Have any of you noticed people act weird towards you because of the COVID-19

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Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2017
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Hi everyone, I wonder if any of you have noticed people act weird around you.

Both me and my friend have noticed it, for example a mother walking with her kid and suddenly drag the kid away from us, people trying to avoid us and can give quite rude comments like wanting us to move away or clear space from them.

It’s really great that my cold have started acting after being dormant for a month. Never truly breaking through until I started stress over my exam I’ll have in 2 weeks. And just the last two weeks the virus have come to sweden. I can just imagine it will be worse, when people just act the way they do because I look asian and more people get sick. So my normal cold really know when it should break out.

I don’t really complain that much, people avoid sitting near me so more space for me :)

Me and my friend often joke about it just to make it less awkward and just laugh it away. Like when people avoid us. I can give the comment why didn’t you cough, they would be running the other way or clear the space as if a stink bomb was dropped.

I wonder if any of you have experienced the same because of the COVID-19.
It hasn't really hit hard over in California yet, but it eventually will. We got a confirmed case in the county that I live in so all the hoopla about the COVID19 will be here soon enough. Apparently some companies are shutting down temporarily, conventions are cancelled, etc. It is a scary thing to hear about, yes, but the media is portraying as if the people who have died were healthy and it happened so suddenly. They were elderly and/or had weak immune systems already. As long as people frequently wash their hands and be more aware, people should not stress too much about it. The Costco stores where I live have all sold out of water bottles, toilet papers, soap, and other sanitary items because people are assuming they'll be quarantined like how China has been. There was actually an Costco employee standing outside with a sign that said those items were sold out o_O.
It hasn't really hit hard over in California yet, but it eventually will. We got a confirmed case in the county that I live in so all the hoopla about the COVID19 will be here soon enough. Apparently some companies are shutting down temporarily, conventions are cancelled, etc. It is a scary thing to hear about, yes, but the media is portraying as if the people who have died were healthy and it happened so suddenly. They were elderly and/or had weak immune systems already. As long as people frequently wash their hands and be more aware, people should not stress too much about it. The Costco stores where I live have all sold out of water bottles, toilet papers, soap, and other sanitary items because people are assuming they'll be quarantined like how China has been. There was actually an Costco employee standing outside with a sign that said those items were sold out o_O.

Yeah, I can understand many people panicking and getting scared. But it’s no use taking it towards people that look asian. The people that got sick in my country have all been on vacation and got the virus. Many cases was from north Italia. I have noticed how my parents act but they are in a group that are at a risk if they got sick. So I can understand their worries.

I’m not really stressing over it but I find it quite funny when people avoid me because of how I look and not because I have a cold or anything. It’s not as bad as for my friend, because I’m a mix and quite tall. While my friend look quite a lot like an asian, she’s short and have low eyelid crease. Not everyone act this way but we have seen more and more do it.

I can just imagine the fear of asian getting worse when more people get sick. When most people that have gotten sick aren’t coming from asia, instead have just been normal Swedish people being outside the country on a vacation.

But I have read the fear from many, specially from parents that have kids that are at a risk if they got the virus.

I think the hysteria it’s a bit much, it can cause fake news and people might believe everything they read. Even though the source can be quite one sided or not have any facts based on it. It will only cause more chaos and fear in a society.
Unfortunately that's how narrow minded people treat minorities in general these days, COVID-19 or not. I myself haven't encountered someone who avoided me for COVID-19, but I have had people use remarks such as "Go back to China" (even though I'm not Chinese but that's besides the point) in the past. These people are not educating themselves enough about the disease and instead just following every word of what media says. All you can really do is just educate others but it's difficult when everyone is already up in arms about it. Until then, I think you're doing a great job at making jokes about the situation despite the ignorance of others.
I'm in the midwest United States and haven't noticed anything at all.

My view is there's nothing I can rationally, physically *do* about the virus at this time and place... other than laugh at some of the headlines and comments I see on the interwebs. I'm certainly not going to hold my breath when I go to work or the store, or stay x feet away from people who might appear to be one ethnicity or another.

I don't have a medical degree, but I know that exaggeration and fear sell (whether ads, clicks, or what have you), especially in today's world of social media. I haven't personally seen or read anything about COVID19 that would make me behave any differently than normal -- ditto with SARS, bird flu, swine flu, MERS, ebola, etc. Maybe that's just me getting older & more cynical, though... but one of these days, something will certainly spread & wipe out a good chunk of humanity again :(
I haven't been out of my apartment in four days because I caught a cold from my boyfriend. We are in the age group where we are supposed to be real careful. I am usually healthy so I am not too worried about it. Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment and will see what my doctor says. Though my appointment is to discuss a course of action for my bad knees. I cannot walk without a walker right now. I hear this cold takes about 3 weeks to recover and I am only on my first week.

