:
Oh my gosh! I hope they are in condition to be adopted. Having no ears shouldn't affect them too much health-wise, but who knows what else they have been through.:cry2

:( It will make them more susceptible to ear infections :(
They'll probably be even more sensitive to heat than the average bun as well.

Christine- I pm'ed you.
I have a PM message that "werecatrising" would take 2 buns if we can get them to Cali...
Look here...RO helped me get Emma and Chessy to MN-why not Cali?
I am cking with family members for ppl going there now...
I would...if it were at all reasonable..."ship" them but I cant...I just cant...I would prbly DIE from worry about their conditions...so...
PLEASE help me...The bunnys go-the rest of them that were the worst off upon arrival-they go Wed the24th to be fixed...then there will be healing time...
I CANNOT leave the rescue for more than church...or greens purchasing...
ANY ideas or shall we work to make a RO miracle like with EM and Chessy?(who by the way are doing wonderfully in the new home-well their HOME-its been a year since they were adopted)
Well too...I want to tell you all...PICS are coming and would be here already if the cats wouldnt have pee'd on my cam...I have to get a new one now and have the volunteers taking pics for the rescue at the moment...OPEN to ANY suggestions...OH and called yet again to make sure Officer Williams is getting the report done...to send to the prosecutor here...He is not ther eon weekends...I have to call bk Mon...GEE TOO BAD THESE POOR BUNNYS COULD NOT HAVE TAKEN A WEEKEND OFF FROM THE ABUSE like the rotten cop...
OK I am sorry...but HE should have recognised abuse and these ppl should already BE arrested!
If you look at my picture...with little Clover here(the black lop)...she was another bunny that came and was badly abused...she was kicked in/on her face-the force of the kick knocked her tooth out...she developed HUGE abscesses from that..We debrided them 3 X'z before Dr.Atlas from Alabama sent the protocol to my vet to implant antibiotic beads along with replacing part of HER jawbone with bone cement DIRECTLY into my babies little jaw...I also tried to prosecute these abusers...and could not prove who did the kick to her...though a shoe print IMPRINT stayed ON HER FACE AREA for over 180 days!!!
I wont go through that again and will go kick these idiots butts myself-I swear:((((((
I am a little wiser now...AND IT IS NOT HELPING ME A BIT:((((
I know it's unlikely anybun will be able to make it to cali, but if they do...
My husband and I discussed it this morning. At first I was worried that they might get too hot her in the summer since we don't have AC. The living room does stay cool with the swamp cooler on, so we could just set up a pen in there.
I WILL find a way to get you bunnys-if you is a GOOD bun home:))
Rabbits ONLINE is literally a miracle in the works!! When what happened with Emmy and Chessy buns...I DO BELIEVE!! Can YOU fill out our Life Care contract to adopt? TRUST me when I say- I will get these buns safely to you if YOU IS A GOOD BUN HOME:))
I wanted to tell YOU about Daddy bun....
His ears were cut within the last 10 days the vet says:((...HE IS SUCH A HUMBLE LITTLE LOVER BUTT YOU ALL:(((
Oh my gosh I cannot figure him out-he has such a pride about him:)He holds his head high and he sniffs around BUT HE KNOWS....
He has been mutilated so bad...his ears are cut off an inch above his head-I swear he knows that he is now "different" from other bunnys...BUT he lays with you and by your side and is such a dear...He is the one within the picture that theevenstarlight posted...
OMG Christine, this is making me sick. These bunnies are sooo lucky to have you. Let me try to spread the word via Bunderground and TNR and see if anyone can help.

Something needs to be done about this. People really disgust me.
Aww this is just heart breaking....i don't understand how people can even think about hurting an animal..something that cannot stand up for itself.....hurts my heart to think about it :(

Poor bunnies
I emailed Celebrating Rabbits and Margo at HRS. Can you/anyone here come up with more email addys of people to write to for help/homes/support(for justice for these bunnys)-MEDIA?

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