Harper the Evil Rabbit

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
I know Harper has been through a lot. A lifetimeworth of pain. I REALIZE this, trust me. He's had major surgery, andhas been sedated three times (for stitches and staples), all in thepast few weeks. Not to mention stomach aches, painful incisions, and meshoving medicine after medicine, nutri-cal and laxatone down him. And,of course, the dreadede-collar.

However, he has turned evil. Pure evil. The spawn of evil. And don'tget me wrong, I still love him with every fiber of my being, and Ialways will. But, he has turned pure HATEFUL. He hates me, can't standme, and attacks me when I get near him. Anyone remember the story ofthe rabbit tank? Forgot which member it was on here, but when Tank wasat his worst is what Harper is now. And I know it's due to the traumaand all, but I want my baby back!

Anyone who has ever had a rabbit that has undergone major surgery andall the after affects, and the rabbit has turned mean, did it ever getbetter? Does anyone know if it will ever get better? I've talked to afew people including the vet (who raises bunnies), and they said inHarper's eyes, I am the bad person. And that since I am the only onewho handles him, ect, and I am the one giving him his medicine andtending to his incision, he is figuring that I am the cause of all hispain, and now he hates me. Now, while this may not be entirely true(hope not), I'd still like to know if he'll ever be *normal* again? Heused to have such a personality, and loved his nose rubs and stuff. I'dsay it's a pain thing, but after 3 weeks, and the way he binkies in hiscage, I don't think pain is much of a factor anymore.
Im sorry to hear Harper is acting this way! Ireally have never been through something like this, but I tend to thinkthat as he heals, he will forgive you.

Max has also been through a lot lately, with all the vet visits andxrays and antibiotics and now the nebulizer. He gets very angry withme. He runs and hides whenever I come into the room. But every night hestill jumps up on the bed with me and Basil to snuggle. Thats how Iknow he forgives me for causing him all this pain.

I think that once Harper is feeling like himself again, he will forgiveyou. Have you been giving him treats and such to try to mend things? Nomatter how mad Max is at me, he will still come for treats (even if hedoes run off and flick his feet at me afterwords) :)

Im sure hes just in a great deal of pain and discomfort right now..thats enough to make any guy moody.

I hope things improve as he begins to heal. I'll be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

Oh, I'm so sorry Harper is being thisway. Poor thing. I don't have any experience w/this, I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry and I hope it getsbetter. You and he have been through alot. :kiss:
Sadly, I have a very similar situation with my Binkie.

Last fall Binkie had to have surgery to remove an abscess from herdewlap. She had some visits to the vet prior to the surgery. After thesurgery she ripped out her stitches and had to go back and berestitched. Then she had to wear the collar for over a month. I was theone doing all of the handling, transporting, and giving meds.
I'm the one Binkie hates the most and she's never forgiven me. Shebites me every chance she gets. I've gotten pretty fast, but she stillgets me once in a while. I keep hoping that she'll get over it, but Ithink she got it in for me. I've said it before....handling Binkie islike grabbing the wrong end of a chainsaw. It's been over a year now.

On the other hand, S'more went through a nasty bout of GI stasis andended up bonding very close with me....and only me. She doesn't trustANYone else to handle her.

I hope Harper forgives you soon.

Thanks for the nice comments guys. :)

Haley, he has been getting limited treats, and it's usually healthystuff like a tiny bit of lettuce, ect. He's got massive amounts ofliquid cecals, and we can't figure out why. The vert still thinks it'sdue to the surgery and will sort itself out. Hope so.

I have, however, gotten him about 5 new toys since he's gotten sick. Ahay tumbler, a big wooden bird toy with new shiny bells, and some newplush rabbit toys from petsmart.

He loves all the new toys, but still hates me. :?
Aww...you guys have been through so much, itmust be so painful to see him so upset when you're just trying tohelp...I'm so sorry you're going through this!

I wish there were some advice I could give, but I did want to send youboth some love and encouragement. I'm sure when Harper calmsdown, and sees you attempting time and time again to give him love,he'll remember how wonderful you are, and that you are hismama. Sounds like all he's been through has caught up withhim a little.

I'm sure you've already done this, but try talking to him, letting himknow you're sorry he's been through so much, but it was done to helphim and heal things that were going wrong with his littlebody. Remind him you were just trying to help, and that youlove him. Like I said, I'm sure you've already done that, butit's always worth mentioning. I've always believed animalsunderstand more of what we communicate than we think they do.:)

Anyway, my love and hugs to you both...I'm sure he'll bouce back to his original lovey-dovey self soon. :)

I've had a similar problem, but it's all betternow. Fey was badly injured by Mocha almost a year ago now,the night before Thanksgiving last year. She had to beseparated and put in a smaller cage so she wouldn't accidentally tearher stitches. I called it the "Mommy Hates Me"cage. She was miserable, she was angry about being givenmeds, getting sick from her meds, seeing/smelling Mocha, not beingallowed out to play, and that Sprite got to stay in the bigcage. Not to mention additional vet checks and a minorprocedure to remove a dissolving suture that didn't dissolve and wastwisting inside her. Overall, she was a very unhappy littlebun.

She took it out on me but got over it relatively quickly once her medswere done and she was healed enough to be allowed out toplay. Sprite, though, was in trouble. I triedreintroducing them and Fey took out all her aggression onSprite. She actually flew into a blind rage and startedattacking everyone in sight. James had to literally throwhimself on top of Sprite and protect her with his body while I forcedFey into a corner.

Fey got over that too, eventually. She needed "bunnytherapy." We did forced cuddling sessions where one of uswould hold Fey and the other held Sprite. Then we'd standnext to each other and hold the buns together so they were cuddledup. If we saw any signs of aggression we took a quick stepbackwards. Eventually they both remembered that they likedeach other and we were able to rebond them, although it took awhile. They're actually better with each other now than theywere before (after 1.5 years stuck in a tiny cage together and notspayed, they had been testy with each other).
Thanks naturstee, hopefully Harper will go back to normal like your girl did. I miss my boy!

maher, I still give him loving, although I am covered in holesfromhis bad biting. Last night I picked him up and gave himhis medicine. He took it like a good boy, so I gave him kisses and toldhim I loved him. In return, he kicked me and put a very deep hole in myhand that was bleeding profusely. *Sigh*

Aww poor Harper has just had it a bit rough lately..just give him a bit of time to get over his ordeal

He will come back to lovin his mummy again :hearts

Daisy got a bit grumpy with me after she had her operation,but shenever attacked me or anything..she would just hide when she seen mecoming because she hated taking her medicine and being pickedup,and even when it wasn't medicine time she still went andhid..just in case..she thought,even after she stopped taking themedicine she would still go and hide,but after a little while shestopped doing it,she would come to me if i had something yummy to eatthough lol

Harper will be ok..he's just had a lot going on



He's been hurt, he's still not feeling toogreat, and he's frustrated. He's like a toddler - lots of emotions in alittle body and very few ways to express them. So instead of screamingand hitting, he growls and bites.

But of course, like a kid, it isn't aboutyou. You're just the easiest target. And he may need some timeto feel like himself and rebuild that trust.
how long is it till he comes of his medicine?

maybe giving him a bit of time and waiting for him to not need themedincine and then giving him lots of treats from ahnd and giving himattention will work.

also is it possiable to give his medicine in a differnt way which hemite not find so unpleasant perhaps in his food or when you give himhis medicine straight away give him treats and love to try and make ita more positive thing!

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