The biggest problems I can see with this virus right now is that people are buying up all the stuff we can usually buy at any time, like toilet paper, rubbing alcohol, etc. My cousin lives in Arizona and said the stores shelves were bare.
I went out with my N95 mask and gloves last week and yeah some people looked at me but there was also a lady wearing a mask so I didn’t feel bad. I’m Asian, and I don’t really care what people think because I’m protecting myself from the virus and protecting others. But it is getting crazy, just because you are or look Asian they immediately think you are Chinese. Just stay safe everyone and pray. GOD Bless! I also live in California and there is one confirmed death.
That's because they think maybe you were visiting China recently, they just want to protect themselves. Good for you as you get more room around you and can sit comfortably. If there's any racist comments you can report to police because it's illegal.

Besides you don't really know what other people think until they articulate it, so thinking that they think bad things about you because you look like an Asian gives you unnecessary stress, stress is bad for you it can lower your immunity overall so just try to stay positive. Tourists visited Northern Italy can't be identified by their eyes but they spread virus everywhere so just don't take it too close to your heart forgive other people for their ignorance and try to stay happy and healthy and smile from your heart.
I went out with my N95 mask and gloves last week and yeah some people looked at me but there was also a lady wearing a mask so I didn’t feel bad. I’m Asian, and I don’t really care what people think because I’m protecting myself from the virus and protecting others. But it is getting crazy, just because you are or look Asian they immediately think you are Chinese. Just stay safe everyone and pray. GOD Bless! I also live in California and there is one confirmed death.
A doctor on Good Morning America actually said that "the mask to do nothing unless you are sick. Stop buying them." Just a tip to save you money. I would also wear gloves to avoid touching things.
I have also heard that mask only help if you are sick. Maybe it will help if you change it and the same with gloves.

You just need to keep in mind to not touch anything in your face. I remember when I did a lab test, don’t know how many times I subconscious touched my own face with my gloved hands which contaminated my work and would of exposed myself to bacteria if it was that I was working with. Even though I always changed the gloves. I no longer do this at lab but can do it outside xD
That's because they think maybe you were visiting China recently, they just want to protect themselves. Good for you as you get more room around you and can sit comfortably. If there's any racist comments you can report to police because it's illegal.

Besides you don't really know what other people think until they articulate it, so thinking that they think bad things about you because you look like an Asian gives you unnecessary stress, stress is bad for you it can lower your immunity overall so just try to stay positive. Tourists visited Northern Italy can't be identified by their eyes but they spread virus everywhere so just don't take it too close to your heart forgive other people for their ignorance and try to stay happy and healthy and smile from your heart.

Thanks zuppa, I’m not taking any of the things they say and act to heart. I’m quite used with the few comments from before and getting mistaken for a specific part of asia. I can perfectly understand their fear and I can understand the suspicions. My parents and relatives on dad side can be a bit racist and I also had a friend that was it. So I never take anything to heart and never judge people.

I had once a tv team from spain coming up to me and my best friend while we was at a cafe here in sweden. Asking if we was from china and that was the most weird situation I had ever been into. We weren’t even prepared for the spot lights, mics and camera up to our faces while we was just eating. It turned out to a weird interview and after they waved goodbye to us. I just hope nothing will be on tv and they cut us out from the program xD
I haven’t noticed anyone do that here where I live but I do avoid being near people when I think they are sick, but I always do that even before then I don’t act rude though. More people die from the flu.COVID-9 is just the top of headlines, it’s something we never experienced. I can see why some people are worried though, we don’t know much about it, which is why people are scared. I’m more worried about earthquakes not the virus.
I'm in Seattle, the epicenter of the outbreak in the U.S., and yes, people are acting weirder than usual. And the store shelves are bare of anything related to cleaning or hygiene. The colleges and Universities are shutting down campuses, major employers are forcing everyone to work from home.
And they are opening a quarantine site 1.5 miles from my house.
I haven’t noticed anyone do that here where I live but I do avoid being near people when I think they are sick, but I always do that even before then I don’t act rude though. More people die from the flu.COVID-9 is just the top of headlines, it’s something we never experienced. I can see why some people are worried though, we don’t know much about it, which is why people are scared. I’m more worried about earthquakes not the virus.

