Halloween is stupid

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2012
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Katy, Texas, USA
So I was totally psyched for halloween. I have my own little house off post. I live 40 feet away from an elemetary school. I'm finally home to pass out candy. I buy the good candy. I get home about 6:30. It's just a sea of small children. I quickly get the dog dressed, I turn on the porch light, and I wait. I am READY! I am STOKED!

And Iwait

And I wait

Two hours later and I've only seen two kids. Oh I hear them but they dont come anywhere near my street.


Next year I'm not doing anything. I felt like crying. And I dont feel like that often.
My roomie and I live in a complex with a lot of kids. Last year we carved a pumpkin, dressed up, and got the candy ready. Not one trick or treater.

This year, he wasn't home, so we had the pumpkin out and I put on a cowboy hat just in case. Nothing.

I feel your pain.
I was with my boyfriend last night watching scary movies. We didn't get any trick-or-treaters, which is good, because we're both too broke to afford candy for them. :lookaround Someday I'm going to get rich and I'll be that person that hands out whole candy bars. I'll be the coolest house in the neighborhood on Halloween.

Somewhat related, I was going as "batgirl" (a long sleeved tee with the Batman logo, black jeans, and black boots, I was too broke to buy a real costume) and I had an allergic reaction to the face paint I used for my mask. It was really embarrassing when I had to go to the card shop and explain to my friends why my eyes and face were cherry red. (Yeah. While I was washing it off I got some in my eyes. I feel lucky I didn't go blind...)
I think now adays people stick to going to the homes of people they know. Just too many crazies out there now. I suppose if you want trick or treaters, you'll have to become friends with people in your neighborhood that have kids.
I live in a neighborhood where people in the other parts of town drop their kids off to trick or treat here. So from 6-8pm it was a steady stream non stop. I have to buy tons of candy and we almost ran out. I stay home to hand out candy and my hubby took my son.

It goes both ways. Sometimes it's overwhelming this way too :)
last year, I got a steady trickle of trick-or-treaters... was the first time I'd actually bothered to celebrate (ie buy candy) since my mom died, so it was nice to see they figured out quickly from the lit porch light that I had candy for a change. they started showing up at like 5 pm.

this year, only 6-7 stops o_O (my neighbors across the street at around 6 and then no one else for at least another hour!) I bought almost $20 worth of candy, too, the brats - the least they could do was show up, lol. (when I was a kid, I always hated getting crummy discount candy, so I only buy the good name-brand chocolate stuff). thankfully one of the last groups to come by was about half a dozen teenagers so I was able to get rid of a good chunk of the candy - I gave it out in generous amounts all night to get rid of it faster, since I could tell it was a slow night.

I ended up taking the bunnies out to the yard around 7... figured if I had to buy candy, I oughta get some "aww, how cute!"s in exchange for it, lol. my neighbor came over and sat with us for an hour or so, then at one point a neighbor on the other side came over. she hadn't seen the bunnies since the day I rang her doorbell at 7:15 in the morning while carrying 9-week-old Nala and the NIC grid her head was stuck in, lol - she was amazed at how much they'd grown!

the bunnies did get lots of attention from the few folks who stopped by, and they were as obedient as bunnies get about being scooped up and held so strangers could pet them.
Same thing here! I bought the good candy. Took what I didn't open back and took the rest to work. Probably wont even be stateside for next halloween so I wont have to worry about it. I guess it is sad that you have to be careful of your neighbors now a days. My parents always took me but you rang every doorbell you could find.
We took audrina trick or treating, from about 5:45 to 7. That was all she could handle. She was so tired. When we got home, our light was off because we werent handing out candy. Kids were STILL knocking on the door and ringing the door bell. Aggravated me to death because audrina was trying to sleep, the dog would bark everytime someone was at the door, which would startle audrina and she would cry. AAAAHHHHH!!!!
The last time I handed out candy was when I still lived with my mom. I was about 18 I guess, I decided I would sit out on the porch and hand out candy until I went to a party.
I bought FULL sized candy bars, I wasn't cheaping out for the kids! I sat out there for what seemed like hours and only 1 kid came! I couldn't believe it. I was so disappointed. Stupid kids.

I live in the boondocks now, so if anyone came to my house in search of candy, they probably wouldn't like what they got met at the door with!
We got three trick or treaters. Those kids and my three younger brothers and sister are the only ones in our area that go trick or treating, I live in the countryside. Plus here people don't go trick or treating past the age of 12. I wish we would get more, I love decorating the house and getting dressed up and it sucks there is no one to see it ha ha :)
audrinasmommy88 wrote:
We took audrina trick or treating, from about 5:45 to 7. That was all she could handle. She was so tired. When we got home, our light was off because we werent handing out candy. Kids were STILL knocking on the door and ringing the door bell. Aggravated me to death because audrina was trying to sleep, the dog would bark everytime someone was at the door, which would startle audrina and she would cry. AAAAHHHHH!!!!

Oh my I'd be mad haha. We had a rule in my hometown: If the lights are off, go to the next house!

Since we moved to PA we don't get many trick or treaters. It seems everyone takes their kids to the suburbs instead of staying in the city.

And they cancelled trick or treat here, because it was supposedly supposed to snow, but it was 48 degrees so idk how -.- jerks.
Halloween makes me miss my hometown. There was one street where everyone went (literally, 10-20,000 trick or treaters). It was so much fun. Little kids started at 4pm, and it didn't end until around 10.
Here, the law states that trick or treating is only from 6-8pm and no kids over the age of 12. Seriously?
It's disappointing :(
aw im sorry for the disappointment ): maybe you sould do a full out decked out halloween decor so they know to come lol.

if it makes you feel better i got 4 kids and i live in town ): had 2 bags of candy left
JessicaK wrote:
Halloween makes me miss my hometown. There was one street where everyone went (literally, 10-20,000 trick or treaters). It was so much fun. Little kids started at 4pm, and it didn't end until around 10.
Here, the law states that trick or treating is only from 6-8pm and no kids over the age of 12. Seriously?
It's disappointing :(
they made LAWS for halloween?? what a load of BS. you're never too old for free candy.
Imbrium wrote:
JessicaK wrote:
Halloween makes me miss my hometown. There was one street where everyone went (literally, 10-20,000 trick or treaters). It was so much fun. Little kids started at 4pm, and it didn't end until around 10.
Here, the law states that trick or treating is only from 6-8pm and no kids over the age of 12. Seriously?
It's disappointing :(
they made LAWS for halloween??  what a load of BS.  you're never too old for free candy.

Yep, it's a misdemeanor. You can technically be arrested for it. (though really most police officers will ignore older kids unless they are causing problems.
I'm in Oklahoma and it's pretty much the same laws. Lame-o. Not even going to be here for christmas. Dont feel like decorating even. Maybe I'm just turning into one of those old people who yells at kids to get of their lawn and turns the hose on them. :lookaround
We took the boy, and only stopped at the houses with porch lights on. I think that's nat'l "we have candy!" Signal. Lol ours was 6-8. Which was OK for a 3 yr old who adorned his way into extra candy whenever possible! Lol
I guess it depends on the neighborhood, as well. The last neighborhood I lived in got zero trick or treaters (I move a lot), and the one before that got none either. This year in a new neighborhood we did, but unfortunately was not here to give candy out, my parents did.

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