Hi, am really, really tired so will try to make this short. Two days ago, the vet took Bon Bon in and found what he called an atrocious mouth full of teeth. We went in at 12 and did not leave until 7 that evening, not all surgery time, of course. He had to extract two teeth, align others and clean out a small portion of a partially decomposed jaw bone. He said when he was trying to extract the two teeth, pus exploded. Bon Bon had major surgery. And that is not all. He said he could not finish the job, Bon Bon will have to go back after she has healed from this surgery for another probable extraction and more alignment.
I had a day from hell but Bon Bon had one even worse. We took her home, she barely moved all night. At one point, I could not see her breathing and I thought, that's it, but then she opened her eyes. We were so worried about her. The vet told us to put her in her cage with warm towels and let her sleep off the anesthetic. but she was so cold, we ended up taking turns throughout the night warming her against our chests under warm blankets. We made it through the night and by next morning, she was showing signs of wanting to get up. As the day wore on, she became more active until she seemed almost normal. I had a heck of a time catching her for her evening meds. She will not eat, though, and when I feed her critical care, baby food carrot mash and applesauce, she just lets it spill out and does not want to swallow.
We took her in again today because she would not eat and they gave her extra pain meds and fluids. Bon Bon was extremely angry and scared at being there again but visibly relaxed when I took her to the car to go home. She looks like she feels a whole lot better but not eating is making me crazy! No eating, no poops and we all know how bad that can be.
The vet gave her something to help her digestion moving. I was sent home with more painkillers, digestion stuff, and new tasty ChlorPalm. This evening when I had to give her all her stuff, she got soooo mad! She got ChlorPalm, Metacam, another painkiller, digestion meds, Critical Care, apple sauce and carrots. I managed to get the painkillers down, but she spit out a quarter of the ChlorPalm and most of the food. I have to feed her every 2 to 3 hours, whatever she will take in, but it seems an impossible task. I did notice her sniffing through her greens a number of times throughout the day, trying to nibble but then giving up. We even mushed up some pellets and banana, her favourite, on a plate to let her try on her own, but she ignored it. I am so hoping she will eat on her own and produce some magic capers. We are already expected at the vets tomorrow for more fluids and to see if there is any production.
What really upsets me almost as much as Bon Bon troubles is that the vet said she has been suffering for a very long time. I am now convinced the people we got her from knew her problem and just passed her on without a word. Four vets, over the last 2 years and not one of them capable of diagnosing the problem. This vet, the 5th, was the only one that gave her a thorough exam.
So the good news is that she has been treated, feels well enough to be scampering around with Twinkles, bad news is I cannot get her to eat properly. I just hope I am getting enough into her to have her produce poops. She may have, I cannot be sure as Twinkles has been producing up a storm, I just haven't caught her in the act. I know she didn't the first night as she was in her cage and on our chests all night, but it is possible she might have during the day.
That's all, am going to try to get some sleep.