good quality pellets

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Martins is sold at Petco, probably because Petcoalso sells their mill-bred ferrets and rabbits (I won't buy theirproducts for that reason, but sometimes you just need to buy whateveris best for the rabbit). For me, Kaytee Timothy Complete andOxbow are about the same price. I chose Oxbow because it'shigher in fiber and because most of Kaytee's other foods are crud soit's a little hard to trust them. Yeah, I'm picky.:)

Another option might be a maintenance pellet from a feed store, onewith 15% protein and at least 18% fiber. One example I knowof is Heinhold.
naturestee wrote:
Martins is sold at Petco, probably because Petco also sellstheir mill-bred ferrets and rabbits (I won't buy their products forthat reason, but sometimes you just need to buy whatever is best forthe rabbit). For me, Kaytee Timothy Complete and Oxbow areabout the same price. I chose Oxbow because it's higher infiber and because most of Kaytee's other foods are crud so it's alittle hard to trust them. Yeah, I'm picky.:)

Another option might be a maintenance pellet from a feed store, onewith 15% protein and at least 18% fiber. One example I knowof is Heinhold.

Where did you find the Oxbow food?

The Kaytee Complete is expensive in my opinion for a command brandfood. I'm paying $10 for 4 pounds. I would ratherpay $15 for 5 pounds of high quality food.

If i can find the Oxbow food that would be great. I have been searching locally but no luck yet.
There is a store locator on their website:

That's how I found the first store I used to buy it from. Iactually drove about 30 minutes out of my way to get it but it wasworth it. Now I've moved farther away but thankfully PetSupply Outlet, a local chain, has started carrying it.

You can order it directly from the company or from another online store like, but shipping gets expensive.

BTW 10 lb bags of both Kaytee Timothy Complete and Oxbow are about $10for me. It probably costs more for you because you're in amajor metro area, while I'm in a mid-sized Wisconsin city.
Well, you could all move to Wisconsin.;)

I'm still campaigning to get Angieluv to move from La Crosse toSheboygan so she can hang out with me and volunteer for a shelter thatwould appreciate her. Maybe I should start an "EverybodyShould Live In Wisconsin" campaign?

If Oxbow from a store is so expensive, check out buying it directlyfrom the company over the internet. It might actually becheaper for you.
naturestee wrote:
Well, you could all move to Wisconsin.;)

I'm still campaigning to get Angieluv to move from La Crosse toSheboygan so she can hang out with me and volunteer for a shelter thatwould appreciate her. Maybe I should start an "EverybodyShould Live In Wisconsin" campaign?

If Oxbow from a store is so expensive, check out buying it directlyfrom the company over the internet. It might actually becheaper for you.
Oxbox is pretty reasonable if you buy in quantity.
For me, the timothy hay was about 1/3 the price of buying it in the pet store. And that included the price of shipping it!

got any pics

PS: I lived in Wisconsin for a while when I was a kid.
I remember lots of cows......and beer & bratwurst, too!
Maybe we should have the next Bunnie Party at The Dells!!!:D
My hubbie has family living in West Bend andWaukesha....we visited a few years ago. It was beautiful inthe spring and summer. I'm not so sure that the winters thereare quite as nice! We also have dear friends moved here fromWI....when we're all complaining about the cold, they're still inlight-weight jackets wondering what's wrong with the rest ofus!

Btw, Pumpkin seems to love the Oxbow, and is doing well withit. I'm not surprised that she likes it...she should've beennamed Miss Piggy.....she hasn't met a food yet that she doesn't devour!
okay, i can help!:)
first, dont use hartz or purina. I have,and all of the rabbits i had , got sick on it including this dirtybottom stuff.
second, like many members have said:blue seal bunny 16 (works well taking away dirty bottom stuff :alsoOxbow bunny basics/t works well too
im not sure about kaytee though-i neverhad a problem with the treats but i never have tried the treats.
I heard that the Kaytee pellets contain a cancercausing ingredient. I did hear it on a guinea pig forum but i'massuming that if the pig pellets have it then so do the rabbit pellets.

I'm going to try and research it.
Yes, the preservative that Kaytee uses is aknown carcinogen (cancer causer) BUT as another member pointed out,there is no such thing as the perfect feed. Even Oxbow contains aningredient that is believed to be damaging to the liver and it is oneof the most recommended pellets out there.

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