Well-Known Member
What a cutie!
Thanks Amy! Your Oswald is just adorable!What a cutie!
Thanks I will! I keep telling her she should make a blog for him. He'scrazy. I took him out of his playpen one day to play,andapparently he was sick of people and jumped back into it! :headflick:Itwas a good 4foot vertical jump to the blanket on top the pen.Then he moves to make the blanket move and shimmies down into his pen.Tell your sis I said her bun is adorable!
I just loves dutches
Thanks! He actually weighs about 4.5-5 lbs, so he's not big at all.Must be an optical illusion in the cage Well, that and hehas a big, round booty :bunnybutt:Awww, Drizzle is a cutie. In the new pictures he looks likea big bunny, but I get the feeling he's small. Do you know how much heweighs?
Did you get married yet? If so, Congrats!
You know, main things would be your vet's info, emergency/after hoursinfo etc. Other than food, hay, and his supplies, its nice to let himtake a blanket or towel or something that smells like home.
Whenever I go somewhere, I always leave a cheat sheet for my parents.That way they remember everything. Also, if you can go there with himwhen you drop him off and hang out with him for a while, that helps.Just so he knows he is safe.
Make sure your mom knows what to look for in case he's sick (eating, poops etc).
I hope you have a wonderful honeymoon! Where are you going??
Yeah they definitely look like they could be related. And yes he's veryfeisty and very vocal. He grunts at me all the time when he is not ahappy bunny. :colors:Wow...if you were in California, I would ask you if you gotDrizzle from Maisie's family! They look so muchalike. He has a bit more masculine of a look to his face, butother than that, they look so much alike! Whatcuties!
Is he feisty like my Maisie Daisy?
Drizzle is 1.5 years old right now. How old is Maisie?Cute cute!! Maisie very quiet...more tells me shedoesn't want to be bothered by grazing one of my fingers with herteeth...stinky bunny!
Funny that they're both feisty! Does make me! Maybe distant cousins?
How old is Drizzle?
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