Here's Drizzle

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Haley wrote:
Hey welcome back!

Soo...are you still thinking of bringing a little lady home for Drizzle??

Yes I am. I haven't been to the shelter in quite a while though andmight go sometime next week. It's been crazy unpacking and getting backto work and such. I'm just happy to know that he made friends w/Foo-Foo when he visited my mom's house.

My mom took some pics:


Foo-Foo sniffing Drizzle. Apparently at first, Drizzle was terrified ofFoo-Foo and ran to my mom and buried his head in her lap.After a while though, they allowed sniffing and a little grooming witheach other. My mom said Drizzle was the least aggressive and basicallysubmitted, but he did groom back a little.


My mom also cleaned Driz's litter box and put it down for him to use.When Foo-Foo saw it, he 'claimed' it w/ his chin all the way around thebox and then hopped in like he was saying "What's mine is mine...andwhat's yours is...mine." ;)



It looks like they both had a good time playing!
Haley wrote:
Wow..he was good with another boy?! Thats rare!

Hopefully that means he will be easy to bond. :)
Yeah, I was very surprised. My mom had them both out for supervisedplay and said Drizzle was the least aggressive and they ignored eachother a lot of the time, but would occassionally lick each other orgroom each other. And , Foo-Foo isn't neutered so I'm very surprisedthat he wasn't more aggressive toward Driz. But yeah, hopefully bondinghim with another rabbit will be easy. :colors:
Maisie's about ten months old. :)

Very cute little pair. :)

lalena2148 wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
Cutecute!! Maisie very quiet...more tells me she doesn't want tobe bothered by grazing one of my fingers with her teeth...stinky bunny!

Funny that they're both feisty! Does make me! Maybe distant cousins?

How old is Drizzle?
Drizzle is 1.5 years old right now. How old is Maisie?
I have a question for you guys. My mom and famare most likely getting a puppy (little girl, part goldenretriever/part siberian husky). Now they have Foo-Foo, their dutchrabbit. Foo-Foo, who was once housed in the kitchen in a pen, will bemoved up to my sister's room in his same pen. The puppy will be gettinga kennel cage. Now, my mom is interested in how one would go abouthaving their puppy co-exist with the rabbit. My folks usually letFooFoo run around for a while at night. They could still do that andkeep the puppy kenneled during that time, but she eventually would likeit if the dog would not try to attack the bunny. Is there a way to makethem coexist with out having the dog attack FooFoo?
Thanks Haley! I just sent the article to my mom. And I just might PM Pet_Bunny if my mom needs more info.

Update on Foo-Foo& the new puppy:

Well my mom went and got the puppy today. She still doesn't have aname. Her given name at the shelter was Natalie, but we're all not tookeen on it. I like the name Winnie, but we'll see what everyone elsedecides. My sis and I kinda want something to do w/ Halloween sincethey got her today. She's a 2.5 month old and was found in Southern ILas a stray. She's part siberian husky, part golden retriever. Her eyesare half brown, half blue in both eyes. It's so cool. Here's her picfrom the shelter:


She's got the golden color but looks like a husky. She's a doll and loves to snuggle!

Here's where Foo-Foo comes in. He was hiding in his run in a cardboardbox. I brought the pup into the kitchen to get her food. Apparently, hesaw her and starting running in circles like crazy. Now, she wasn'tbarking, jumping, doing anything. Then my mom opened the top of his runto get him and he jumped out TOWARDS the dog! I've never seen him actso crazy! The puppy was afraid of him and ran behind my legs! It tookmy mom and I 40 minutes to catch him and put him upstairs so hecouldn't hear or see her. I thought the poor thing was going to have aheartattack. But, after I snuggled and reassured him, he settled downnicely. On the plus side, she didn't chase him even though she wasright by him when we was darting around. It was an interesting day tosay the least.:colors:
Well all, I just adopted another bunny...andit's a boy! God help me trying to bond them, but Drizzle and this guyare both so laid back, I don't think it should be an issue (plusDrizzle was already good w/ FooFoo). The new little man is not homeyet, he's getting neutered tomorrow. He's 6months old, and is a dutchbunny with a seal point coloration (which is what they told me anyway)and was left at the shelter by his previous owners because they gotsick of him. He's very friendly! I'm bringing him home Sunday morning!:colors:I hope Drizzle doesn't get too jealous.

Haley, any advice on bonding two boys?

Also, can a Dutch bunny be Seal Point?

I hope he doesn't get too big...that's the only thing I'm worriedabout...but if he's Dutch, then he shouldn't get large at all :fingerscrossed:

Congratulations on your new Bunny, Hope the bonding goes well betweenHim & Drizzle!:hug:

Drizzle is Really Adorable and seems like alot of Fun. :goodluck

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Update! Well I brought home the new bunthis morning. He's laying in his new litter box in Drizzle's old cage(Driz is still in his condo). However, I have some concerns about him.He was neutered yesterday and he's ok today (moving around slightly),but now I think he's going to get too big. My husband does not want arabbit over 7 pounds. I forgot Drizzle is only 4.5, and this rabbit isalready bigger than Drizzle (who's 1.5 years old) and this one's only6months. Here's some pics of him:






Now, look at the second pic...doesn't his right eye look more slightlybulging than his left? I felt around his odnay and didn't feel anyabcesses. Also, can bunnies choke on water? He was drinking quitequickly and then starting to hack...he hasn't hacked since then andthat was an hour ago.

