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Happy belated Bday. Sorry I missedthis post, I havent been on the computer that muchlately. I hope you had a good bday and mothers day.My mothers day was pretty good. I got a card from Tyler and a pictureframe and a card William made at school and more cards from church.

:)Stanleysmommy: I'mreally looking forward to more pictures of that precious baby of yours- when you have a chance.

:)Meganc: What a cool card! Thankyou so much! I really enjoyed it, and your very cheerfulmessage. Any new pictures of the little redheaded girl?

:)LittleMija2: Thank you for your birthdaywishes. I'm so glad you're back online in thisforum.

:)Pamnock: You read my mind in posting mybaby's pictures. I was going to ask you to send themelectronically because I wanted up use them as an avatar. Ijust adore them. I've shown them to family and friends andthey all drop their mouths at how pretty they turned out. Ilove them more than you know.

:)Tina and Jeremy: You've been such a great friend tome. You're there through good and bad times and I can't tellyou how much I appreciate that. I truly am blessed.

:)Lyndsy: You're such a goofball!You make me smile all the time. Thanks for the message fromthe Monkeys. That was so adorable! Please give thema piece of banana in honor of Tucker's birthday.

:)Maddie_20: Thank you so much for stoppingin to say Happy Birthday to me. I'm glad you found thisforum. Although I haven't spoken to you much, I do enjoyreading your posts. I hope you're as happy to be here as weare to have you here.

:)Mygrl2k3: I did think about you yesterdayand hoped that you - and all the Mom's in the World - were having a dayof rest, relaxation, being spoiled, and letting the rest of the worldgo on without you for a day. Thank you so much for yourmessage. I really appreciate it.

You All Rock!

Thank you. You've shown how kind and loving you allare. I wish there were more people in the world like you.

pamnock wrote:
Love the new avatar Carolyn! :)


Thanks Babe! MeToo!!

* * * * * * * * *

Thank you for the kind note, Sir. :)

Gosh! This is like the Gift that never stops giving.

Thanks Bluebird!

Sorry im late! I remembered this morning! howrandom! Well just lyk 2 say Happy birthdayCarolyn

Loadza love and birthday wishes!

Loz and the rabbits.


how old are you 21?:p
Oh, dear! I'm late as I've not been on the board for a couple of days.

Happy, HAPPY birthday, dear Carolyn!!! May you be blessed with peace, joy, and abundance!

--BunnyMommy and King Sherman

:)Thanks JimD!

:)Thanks Loz and Ebony.Yes...21 Havemissed you around these parts. It's great to see you again.
:)Thanks BunnyMommy. I definitely have been blessed with peace, joy, and abundance.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAROLYN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know it's a little late, but omgosh, you're such a caring andcompassionate person **hugs** if i could chose a mommy other than myown (whom i love dearly) i'd chose.......YOU!


Dearest Ellie,

I couldn't think of a greater honor for any woman than to be able tocall you her daughter. I truly consider knowing you as a Blessing fromHeaven. You are an angel among us.

Thank you, Love. You have touched my heart so deeply.

All my Love,
I know better than that, Pet_Bunny, but yes, we are loaded with WONDERFUL PEOPLE.


Carolyn, we missed your birthday too. I reallyhope You had a great birthday weekend with Buck and the Missus round. Ican't believe you phoned me to wish me Happy Mothers Day and I didn'teven know it was your birthday until a day later - I feelverybad :(.I sent you an email the other day did you get it? AlsoI phoned you and left a message and Alyssa said hello. Did you get thattoo? I will have to phone you again soon because Alyssa wants to talkto you. I don't think she would talk today, she is in a bad moodbecause I wouldn't let her have chewing gum.

Sorry again I missed your day!

:) Vickie, NOWORRIES! I didn't tell you on purpose.Had Pamnock not said anything, no one would've knownexcept myclosest friends. Didn't wantto besingledout to be wished a Happy Birthdaybecause I didn't want othersto feel badly. It's not possible to do that with everyone,that's why we put up the note in the beginning of the month andpeoplereply in their homethreads.Tina and spberry tell me thatthey did that because I'm moderator and it's a bit different.Don'tl badly at all!

One of the birthday presents I gave myself was chatting withyou. I did get your phone message and Alyssa'sgreeting. What a punkin! I'm honored shewants to say hello at some point. When she's feeling up toit, you tell her that I'd love to talk to her.

Much Love,


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