Did you try gentle massage? Stick to the lower and middle part of the abdomen, avoid the areas near the rib cage.
Try giving her warm fluids.
And as noted, keep her warm. Try getting her moving as well, than can break upgas bubbles.
The swelling ofthe abdomen can be gas,or fluids, or I'm sure other things. I think if it was bloat, she'd bemore lethargic and grinding her teeth.
Any type of pain will cause their temperature to drop.
At this stage, if it's bloat, nothing can be done anyway, so massaging theabdomen is worth the risk. It normally takes a good hour of massaging to get them a decent amount of relief.
You should knowwithin a few minutes, though, if it's making her feel better or worse. If she likes it or tolerates it (after getting used to the idea) keep it up. If it seems to hurt her, stop immediately.