That is sadly not right that more people die from flu. We had 119.000 flu infections and 200 died and we have had not even 100.000 Corona infections world wide and more that 3000 have died.... in Italy [emoji634] they have about 9200 infections and 463 people have died which is nearly 5%!!! Flu is only by 0,2% so it is a big difference.

That is sadly not right that more people die from flu. We had 119.000 flu infections and 200 died and we have had not even 100.000 Corona infections world wide and more that 3000 have died.... in Italy [emoji634] they have about 9200 infections and 463 people have died which is nearly 5%!!! Flu is only by 0,2% so it is a big difference.


We also need to think what age class and if other diseases, in the background. The stastic show that people over 60 and people with different diseases have a higher chance to be struct hard and can die, they are the people that die. While younger healthy people the percent of dying it’s below 1 %.

So it’s many factors to take in. Even more people would be killed by the flu if we didn’t have the yearly vaccines. So people at risk can take it and protect themself but they can’t with the COVID-19.

That’s the problem with COVID-19, our immune system don’t recognize it and have no defense against it. Making us to easily get sick by it.

Also how many that have been infected aren’t sure. Many say that the number it’s a lot more but not all seek help and just stay home and get better. Often People that seek help had a bit more server, which makes the count of how many infected have a dark number.
That’s the problem with COVID-19, our immune system don’t recognize it and have no defense against it. Making us to easily get sick by it.
This is true. The reason it is spreading so rapidly is that everybody who is exposed to it is quarantined. The reason everybody doesn't get the flu is because they are exposed to it. If you walk in a Walmart during flu season you are exposed to the flu, but since everybody who has Covid-19 is quarantined, nobody's immune systems are able to build up an immunity to it. Vaccines are actually a small dead part of the virus that is given to you so that your body can build up immunity to it.
There are people out there that most likely have the symptoms and don't even know. At this point, people should just continue washing their hands, not touching their face and just be aware. It's almost like a zombie apocalypse right now. Businesses and schools are closing down here in California, large events have been banned in SF and events are being cancelled left and right. The fact that even Disneyland and Disney World have closed for precautionary measures tells you that it's bound to happen. And those two places have rarely ever closed.

God forbid you have to cough because you need to clear your throat, not because you're sick and people will give you a death glare right now.
I noticed it here in sweden, the same thing it’s happening. My mothers job have shut down and I’m not allowed to go to my work place if I’ve been in contact with someone that had cold symptoms in my household. No outsiders are allowed to visit my part-time job. Can understand it because it’s elderly home. The same thing happened with my dads work place.

I hope my exams will be pushed forward, I’m not ready for my organic chemistry and botanic exams. It would be the only positive thing with all the banns and closing. A few exams have been pushed forward by other universities but my university is still going strong with the exam week coming up. But it can change.

I’ve noticed many pet owners worry about their pets and what they would do. It’s also hard to buy a few products from the store. But I don’t worry about that when I have a dad that always buy things in bulk because it’s cheaper xD

So we have toilet paper for 1 year in the house. That’s just one of the example how my dad bulk buy things.
I noticed it here in sweden, the same thing it’s happening. My mothers job have shut down and I’m not allowed to go to my work place if I’ve been in contact with someone that had cold symptoms in my household. No outsiders are allowed to visit my part-time job. Can understand it because it’s elderly home. The same thing happened with my dads work place.

I hope my exams will be pushed forward, I’m not ready for my organic chemistry and botanic exams. It would be the only positive thing with all the banns and closing. A few exams have been pushed forward by other universities but my university is still going strong with the exam week coming up. But it can change.

I’ve noticed many pet owners worry about their pets and what they would do. It’s also hard to buy a few products from the store. But I don’t worry about that when I have a dad that always buy things in bulk because it’s cheaper xD

So we have toilet paper for 1 year in the house. That’s just one of the example how my dad bulk buy things.
I hope the same with my workplace. I travel an hour to get to my work, and then it takes 2 hours to drive home because there is so much traffic during the time I leave. The only benefit of this craziness would be if my job closed down for 2 weeks LOL. It's selfish thinking really, but I would not mind it as long as I would be getting paid still.

I was thinking about whether or not COVID-19 can transmit to an animal. I hope it doesn't. That's smart that your dad buys it in bulk. I do too at a store called Costco but not a years worth haha! Right now, toilet paper, soap, disinfectant wipes, water, even canned foods are sold out. People are trying to prepare for the worse.
Prime Minister just addressed the nation here down under last night. And Australia has gone mad on buying out supermarkets and chemists on toilet rolls, hand sanitizers and baked beans etc. Go figure.

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