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:shock: You DID It!! :shock:

You said you had no room, but you wanted to. Ohhh, you are SomethinElse, Mambo101. Always sending us News Flashes and catching us bysurprise.

The Fonz is as beautiful as they come in the Fawn color. So he's about9 weeks old? Did you put him on reserve with Katie or was ithappenstance?

He's a very Beautiful Beast, Mambo101. I have a real fondnessfor the fawn Flemish. The color of their coats are so gorgeous. Does hehave 'apple' cheeks like Dajeti describes in the Flemish Fever post?Take close profiles, but expect him to come running to camera - a lot.;) Cali's got a lot of fawn in her background. I'm surprised it doesn'tshow up more than it has. Did you get Fonzie's papers?

I love the pictures you've shared with us. I'm so glad The Fonz ishome. Give your new Best Friend a big kiss for me. I'm So lookingforward to hearing about his personality.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Fonzie! You don't know us yet, but we already love you. :dude:

Carolyn, I think I can "blame" it all on myneice. We were already at the show for a couple of hours. Ihad to go the mens room which was in a buiding next to the building theshow was in. I come walking back into the show building and Amanda isyelling at me "Uncle Dan, I just fell in love!!" I knew I was introuble right there and then. She shows me the flemish and I had toadmit it was an awesome looking rabbit. Of course after we held him,there was no turning back. We did have to get permission from hermother(my landlord;)). And it all worked out. I will have the getFonzie a bigger cage eventually. He's been eating and drinking well. Sofar, so good.


and yes I do have papers.:)

Carolyn wrote:
;) Cali's got a lot of fawn in herbackground. I'm surprised it doesn't show up more than ithas. -Carolyn

Fawn is a "non-extension" color, which is caused by a recessivegene. All the other Flemish colors are full extension, whichwould "override" the Fawn's recessive non-extension gene.

I haven't had all the different types of rabbitsthat people on this forum have....but having 2 Netherland Dwarfs (thatI love) and Tiny (Flemish) - I gotta say that there is nothing quitelike a Flemish....and they're well worth the extra costs for largercages, more food, etc.

The only problem with them is so hard to say "no" to them and not spoil them.

I know...I know...milk spoils....bunnies don't!


Dear Mambo101,

Who're you kiddin! "Blame" it on the niece. You've been thinkin morethan you're sayin. All it took was someone like your niece to give youa nudge. Bless her heart. She's a very Pretty Girl. The Fonz reallycharmed her. He looks right at home in her lap. :)

I do love his color so much. I truly love his bone structure on hisface too. Very Beautiful question of a doubt. He's a TallGlass of Carrot Juice (as they say in the Bunny World).

I'm just thrilled for you, and your niece, and me, and dajeti, andJenniblu, and Amy, and all the other Flemish jumping on board. :)

Fageddabout Spring Fever...



Wahhhhh - Hooooooooooooo!!!

Congratulations! You're your niece's hero, and you're the envy of all of our eyes to have a 9 week old flemish to cuddle.

pamnock wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
??;) Cali's got alot of fawn in her background. I'm surprised it doesn't show up morethan it has.? -Carolyn

Fawn is a "non-extension" color, which is caused by a recessive gene.?All the other Flemish colors are full extension, which would "override"the Fawn's recessive non-extension gene.



Thanks Pam. In all honesty, I always would've questioned that. Icouldn't understand why she has so much ticking when the Fawn is faroutnumbered by sandy's in her family history.

Thank you.

I'll print this out and keep it with her papers so that I can explain it to others that inquire.


