Well-Known Member
I know Harper has been through a lot. A lifetimeworth of pain. I REALIZE this, trust me. He's had major surgery, andhas been sedated three times (for stitches and staples), all in thepast few weeks. Not to mention stomach aches, painful incisions, and meshoving medicine after medicine, nutri-cal and laxatone down him. And,of course, the dreadede-collar.
However, he has turned evil. Pure evil. The spawn of evil. And don'tget me wrong, I still love him with every fiber of my being, and Ialways will. But, he has turned pure HATEFUL. He hates me, can't standme, and attacks me when I get near him. Anyone remember the story ofthe rabbit tank? Forgot which member it was on here, but when Tank wasat his worst is what Harper is now. And I know it's due to the traumaand all, but I want my baby back!
Anyone who has ever had a rabbit that has undergone major surgery andall the after affects, and the rabbit has turned mean, did it ever getbetter? Does anyone know if it will ever get better? I've talked to afew people including the vet (who raises bunnies), and they said inHarper's eyes, I am the bad person. And that since I am the only onewho handles him, ect, and I am the one giving him his medicine andtending to his incision, he is figuring that I am the cause of all hispain, and now he hates me. Now, while this may not be entirely true(hope not), I'd still like to know if he'll ever be *normal* again? Heused to have such a personality, and loved his nose rubs and stuff. I'dsay it's a pain thing, but after 3 weeks, and the way he binkies in hiscage, I don't think pain is much of a factor anymore.
However, he has turned evil. Pure evil. The spawn of evil. And don'tget me wrong, I still love him with every fiber of my being, and Ialways will. But, he has turned pure HATEFUL. He hates me, can't standme, and attacks me when I get near him. Anyone remember the story ofthe rabbit tank? Forgot which member it was on here, but when Tank wasat his worst is what Harper is now. And I know it's due to the traumaand all, but I want my baby back!
Anyone who has ever had a rabbit that has undergone major surgery andall the after affects, and the rabbit has turned mean, did it ever getbetter? Does anyone know if it will ever get better? I've talked to afew people including the vet (who raises bunnies), and they said inHarper's eyes, I am the bad person. And that since I am the only onewho handles him, ect, and I am the one giving him his medicine andtending to his incision, he is figuring that I am the cause of all hispain, and now he hates me. Now, while this may not be entirely true(hope not), I'd still like to know if he'll ever be *normal* again? Heused to have such a personality, and loved his nose rubs and stuff. I'dsay it's a pain thing, but after 3 weeks, and the way he binkies in hiscage, I don't think pain is much of a factor anymore.