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Nov 4, 2012
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Belleville, New Jersey, USA
Hi everyone! My name is Jessica and I'm from Northern NJ. I am a loving mother to a 7 year old human child, two rats (Zeek and Cecil), two guinea pigs (Woody and Jessie), a hamster named Lady, and a goldfish named Michael Jordon. I have recently entered the amazing world of fostering and have just taken in a guinea pig named Captain Jack Sparrow and I will soon be taking in a bunny from another rescue named Chex.

I decided to join this forum to gain some knowledge as I've never owned a bunny before but have wanted to my entire life! I love animals and I am trying to pass on this love and responsibility onto my son. I'm very excited to join this forum and learn all there is so I can be the best bunny foster mom I can be... Not to mention, one day, I'd love to have a bunny to call my own! I appreciate all criticism, advice, and everything I can get! I love learning and pride myself in spoiling my animals (and those just visiting) rotten!

That being said, it's great to meet you and look forward to talking with ya'll soon! :)

I have two buns, Archie and Agnes, and also a young son who will be 4 in a couple weeks. My rabbits are such joys and I love what they have brought to my life :)

That is so great that you are fostering! What a great service!! This is a great forum, lots of rabbit info and rabbit lovers. Glad you found us!
Thanks for the warm welcome! I've been reading a few things about bonding on here and am very happy I did! This process seems incredibly similar to how I've worked with my guinea pigs over the last few months and nothing like how I have to interact with my rats. From what I've been told, the rabbit that I will be fostering is just a year old, he's been around rambunctious kids before and he's still very friendly and curious. (I'm very happy the rescue took it easy on me! LOL)

I just got power back last night and I'm headed back to my house today to get things set back up and returned to normal so my new addition to my family will be arriving shortly! In the midst of all this insanity to follow the hurricane, I was still driving back and forth between my parent's house and my house just to spend quality time with my pets.
Welcome! It takes such a big heart to foster :D

This is a great site with tons of info and very nice people. Look forward to seeing you around :biggrin:
Thanks! :) April, I may need to be in contact with you in regards to things other than bunnies! I'm not a stalker but I just happened to look at your profile and I just saw you work with a pest management company. I'm helping a friend of mine start up a pesticide business and I'm reading through the Core book now. Big headace. LOL
Lol! I'm a plant pest/disease specialist, not termite infestation type though. My license category is 03 turf/ornamentals. It's confusing that the names are the same (ipm). But most people starting a pesticide business are usually into pests like termites, rats, and other pests that bug humans. It's a different license. But if it's plants I'd be happy to help any way I can :biggrin:

Btw I didn't mean rats are pests! I like rats, but some people don't ...
LOL! Rats are pests because they always want my attention and my english muffins! :D But yes, he is going to specialize in plants. He's been in the landscaping business for years and already knows the ins and outs but I'm trying to gain enough knowledge so I can help him study so he can get his certification and all that jazz..

I think he's looking to get certified in the 03a and 3b categories...
Oh he should have no problems with the exam then. Easy peasy! At least in DE. I guess in NJ they separate out 03? It's just one category here.
No worries with the title, lol. Integrated pest management specialist is such a fancy-schmancy, meaningless word jumble. I'm a bug lady. If it's eatin' up my clients plants, I'm gonna whomp it! If the plants are sick with disease, I'm bringing a cure (hopefully), lol! :biggrin:

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