Here's Drizzle

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Yeah, the urine could just be from something he ate. Did you give him any news veggies or fruit?

I would just be sure he's drinking lots of fluids. :D

Dont worry abuot asking questions. Ive been a bunny owner all my life and I still always have questions.
Thanks for the info, Mike!

Well last night, I did some bonding w/ Latte. I was just petting him alittle bit. He's used to me visiting him at the shelter. And guesswhat...he gave my hands kisses. Then he stretched his neck out andkissed my nose!:colors: It took Drizzle a LONG time to do that. ButDrizzle is definitely not as trusting (and well, he's more vocal andgrunty about his feelings). This bun isa sweetheart. I feelbad because there are so many other buns at the shelter still. Lattewas there least Oct. 16th. There was a note on hiscage saying his owners dropped him off because they didn't want himanymore. It was so sad. I feel good that I rescued him. Plus,you can't beat $26 for a rabbit plus the neuter.

There was one bunny there, next to Latte, and it was white w/ blackrings around it's eyes and the note on that bunny said "male,unneutered, 1year old, abandoned in apartment". I would have taken himhome (he was very friendly as well) but he was pretty large.If anyone lives in the Chicago suburbs (south), I would recommend youlook at that place. They were really easy about adopting. I was therewhen it was busy, and it took me 20 minutes and then I picked him uptwo days later. I'll post info about the other rabbits in the thread Istarted in the Rescue Me section.
Haley wrote:
Yeah, the urine could just be from something he ate. Did yougive him any news veggies or fruit?

I would just be sure he's drinking lots of fluids. :D

Dont worry abuot asking questions. Ive been a bunny owner all my life and I still always have questions.
I gave him some romaine lettuce (the nice dark greenpieces)and carrot chips (they are just the thinner pieces ofcarrot)later last night after the pink urine. They might havegiven him some fruit at the shelter before I picked him up (eitherSaturday or Sunday).

And the fluids are no prob! He almost drank an entire water bottle fullof water yesterday! I'm making sure to fill it up when he needs it.

I'm keeping an eye on him. I work from home currently and he's in acage in my office. He's sleeping right now after a big yawn and DBF.:)

Isn't it funny how a new bunny can be so different from the first oneand give you more questions? LOL...I thought I had a lot of knowledge.But there is always thatworried person in me that just wantsthem to be happy and healthy.
LuvaBun wrote:
Oh, Latte is just as gorgeous as Drizzle - you lucky thing:). Hopefully, they will become good friends. Has your husband warmedup to him yet?

Thanks Jan! My husband is starting too. I kept telling him that theyare cute in their own ways. But, Latte kissed him on the hand lastnight, so I think that clinched it. :)He calls him "Ears".
Question: How long shouldI wait to formally introduce these two buns (in a neutral territory, of course)?

Also, I don't know if I like the name Latte now...not sure if it suits him. We'll see. Any other name suggestions? tale of 2 sneezing buns. The new bunnysneezes whenever he wakes up from a nap. I've been checking and he hasno colored discharge which is good. Drizzle sneezes whenever I open awindow. He would be the absolute worse outdoor bunny ever! He also hasno colored discharge (that photo of poor Livingston's nose discharge inthe infirmary is a big help for things to look for). Sorry Drizzy, butthis is the last day of 60+ degrees in Chicago for a week, the windowwill remain open! It'll be closed tomorrow when it's 30 degrees!
Have you tried shaking out the hay and food? You may have a dusty batch or something.

For bonding, I would probably give the little guy some time to getsettled in. Also for whatever hormones he has post-surgery tosettle down. I think maybe give him a few weeks or so.

So are you keeping the name Latte?
Haley wrote:
Have you tried shaking out the hay and food? You may have adusty batch or something.

For bonding, I would probably give the little guy some time to getsettled in. Also for whatever hormones he has post-surgery tosettle down. I think maybe give him a few weeks or so.

So are you keeping the name Latte?
:dunno:I'm not sure if I'm keeping the nameLatteyet. I'm trying to use it right now to see how it suits him. Thenagain, I don't have any other ideas. My husband still likes the nameand it's half/half w/ other people. I like it seems kindafeminine to me. We'll see. I'll definitely let everyone know.