He doesn't have a name yet. Supposedly he's a mix of Dutch andsomething they can't identify and he's a lilac color w/ seal pointmarkings.My husband doesn't think he'svery cute andnow says Drizzle is his :upsidedown:and I said no way (plus,I have the receiptfrom both)Now about his breed andcolor,is that correct or is he something else? How big do youthink he's going to get?

I like him a lot but I'm starting to have a slight bunny buyer remorse(if he's going to be too big or ill w/ his eye...because I can't affordto do too much in the vet range at the current time). At the same time,I had bunny buyer remorse after Drizzle and now I can't even thinkabout not having him.

Sorry I missed this before. Congrats to you and your new bunny!

He looks like a himilayan to me. Are his eyes red or is that just thepic? The only indication of him possibly having some dutch in him isthat white snip on the nose. Maybe if you post in the rabbitry sectionsomeone will be able to offer some more advice..especially on theweight and everything.

If youre worried at all about his health, I think it would be worth itto take him in to the vet for a checkup. You would think if he was justneutered they wouldve examined him pretty well, but you never know.Also, I cant believe the shelter sent him home with you the day afterhis surgery! That seems like a lot of change right afteratraumatic surgery! Just be sure to keep things quiet and comforting forhim. I would try to handle him as little as possible to let him settlein.

For bonding, check out the bonding links in the resource center. I usedthe car ride method, but my boys were very aggressive towardseachother. Once he's settled in, you could just try neutral territoryand see what happens.

Good luck and keep us posted!


Thanks Haley!

Yes, his eyes are red w/ blue on the outside. After looking at thephotos of Himalayan rabbits, he certainly does look like one. Whichwould bea good thing because he'd stay small.

Well it's funny, the shelter neutered him yesterday morning and Ipicked him up this morning, but when I had Drizzle neutered, I droppedhim up that morning and picked him up that early evening. So farthough, he seems to be doing well. However, they didn't give me anypain killers or antibiotics for him as the vet did when I got Drizzleneutered, so I'm a little worried about his pain. He's been movingaround as well.

He was also neutered differently from Driz. When Driz was altered, theywent in through the abodmen and removed the testicles. For this one,they went in through the testicles. Anything different I should beaware of?

yeah, Ive heard of it being done both ways. Allthree of my boys had it done just through the testicles. You'll noticethat theyre a little swollen today and will be for a few days. Afterabout a week they should shrink.

My vet never gave me pain meds or antibiotics. They say its nto toopainful for the boys..who knows. Just keep an eye on him to make suretheres no bleeding or discharge. Also be sure he's not pulling at thearea.

I would think he wouldnt get too much bigger than Drizzle...Im notreally sure though, one of the breeders would probably know better.

He sure is a cutie though!
Blyre wrote:
That is one gorgeous rabbit (both).That'swonderful that they have such aloving home. :)


Thanks Blyre! I'm glad to have them both.

I'm getting more attached to the new one. He's a sweetheart and already gives kisses!

And Haley, I'm keeping a close eye on him. He seems to be doing ok.He's eating like a pig already. Drizzle hopped into the room and sawthe new bun in his old cage. He went right up to it and the new bunnyhopped over and tried to kiss Drizzle through the cage. Driz kindabacked off, but not abruptly like he's scared. So, hopefully that's agood sign.

We're trying to name the new guy. So far we have down Latte (myhusband's choice), Mocha, Bailey, Smore...there were some more but Ican't remember them.
I think we're going w/ Latte.

Also, Driz came and ran in the room again and Latte put his noseoutside of the cage to sniff Driz. Driz sniffed him then thumped twice.Oy. I don't know what I have gotten myself into. I'm not going to bringthem both to the bath tub until another week or so. I have afeeling Drizzle is going to be more aggressive here than he was at mymom's house w/ her bunny. Hopefully :fingers crossed very tightly: wewon't have bunny wars. I really wanted to get Driz a companion, but ifthey don't bond (although, I'm not giving up yet as it hasn't reallystarted) I don't know what I'll do with Latte.

Is the thumping normal to show dominance?
At least Drizzle wasn't grunting. I think he was more afraid and scaredthan angry or aggressive anyway. The first time Latte sniffed him thisevening, he ran into my lap.

Also, just a few minutes ago, I noticed some pink in his urine (he hadan accident in his cage outside of his litter box). I checked hisincisions and nothing is bleeding currently, and I think the pee wasfrom earlier today. Is this just something I should look for and keepan eye on? He was also sneezing a couple times when I put some shreddednewspaper in his cage. It was kinda dusty, so I'm hoping he wassneezing just from that.

Isn't it sad that I've owned a bun for 1.5 years and still have these kinds of questions? ;)

The Thumping is Normal as It Was Driz'sHome first, He's just saying this is my territory but I may Share. MyMongo did the same thing to Daisy a couple of times the firstday and now they lay against each others Cages and Nose Kiss.:hug2:

The Red urine is also normal after surgery or not, RabbitsUrine can normally be from a Brite Yellow to a Real Brite Orange orPinkish Red but shouldn't everbe a Heavy DeepBloodRed.

His Sneezing was most likely just from the dusty paper andnothing to worry about unless it continues,Then I'djustremove that Paper and shake anymore dusty paper Hay orLitter box Fillings out in the Yard before putting it Back inhis House.

:goodluck Your Bunnies Are Beautiful! :wave:


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"


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