good quality pellets

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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
Reaction score
, Pennsylvania, USA
Good morning, all,

We're considering changing the pellets that we feed. Ourolder bun, Pumpkin, is having increasing issues with dirty bottom, andshe's shedding more than usual. We've been using Hartz plain( no "colored" pieces kind of stuff in it:))...and I was wondering whatyou all would recommend. Thanks....Grace
I get mine from a local feed store. Blue Sealhas a dealer locater on their web site, but it is not working rightnow. They do have a phone number there you can call. Just google blueseal.
If you're having problems with poopy butt, youshould definately choose a low protein/high fiber pellet.Hartz if I remember correctly is high protein/low fiber. Mypersonal favorite is Oxbow Bunny Basics/T, which you can get from somepet stores or online (I've ordered hay directly from the company beforeand gotten great service). Another good, easily found choicewould be Kaytee Timothy Complete.
I use Kaytee Timothy Complete also.They carry it at my petco as well as at my feed store. Thefeed store now carries the 10 lb bags. That made me happy!
Hi pumpkinandwhiskersmom,

I have 2 buns that have poopy-butt issues. In both cases it's a problemwith their cecals being excess and/or soft.....and then they sit inthem.:?

I slowly switched them overfrom alfalfa pellets, to a mix of alfalfa and timothy pellets.

I also cut way back on treats and greens.

Adjusting their intake of carbs and protein was key to resolving the cecal issues.

It took several weeks to switch them over and let their systems adjust.

They still have a bout now and then.....and they still needed to havetheir tushies cleaned up every so often, but it's much better thanbefore.

They're also back down to a more normal weight, and don't shed half as much as they use to.


Thanks, Jim....We're switching her over to thenew pellets slowly, at first mixing 1/4 oxbow with 3/4 of the oldstuff. Did you find that a change in the type of hay you usedmade any difference? We use kaytee right now, and we haveused orchard grass in the past, but we kind of noticed that the poopybutt was worse with the orchard grass. It may have just beenmy imagination, though. It's so hard to tell sometimes!
I have only given my buns Orchard and Bermuda ona couple of occasions as a special treat. They really didn't seem tocare for them too much, so I stick with the timothy.
I checked the analysis for timothy, orchard, and bermuda and they're all the same as far as protein and fiber.

I just recently started to buy Oxbow timothy online, but had used the Kaytee prior to that.

The only rabbit pellets i can find are byKaytee. I can't find any of the brands you guys are talkingabout.

Tabitha only just started eating the pellets. She's been withus about 2 weeks now and all she would eat were veggies. Ihave a feeling she was never given pellets in her old home.

I would love to give her a more organic or natural pellet as all my pets are on a organic diet.

I have tried Petsmart, Petco, Petsupermart and local Animaland Feed stores, but none of them carry a high quality healthy rabbitpellet.

I've had Kaytee Timothy Complete recommended tome on here, so when I found it, I immediately switched over to thatfrom whatever random pellets I'd had. Both of my buns love itand they seem to be doing well.
Tabitha wrote:
The only rabbit pellets i can find are by Kaytee.I can't find any of the brands you guys are talking about.

Tabitha only just started eating the pellets. She's been withus about 2 weeks now and all she would eat were veggies. Ihave a feeling she was never given pellets in her old home.

I would love to give her a more organic or natural pellet as all my pets are on a organic diet.

I have tried Petsmart, Petco, Petsupermart and local Animaland Feed stores, but none of them carry a high quality healthy rabbitpellet.
Hi Tabitha,

Kaytee Timothy Complete is a good choice. I use it.;)
It's in most petstores, good quality, good protein & fiber, and affordable.
I also buy the Kaytee cubes and hay (occasionally)
I buy mine at Pet Goods.

Blue Seal Bunny 16 is harder to find. Feed stores are more likely tocarry it, unless there happens to be a dealer in your area. You cancheck for that online.

Oxbow is very good and used by a lot of members here.
You can order online but it's a bit pricey with the shipping charges.
You can also check online to see if there's a dealer near you.
Our Pet Goods just started carrying Oxbow products, but with the store mark-up it's a bit pricey.

Purina is a good quality feed. I use it.
It's not carried in a lot of stores. I just happened to find it one day.... at the Pet Goods.:D
I buy 25 pound bags for around $10.

Martin is a brand I haven't seen. It might be more available in Canada.:?

Martin's is available in Canada (except my area,go figure) but I can't say I've seen anything saying it's available inthe US. Personally I'm not a huge fan of their pellets, even the LittleFriends Less Active ones because they are actually made with bothalfalfa and timothy, not just timothy.

Kaytee Timothy Complete is an ok brand to use, I used it for a whileand I did a lot of research on it. The one thing I came across was thatit was known to causea number ofrabbits to havesoft poos. That's why I don't use it anymore, one of my rabbits wasfine on it and the other had soft poos so I switched to Oxbow. I've nothad the same problem since.

Oxbow isn't cheap depending on your location (I pay close to $30 for a10 lb bag that lasts a month but that would be the shipping chargesadded on and all the middle men adding their mark up). Another plus isit's available to order online. I found that my bonded pair will eatthe Oxbow a lot faster and get a lot more excited than they did withthe Kaytee. It smells really fresh, has very little dust in the bag andhas made huge improvements in my bunnies coats and shedding patterns.

But all in all, it really just comes just to what you have access toand what your rabbit will eat. My suggestion would be to try a fewbrands if you can and see which you like best. I may swear by Oxbow butyou may like some other brand a lot better.

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