:shock: WOW! Thanks Everyone!
Laura, I've had an excellent weekend thus far. Buck and TheMisses came up on Friday and we've been having a great time. I've got alot to be thankful for with the people in my life, and believe me, Iam.
Lynda, what a sweet card! It's hard to beat a birthday bunny card. Thank you.
Stephanie, Happy Mother's Day, Dear Heart! Buck helped togroom and trim nails yesterday. Of course Fauna-Bauna was the one thatgave the most fight, but my babies all look So Beautiful for me today.Will be seeing Mom and my siblings today for lunch and very muchlooking forward to that as well. Then back here, have a cocktail withBuck and The Missus (will hold up a glass to you), and we've got alovely dinner planned. Yesterday, Buck and I were talking about howamazing it is how you bonded the three musketters. You have a specialtouch.
Ashley, Thumper and Faynay, Thanks so much for stopping in towish me a happy birthday. Hope all is well in your corner of the worldand you and yours have a great Mother's Day. A couple more pictureswould be lovely.
PuterGeekGirl, I feel like I don't get a chance to chat withyou as often as I'd like because things move so fast here, but I wantedto let you know that I enjoy your posts very much. I'm so glad you'rehaving fun and hopefully learning something on the forum. I think theworld of the people on this forum and I'm thankful that we've had thesuccess we do. Hope to correspond more with you in the future.
Jen, Daisy, Sage, Basil, Elvis, Orion, and Saphy, What fun ithas been getting to know you. I can't tell you how thrilled I am,still, about Sampson coming into your loving home. By the way, the AMCchannel is running Elvis movies in honor of Mother's Day. I'll have tocheck out one of them. As corny as they are, I love his movies.
Raspberry Swirl and Sebastian's Little Girl, Your friendshiphas brought so much love and happiness into so many days for me, Ican't begin to thank either of you enough. (Where's my birthday cardfrom Sebbie??) I promise, I won't open my special delivery until I callyou later. Happy Mother's Day! I hope you find some quiet time withyour husband and your family to enjoy and feel how loved andappreciated you truly are. Oh! By the way, Tucker wanted me to tell youthat he turned King last year, but this year he plans on acting on it.
Ty-bee, Thank you so much for the Happy Birthday Wish. I'm sohappy your husband is home with you and the kids. Happy Mother's Day! Ihope you have a very special day. Prayers are always sent your way, MyFriend.
Janet, Bella, and Budda, I am so glad you decided to post.I've seen you online for a while now and was hoping you'd feelcomfortable one day to share your lovely personality with us all.Please don't hesitate to ask for help or support when you need it.
Zee, Loppy and Poppy, Happy Birthday to you Too!! I hope youhad an excellent day yesterday and that the celebration goes on today.May's such a great month for a birthday, isn't it?! Thank you for theadorable picture of your baby. So sweet!
Pet_Bunny, I love the picture of Pebbles and the colorfulbirthday wish. Thank you. It brought a smile to my face. Pebbles looksadorable as she makes her way through the playground. She looks likeshe's flying around it. Too cute!
Rabbitluvr04, thank you for the happy birthday wish. I hope you have a great day today as well.
Ally, I just love your avatar picture. We need more picturesof that little Beauty. Encore! Thank you for the note. I hope you enjoythis beautiful Sunday.
Kricket, Shorty and Star, I get such a kick out of you. It'sso prevelant how much you love your little ones. I'm truly so happy youfound this forum. Yes, I'm a Taurus, and I love it.
TinysMom, How did Puck and Tiny get away from you?? Bettergrow eyes in the back of your head. I wonder what else they've donewithout you knowing. :shock: I love the note from them. Please givethem both a special squeeze and hug from me. Happy Mother's Day to youand yours.
Stanleysmommy, What a great song!! I'm going to print thispost and save it. I have to have that special song in my file. Hope tochat with you more in the next year. I adore Stanley and one of mybirthday wishes is to see more pictures of the little Beauty.
Jan, Pernod and Perry, One of these years, I know I'll meetyou in person...either in England or on your trip to the USA. Kissthose two little lovebugs for me. I'm so glad you're home from yourvacation and back online now.
Gypsy, Happy Mother's Day to a Mom of Many! You take the roleof the mom to the extreme with all the little one's who's lives you'vesaved. You are such a kind and loving person. I can't believe I've onlyknown you for a couple of months. I feel like I could tell you anythingand nothing would shock you.
Pamnock, I'm speechless for what you have done for me todayand throughout the year. I will call you later when I'm done runningaround. I so look forward to talking to you. Tell Matthew, it's timeagain for the Birthday Song! (I bet it'll bring a smile to his face.)Thank you, Dear Heart for being such a special and loving friend to me.
* * * * * *
I hope everyone does something special for themselves and give their little one's their favorite treat today - Tucker Insists!
Thank you all for your kindness and thoughtfulness. It means more than you know. Happy Day to All!