Gypsy's Home thread .

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LOL at 8 weeks hewas just about half that size , thats how he earnedhis name !!!!:laugh:

EDIT !!! EDIT sorry he isnt 15weeks he is 13 weeks now. thatwas taken almost 3 weeks ago.
that Rabbit isthe epithany of a rug . put your facedown there and you getsnuffled snarfed and kissed from one endto the other , and then justto let you know hecan he will nip yournose if your not fast enough toget it the heck out of there .lol

Carolyn wrote:
Hekinda freaks meout...
:nonono:No dissing the CHAZ. He is the most precious, huggable,kissable Baby. That boy is right there with Cali as my number onbunnynaps.

Gypsy, He looks Awesome. What a big healthy boy he is. I justlove that face. Give him tons of extra kisses for me and lots ofsqueezes.:love:

Hehehehehehe!!!!! ( BIG ole Evil Grin Here ) I am ARMED!!!!!!!:gun:

No one Napps the Moose lol .

First rule of Bunny Napping yagotta out weight the Bunny beingNapped lol .
Wow, he looks like a big ol' bunny - and I have a Flemmie lol!~

Hey SPD, i'll help you bunnynap him, if you help me get one of Gypsy's Palominos. ;)
Jenniblu wrote:
Hey SPD, i'll help you bunnynap him, if you help me get oneof Gypsy's Palominos. ;)
Why dont we just take them all? Then we can splitthem up between you me and Angel and if Carol is nice to us, maybe wewill let her have one as well. Sound good, or should we justdivvy them between you and me? Either way, whatever yousuggest
:shock2:All RightYou Two !!!!!!! there will beNO Napping of my Bunnies . :nonono:

Dont make me go to the PetStore for something Long andSlithery , or something withvery big teeth and a snappy nipto it . hmmmm wait maybe I will do thatanyways lol . Its my day totorment the Hubby and whatbetter way :laugh:
I have 5 , One beinga 6 ft Red Tail Boa, A BallPython , A Pink Rat Snake , A Candy Cane Corn Snake and AJuv. Red Tail Boa .

I'm thinking i Need that 20 FootReticulated at the Pet storeto Keep all You Bunny Nappersaway ! lol .

p.s. I wouldnt have one of those nasty temperedSnakes in my house ! TheRetic is not one of my favoritesnakes .
:laugh: Hysterically funny. There isnt a Snake Big enoughto hold me back lol .

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