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Hello Katie and Welcome.

You made 2 people and a bunny so happy. We are so happy for Fonzie, Mambo and Amanda.

Do you breed and show only Flemish or do you also have otherbreeds? I will be getting two does in July. I won't be breeding mineuntil 2006. I would love to hear any tips you could share.

Tina and Apollo
I see that I made two people very happy just bylooking at the pictures and reading all the posts. Fleimsh Giants arenot my only breed I have Mini Rex, Flemish Giants, English Lops, and afew Holland Lops but am selling out of most of them, might keep 1 or 2.

Best tip for breeding Fleimsh Giants is lots of space andgoodfood. If you get any questions I am always willing to answer tham nomatter how silly they may seem. Flemsih Giants are so fun to breed andthe babies are soadorable.

Talk later

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome, Katie!!!!

What a BEEEAUTIFUL BOY The Fonz is. You must've read in this post how Ijust love the shape of his face and his coat. He's Gorgeous, Katie.:dude:

I do hope you stick around. Our Flemish Family has really popped thisspring and we have some that are looking into them. Your expertise willbe most welcome. Don't be shy about putting up pictures of your currentlitters, etc. We're FFFFine about that.

FLEMISH FEVER is in The Air!! Can you Smell It???

We're all so excited for Mambo101 and Amanda, and Cirrustwi -who just picked up her baby. Bunsforlife is getting her baby Flemish intwo weeks, and there's another Secret Flemish Lover on the board that'swatching very closely and will make their move when ready.


Thanks for stopping it. Don't be a stranger.

Welcome Katie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so glad to hear that the Flemish came from you!

They couldn't have found a better person :)

Dear Amanda,

I'm sure it wasn't fun to leave The Fonz tonight. Afterall, you werethe one that spotted him and it was obvious Love at First Sight. ThatBeast will take over, but he'll always think he's as small as he isright now. Big Baby!

Tina already told me on the phone tonight that it's certain he's goingto be a Ladies Man. Then I think of Jenniblu, who's Vash jumped rightinto her brother's arms and loved hangin out with a Guy. The Fonz willbe cool with the guys and a charmer with the ladies.

It is hard to leave them for weeks on end when they're that small andcute and open to everything. (Do ya think your Uncle knows just howlucky he is??? ;) )

I can't believe he got one out of the blue when he was saying in theprevious post that he couldn't. He Rocks - and so do you for gettingThe Pick of the Litter. The Fonz chose his family well. :dude:


Hey, this is cool!All these cool people who are linked to people on the forum or known bypeople on the forum and it all ended up with a new baby Flemish!!!Yippee!!!

That boy looks like a baby Bub! Now I see why all of you thought he was a Flemmy!

Congrats! I WANT ONE TOO!!!!! :D


How's Fonzie doing?How's Stephie and him getalong? Does he have any quirks you've picked up sofar?Fill usin!

Carolyn wrote:

How's Fonzie doing?How's Stephie and him getalong? Does he have any quirks you've picked up sofar?Fill usin!

I have noticed The Fonz sure does drink lot of water. I got himone of the super giant bottles at Petco and he drank almost the wholething in 24 hours. I had him and Stephie out of the cage together lastnite for a short time. I had to be very careful with this since Stephisn't spayed yet. They got along well, but Stephie is so submissive toother rabbits, I had to cut short that fun so I don't have anyaccidents. I will getting her spayed for sure next month before her oneyear birthday(estimated late May). Oteherwise everything is ok so far.I've been keeping Fonzie in Bella's old wabbitat cage temporarily untilI can get a bigger cage, which will also have to be soon. I swear he isgrowing right before my very eyes!:shock:
Flemish are really wonderful rabbits. I would bemore than happy to post some pictures, as soon as I have time. My 9month old daughter doesn't always allow me to spend much time. I willdeffinately be staying arround to share advice and stories about myflemish. Talk to every one later.

katiescrazyzoo wrote:
Flemish are really wonderful rabbits. I would be more thanhappy to post some pictures, as soon as I have time. My 9 month olddaughter doesn't always allow me to spend much time. I will deffinatelybe staying arround to share advice and stories about my flemish. Talkto every one later.


My Gosh! I can't believe she's 9 months old already!

Pam :)
Dear Mambo101,

I, also, was very surprised at the water intake that Cali had when she first arrived compared to the others. :shock:

When I told Buck Jones how much water I was going through, evenhe was surprised. It made me feel a little less naive. Buck'shad some medium-sized rabbits, but Cali, as a baby, seemed to surpasshis expectations from a Flemish baby. :shock:

I'm sure you have to be very quick on your toes when introducingStephie to Fonzie. If their cages are side by side, be careful.Some rabbits have been known to get pregnant at shows when their cageswere side-to-side with others. Make sure Stephie and Fonzie aren'twithin reach - as I'm sure you already have.

Handle that boy as much as you can! The more used to it you get himnow, the easier when he's A Beast - which will happen sooner than youthink.

WE NEED PICTURES, Mambo101. It's not you seeing things - He IS growingbefore your very eyes. Baby Pictures - Baby Pictures - Please!

If you were a really good buddy, pal - 'ol friend, you'd weigh him andmeasure his length every week or two so that we could keep tabs on howquickly - or slowly - your Giant will grow.

You probably don't have the time though. And it's okay, but if you atleast post what he weighs and how long he is now, That would be Fun!! :)

katiescrazyzoo wrote:
Flemish are really wonderful rabbits. I would be more than happyto post some pictures, as soon as I have time. My 9 month old daughterdoesn't always allow me to spend much time. I will deffinately bestaying arround to share advice and stories about my flemish. Talk toevery one later.


Dear Katie,

Congratulations on your Daughter! :dude:

9-months old and just starting to come into her own.

I wish my niece was still 9-months old. :?

Enjoy every minute, and when you have a second, stop in and say hi.



rabbitgirl wrote:


"...and So It Is Written ..."

I can't wait for the day you announce your Flemish, Rose.

Kisses to Bub and the Crew.


Carolyn: I promise I will have some photos laterthis week. Don't worry their cages are about 5 feet apart. It's a shameI can't let them play together right now. Stephie keep sticking hernose into Fonzie's cage to give him kisses. Sorry I don't have a bunnyscale right now. After food and litter, its kind of at the bottom ofthe list right now in the budget. It's so wierd, I was looking at DOGCRATES at the pet store today for future housing for the Fonz.:p:shock::)

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