As for the sneezing, it may be the hay. I think it's getting a littlecrunched up and smaller pieces. I also think it's still from thenewspaper in Latte's cage. I shook it out, but it was in the bottom ofmy closet (I'm sure it's a little dusty). Or it could be the fact thatLatte trys to eat the litter and digs at it. Might make the litterdustier.

As for Driz, he sneezes whenever he goes outside. On the way to the carwhen I take him to the vet, he sneezes...until he gets into thecar.:disgust: The doc says he just has allergies. He also sneezes whenI wear perfume or spray air fresheners by his cage. That's why I boughta air purifier by his condo.
This new bun has been sneezing an awfullot...more than Drizzle ever really did. Can't tell if it's because ofthe weather, or if because the cage is on the floor, etc. He has nocolored discharge from his nose. His nose is a little wet, but it'sclear. He sneezes after he gets up from a nap, when he's in his box,after he cleans himself, ...there's really not much of a pattern. But Imight just make a vet appointment just to cross the t's and dot the i'sbefore I introduce these two. Don't want one to infect the other ifthere is a problem. He's been sleeping a lot too, but Iattribute that to stress and the neutering. I'm going to talk to myhusband about it after he gets home from work. We're both questioninghis one eye anyway, so maybe it's a good thing to go.

EDIT: Before I make an appointment, I'm going to remove the newspaper and see what he does.

Also, I just cleaned the paper out of his cage. As I was doing that, Ifound like pieces of hay all around his cage and he must be starting toshed. I was sneezing just taking the stuff out! Can bunnies sneezebecause of their own fur? Also, is it ok if his nose is a little moistbut there is no colorful discharge?
Its probably best to have him checked out, justto be sure. If its clear discharge, it could just be allergies, but itcould also be something like a tooth root problem, like you said.

If he's shedding a lot, it could be irritating him a bit.

What kind of litter do you use?
Haley wrote:
Itsprobably best to have him checked out, just to be sure. If its cleardischarge, it could just be allergies, but it could also be somethinglike a tooth root problem, like you said.

If he's shedding a lot, it could be irritating him a bit.

What kind of litter do you use?
I use Pet's Preference Critter Litter &Bedding.That's what they gave me when I got Drizzle. Drizzledoesn't haveany issues with it. It's made from recycled paper& it's non-toxic anddust free (at least until you getthe very bottom of thebag).

Now he hasn't been sneezing in the box, but he sneezes after he gets upfrom sleeping, grooming, and eating (eating I think is from the bits ofhay shavings in his bottom of the bowl).

I'll make an appointment w/ the vet just to make sure he's healthy before giving the bonding a go.
Haley wrote:
hmm..not the litter, then. Let us know what the vet says!
Yeah, I really like that litter a lot. I called the vet & hehas an appointment at 6PM tomorrow evening. The lady whoanswered the phone asked about his symptoms and told me to go to anemergency vet because it sounded like a upper res infection. Well, he'sacting normal other than that; running, playing, eating, pooping,drinking, etc. He's been sleeping some but Driz did the same thingafter his altering. Plus, I think he's just stressed from being plantedhere right after the surgery, but he doesn't sleep anymore than anyother rabbit (actually Driz slept the same amount today). I sincerelydoubt it's an infection. His nose isn't even's a littlewet every now and then. His breathing sounds fine up to my ear andhis chest is moving ok. Actually, he sounds more normal than Drizzle! Itook Driz in when he was 4 months old because he was sneezing (and hebreathes very quickly)...the vet took a look and said he was normal.Now,wouldn't Lattebe be acting more strange if he had aninfection?

Also, I'm keeping Driz AWAY from him! They're already in separate rooms(Latte's in the office so I can keep an eye on him and Driz is in hiscondo in the dining room). Definitely washing my hands before I go andtouch on or the other. Hopefully :fingers crossed: I'm justbeing a worried bunny mom as usual and there will be nothing wrong.

Note to self, things to ask the vet:
~eye prob?
~ok to be around Driz?
~How is the neutering healing up

Anything else I should ask?

Drizzle was around his cage over the last couple days (when thesneezing wasn't all that bad as it is today). Should I be concernedabout Drizzle? He hasn't been sneezing anymore than he does on anyother day I have the window open. And his nose isn't running.

