There's protein in hay. Alfalfa has more protein and calcium than grass hay, which is why it's not recommended for older buns. I don't know about all the other grass hays, but for timothy hay, early cut has somewhere around 11%, and late cute (the really stemmy stuff) has about 6%. You can google the protein levels of the different hays and find plenty of info on it. So usually with the timothy pellets, because the protein level is lower, they do add something like a soy product to bring the protein levels up. You could maybe add a little alfalfa instead. Just keep in mind the calcium levels.
I don't know if you've read any of the posts where some of us have been discussing good rabbit foods, but the sherwood forest food is something some of us really like, if you are still interested in a pelleted feed. I have a rabbit with GI stasis issues, so I was trying to find a rabbit food without any added grains or sugars. This was the only one I found, so that's why I like it. It does have some alfalfa in it. It's a mix between timothy, alfalfa, seed oils, and vitamins and minerals. The protein level is 15% and the calcium level is just slightly higher than, I think, the Oxbow timothy adult rabbit food. So there is that if your interested. Otherwise just check your different hays to get the protein that she'll need.
I don't know if you've read any of the posts where some of us have been discussing good rabbit foods, but the sherwood forest food is something some of us really like, if you are still interested in a pelleted feed. I have a rabbit with GI stasis issues, so I was trying to find a rabbit food without any added grains or sugars. This was the only one I found, so that's why I like it. It does have some alfalfa in it. It's a mix between timothy, alfalfa, seed oils, and vitamins and minerals. The protein level is 15% and the calcium level is just slightly higher than, I think, the Oxbow timothy adult rabbit food. So there is that if your interested. Otherwise just check your different hays to get the protein that she'll need.