Tabitha wrote:
The only rabbit pellets i can find are by Kaytee.I can't find any of the brands you guys are talking about.
Tabitha only just started eating the pellets. She's been withus about 2 weeks now and all she would eat were veggies. Ihave a feeling she was never given pellets in her old home.
I would love to give her a more organic or natural pellet as all my pets are on a organic diet.
I have tried Petsmart, Petco, Petsupermart and local Animaland Feed stores, but none of them carry a high quality healthy rabbitpellet.
Hi Tabitha,
Kaytee Timothy Complete is a good choice. I use it.
It's in most petstores, good quality, good protein & fiber, and affordable.
I also buy the Kaytee cubes and hay (occasionally)
I buy mine at Pet Goods.
Blue Seal Bunny 16 is harder to find. Feed stores are more likely tocarry it, unless there happens to be a dealer in your area. You cancheck for that online.
Oxbow is very good and used by a lot of members here.
You can order online but it's a bit pricey with the shipping charges.
You can also check online to see if there's a dealer near you.
Our Pet Goods just started carrying Oxbow products, but with the store mark-up it's a bit pricey.
Purina is a good quality feed. I use it.
It's not carried in a lot of stores. I just happened to find it one day.... at the Pet Goods.
I buy 25 pound bags for around $10.
Martin is a brand I haven't seen. It might be more available in Canada.:?