Edit: Also, Latte's been chewing a lot on the grates of the cage; is that any sign of a tooth prob?
I dont think its an emergency. If there waswheezing or a lot of discharge, then Id be worried. Open mouthbreathing is also a sign of something that needs immediate attention. Alittle bit of sneezing can wait, in my opinion.

Chewing on the bars is normal. My bunnies did that all the time when they were younger.

Keep us posted!
Haley wrote:
Idont think its an emergency. If there was wheezing or a lot ofdischarge, then Id be worried. Open mouth breathing is also a sign ofsomething that needs immediate attention. A little bit of sneezing canwait, in my opinion.

Chewing on the bars is normal. My bunnies did that all the time when they were younger.

Keep us posted!
Yeah, I'm just going to go tomorrow at 6PM. I'm not too worried. Just agood check up to make sure he wasn't exposed to anything at theshelter.

The vet receptionist also told me to call the shelter and maybe they'dgive him medicine. That shelter does not see bunnies except of spaysand neuterings. Also, I have a list of the meds they offer and nothingis bunny safe. I know the receptionist was just trying to help, but shereally sounded like I was a horrible bunny mom for not taking him rightaway when I told her I'd just go in tomorrow at 6PM. LOL!

I'll definitely keep you all posted! Actually, there was a plant I hadin the office ( a new Peace Lily). I moved it out of the office and thesneezing has somewhat calmed down. It was on the floor (also notingthat he hasn't been out of his cage or near it enough to eat it)& I originally, when he first came home, had it on the deskshelf.
Don't know if it has anything to do with it, but it's interesting tojot down to ask tomorrow. This vet says always impressed that I do myresearch before I come in :)

EDIT: I also put that air purifier that I have near Driz's cage (I have2 of them ) by Latte's. It seems to be helping slightly. He's beensneezing a little less.:)
Got back from the vets a couple hours ago. Thevet checked him out and said Latte might have a slight upper resinfection, but his lungs are clear and sound healthy. The infectionmight be a little one that's just starting (probably exposed from theshelter). So, he'll be on a mild antibiotic for 10 days. He also hadsome scabbing at his neutering site, the the antibiotics should helpthere as well. I also asked him to check his teeth, and they're fine,which is good. I have to keep an eye on Drizzle though. If he startssneezing a lot, he has to go on the antibiotics as well.
Poor guy :(Sounds like you probably caught it early enough. Good job!

For the scabs, you could even rub a little neosporin on it to help it heal.

Glad to hear he's okay though!
Haley wrote:
Poor guy :(Sounds like you probably caught it early enough. Good job!

For the scabs, you could even rub a little neosporin on it to help it heal.

Glad to hear he's okay though!
Hehe, thanks Haley! I'm glad I went. After I elminated all the allergybased stuff that could cause his sneezing, I knew it was an actualprob. He's staying away from Driz and it about to take his meds. I'mkeeping him by the air purifier as well.

I'll try the neosporin tomorrow. He seems to be very itchy there (licking/sniffing a lot).

I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that Drizzle won't get it; theyweren't together more than 30 minutes over the past 5 days (but we'llsee). Drizzle already breathes like a freak as it is (loud sometimesand fast...but his lungs and nose are fine. the vet says it's just hisallergies)

I do have a question though, if I touch and pet Latte then go and petDriz w/out washing my hands, can Driz still get Latte's infection? Nottoo worried (as I have been washing my hands before I touch one or theother), but I'm just curious.
Latte has been sneezing a little less today. So,that's a good thing. He LOVES his medicine! When Driz was onantibiotics, my husband had to hold him so I could give it to him (heloved the taste of it, but would turn his head away when I put thesyringe near him...until he tasted it then he was trying to eat thesyringe!). This guy takes it all by himself! :)

Drizzle was really ornery this morning. He looked all cute and I triedto take a pic of him, but he grunted and ran off. I got him though, andhe preceded to grunt and lunge at my camera. :disgust:Someonewoke up on the wrong side of the litter box this morning.


There's Mr. Grunty before he lunged


And here's after.

There are plenty more photos like that and those cute, grunty whiskers.

He almost threw my camera by the strap. :rollseyesHe's not pleasant this morning.

Also got a cute photo of Latte yesterday.

And he's a photo of their stockings:



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