Ok, so I admit it I wasn't letting him walk outof that show with out the flemish giant... :cool: and Iwasn't taking no for an answer from my mom... (she loves me)But who could walk away from such a beautifulbunny. I have wanted a flemish giant since thefirst one I saw on here. I can't wait till he starts to growsome more. I am going to have a hard time going back tocollege tomorrow and leaving him here at home but uncle dan is anawesome bunny daddy and I know he will take awesome care ofhim. My three bunnies at school will have to keepme occupied till I come home this summer and can watch little fonz turninto big fonz.... I hope he waits to grow till I come homealthoughI am sure he wont. Then we get to find aplace in the house to keep 4 bunnies and1 giant bunny....can't wait! (my mom can though I am sure)


P.S. Dan make sure you give Fonzie kisses for me while I am away this month.
Thank you all for the compliments. Everthing'sgoing fine so far for the Fonz in his new home. Boy he sure does eatand drink lot!!:)But as my niece Amanda said, itwillall be worth it to see this little pup grow into a gentlegiant. I just can't wait till I can walk around the neighborhood instroller with my giant rabbit. LMAO!!:p
:shock: Hi Amanda! I didn't know you were a member of this forum. :) :)

You're three bunnies at school?! How cool is that. I thought EEEM was the only one with bunnies in school.

Yup, there's no one you could trust more than Uncle Dan to make surethat every wish that Fonzie and Stephie long for, they shall have. Hecouldn't be in better hands. I'm so glad you all went together. Fonziemay not have made it home had you not been there.

* * * * *

So Mambo, how was baby's first night? How's Stephie adjusting to the New Kid in Town?

mambo101 wrote:
Thank you all for the compliments. Everthing's going fine so farfor the Fonz in his new home. Boy he sure does eat and drinklot!!:)?But as my niece Amanda said, it will?all be worth it to seethis little pup grow into a gentle giant. I just can't wait till I canwalk around the neighborhood in stroller with my giant rabbit.LMAO!!:p

NO WAY!! A stroller for Fonzie? I've heard it all now. And Tina wonders why people look at her like she's nuts.

Enjoy that pup stage as long as you can. They grow so quickly. I wish Ihad gotten Cali when she was just a babe because I would've loved to bein on that portion of her life. No regrets though. She's my Baby Dolland I wouldn't trade her for the world. Besides, she's got another yearto grow at a steady pace. :shock:

Do you have the Calf Manna, Mambo?

Oh, how exciting!! More flemish!! He's just beautiful, I love that coloring and what a great name.

Wow, you've put up pictures and everything already, boy do I feel likea slacker. LOL But, I've been too busy playing with my babyand trying to sleep off this darn strep throat. Ok, I promiseto put up pictures today...It might be late, but they will go up today.

Carolyn, I don't have the calf manna. I didn'trealized I needed it I got home from the show. To bad because Iremember someone was selling it at the show. If anyone knows where Ican get some near Pittsburgh please let me know. I'm sure Jen wouldlike to get some too.
Amanda can stop by some time and get a bag fromme. :) He'll be fine for now without it until shecan come out (maybe the next toenail clipping session ;))

Carolyn wrote:
:shock: Hi Amanda! I didn't know you were a member of this forum. :) :)

You're three bunnies at school?! How cool is that. I thought EEEM was the only one with bunnies in school.

Yup, there's no one you could trust more than Uncle Dan to make surethat every wish that Fonzie and Stephie long for, they shall have. Hecouldn't be in better hands. I'm so glad you all went together. Fonziemay not have made it home had you not been there.

* * * * *

So Mambo, how was baby's first night? How's Stephie adjusting to the New Kid in Town?


Yea Im here I read the posts everyday and feel like I know everyone butI don't talk much because I am no expert yet... though I have learned alot here. I keep meaning to post pictures of all myrabbits but i don't have a digital camera so that makes ithard. Maybe I'll borrow Mambo's when I am home this summerand post some for everyone to see. But hello to everyone whodidnt know I was here, I already feel like I know most of you.

I left Fonzie today he looked sad to see me leave (probably didn't careat all.) Well three more weeks and I will be home with him and bringhim some friends. Pam I might need another nail clippingsession soon and I will stop by to get the mana as soon as I can fit itin. These final weeks are crazy for me but I will see what Ican do and if you can fit it in to your schedule.

Hi I am Katie the lady you boughtFonzi from, I think that is a wonderful name and looks like he issettling in well. Hope you have great fun with him.

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