New Member
pamnock wrote:
The other issue for me was that it felt like the rabbit was beingdisposed of because it could no longer produce kits. Maybethat wasn't the case but that is what I took from it and that was theother thing thatbothered me. I realize that I amdifferent from a breeder in that Sidney is my pet. I amextremely devoted to my pets and would move Heaven and Earth for them,including paying vet bills that I cannot afford. Like I saidbefore, if I can't afford to pay for vet care then I shouldn't have apet. That's just the way I was brought up.
I think we need to just "agree to disagree" on this. I haveno hard feelings orill will towards anyone here and I hope noone feels any towards me.
I guess I'm having a hard time envisioning a rabbit being shot as abetter way to go out than a lethal injection. That beingsaid, I realize that there probably are more "botched" euthanasiaattempts than I'd like to think aboutbut I think if I werechoosing how I would want to leave this world, I don't think I'd chooseto be shot. It just seems like such a violent way togo. That's just my opinion though.Ihave a friend who works at a vets office and was disturbed at some ofthe stories I had heard about incidents at the office and lies told topet owners.
Also, having heard of a number of "botched" euthanasia attempts byveterinarians that resulted in trauma to the animal andemotional distress to the owner, I'm far more comfortable knowing thatI can guarantee death to be instantaneous and the rabbit will notstruggle and panic.
We raise the rabbits and we will take the responsibilityfor them until the very end because we care so much forthem.
The other issue for me was that it felt like the rabbit was beingdisposed of because it could no longer produce kits. Maybethat wasn't the case but that is what I took from it and that was theother thing thatbothered me. I realize that I amdifferent from a breeder in that Sidney is my pet. I amextremely devoted to my pets and would move Heaven and Earth for them,including paying vet bills that I cannot afford. Like I saidbefore, if I can't afford to pay for vet care then I shouldn't have apet. That's just the way I was brought up.
I think we need to just "agree to disagree" on this. I haveno hard feelings orill will towards anyone here and I hope noone feels any towards me.