Hi all, I'm back

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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I'm not new, but I have been gone from theforums for a long time and just wanted to say hi again toeveryone. I recentlly quit my job (at my husband'ssuggestion) because I had no time to be with my bunnies. He missedhaving his happy wife around and he knew how much I missed playing withmy animals. Now I have all the time in the world! I am very happytohave timewith my babies and to have time to readthis forum again.:colors:
Ya I promised the buns tons of outdoors timethis spring to make up for their lack of playtime last fall. I'm soglad I quit, my bunnies like me again, for awhile when I would go toclean their cages, all I would get was bunny butts and thumps.
Aww...welcome back, Krissa!! I'm sohappy to see your cute little dutchie avatar again...it's just theCUTEST!! :D

So much has happened while you were away! :) We missed you!!
My fur/feather kids are great, and we are getting one more this spring. A puppy! We have decided on a Sheltie and I am now checking out all the shelters weekly for the perfect baby.

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