It's so strange walking into a store and everyone (except you and a few others) have masks. It makes me think of the Bubonic plague

. I personally say that keeping your hands away from your eyes and mouth and also washing your hands is protection enough. IJust because somepeople think that you should 'stay away from them' doesn't mean you can't give a friendly smile. I try to be especially nice to the kiddos. ( I love lil kids). Also, everyone has been out running more here (In Iowa). More people have been outside. We have been advised to stay indoors (like that will work for me

I practically live outdoors) Anyway, I feel more people have actually been outside more since there is nothing to do. Well, I guess advising people to stay indoors doesn't work. Personally I think people are overreacting though.
While myself think the recommendation are too slack, no one respect the social distance and it can be hard to follow when going in the market. Now, I'm not going to bash anyone when I have been with my firends and meeting my best friend, Since mars I have my friends 6 times, so that not much. But we all have spent most of the time isolated and don't spend a lot of time outdoors. Just to avoid meeting other people and if I meet a friend we don't hug and keep a certain distance, often we are outdoors spending time to just talk. Here in sweden they only recommend to not be near each other we can go outdoor and eat in resturant and cafe.
I can say I used this going to a popular cafe that would always have a really long lines before Covd-19 and you can que for a long time to just get in. So me and my best friend went there to try the pastries and cakes, which we shared between each other, this was in mars before the true breakout. But we always made sure to keep distance to other people, always carry hand sanitizer and wet wipe, so we could always wash our hands a bit. It's something I always have done, so I can wipe the table and at least get a bit cleaner hands before and after snacking something.
Myself will keep on being careful and spend most of my time being a shut in or walk outdoor when not many people are out. It's scary when you don't know if you will be one of the people that will react badly or not to the virus, specially when you are one of the risk groups but I worry more about my family. I might also be putting myself more at a risk when I'm working at a nursing home that have covid-19 patient but at least a few of them are on the road to recovery. I know that it can be hard for other countries, sweden have gone there own way to handle it and myself did it with my own free will to not spend a lot of time with friends and going to places, mostly staying home.
It's true more people are outdoors and a lot more people party now than before, also the resturant and outdoor dining can be filled with people sitting near each other. I can't understand how they can collect so many people in one place and they cluster together. I think if people would work within the care and hospital, they would face another reality and get a bit of a wake up call.
There's a reason why we have restrictions and the main part is to make sure the hospitals can take care of all the patient. Because if the hospital get overfilled, the people that need care will be left at home to fight for themself and the doctors would need to decide which people to save and which people they should let die. Just getting IV fluid during a high fever can be life saving for a person with covid-19 and suffering of dehydration. So myself just think everyone can try to keep a distance and at least try to follow the recommodation that they have put up. This is a tough time and many people have died, even more would of died without the restriction and rules but it's still not over. Many will have lost loved ones after all this is over. This is the time everyone should do their best to keep everyone safe and try to hold out