Hi all- new to rabbit forum

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New Member
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
Sydney, , Australia
Hi All,

My name is Cassandra, I am 22yrs old and I come from Sydney Australia.
I dont have my rabbit as yet, I will be picking it up this weekend from
a breeder. I have been doing a little research on rabbits. I have been
interested in rabbits for a while now.

As soon as I get my rabbit ill take a pic of it and post it up on the forum for
everyone to see. I am getting a male mini lop. I have seen pics of it, its soooo cute.

Cant wait to interact with everyone.

Hi Cassandra! Welcome to the forum!

I can't wait to hear all about your new boy! And to seepictures of him...we SWOON over pictures around here! :)

Feel free to ask any and every question you may about aboutbunnies! That's what we're here for! And if there'san article or thread in the information sections of the forum thatwould give more information, we'll give that to ya, too! :)




Congrats on your mini-lop! What's the colour?

(We need lop bunny gifs!)

Our Aussie Mod is Cheryl13 if you have any 'down under' specific questions. :)

sas :)
:wave:Hi Cassandra!

Welcome to RO,you must be so excited to be pickingyour little boy up this weekend!

Also we have a ton of info on this forum that i'm sure you will find very informative

Have you checked out the bunny 101,the link is all about basic bunnycare and feedinghttp://rabbitsonline.net/view_forum.php?id=17[/url"]http://rabbitsonline.net/view<WBR>_forum.php?id=17]http:/<WBR>/rabbitsonline.net/view_forum<WBR>.php?id=17[/url]

And this is a very informative link to rabbit health references http://rabbitsonline.net/view_forum.php?id=10[/url"]http://rabbitsonline.net/view<WBR>_forum.php?id=10]http:/<WBR>/rabbitsonline.net/view_forum<WBR>.php?id=10[/url]

Andoh my gosh what a gorgeous little guy!,i reallylove his colouring:inlove:


Aww...what an adorable little boy!!!


I just love his coloring...how cute!!

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