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pamnock wrote:
Ihave a friend who works at a vets office and was disturbed at some ofthe stories I had heard about incidents at the office and lies told topet owners.

Also, having heard of a number of "botched" euthanasia attempts byveterinarians that resulted in trauma to the animal andemotional distress to the owner, I'm far more comfortable knowing thatI can guarantee death to be instantaneous and the rabbit will notstruggle and panic.

We raise the rabbits and we will take the responsibilityfor them until the very end because we care so much forthem.

I guess I'm having a hard time envisioning a rabbit being shot as abetter way to go out than a lethal injection. That beingsaid, I realize that there probably are more "botched" euthanasiaattempts than I'd like to think aboutbut I think if I werechoosing how I would want to leave this world, I don't think I'd chooseto be shot. It just seems like such a violent way togo. That's just my opinion though.

The other issue for me was that it felt like the rabbit was beingdisposed of because it could no longer produce kits. Maybethat wasn't the case but that is what I took from it and that was theother thing thatbothered me. I realize that I amdifferent from a breeder in that Sidney is my pet. I amextremely devoted to my pets and would move Heaven and Earth for them,including paying vet bills that I cannot afford. Like I saidbefore, if I can't afford to pay for vet care then I shouldn't have apet. That's just the way I was brought up.

I think we need to just "agree to disagree" on this. I haveno hard feelings orill will towards anyone here and I hope noone feels any towards me.
I think if I were choosing how I would want to leave this world,I don't think I'd choose to be shot. It just seems like such a violentway to go.

You're a human. A rabbit does not know what a gun is, and has no concept of "violence" ;)

I think we need to just "agree to disagree" on this. I haveno hard feelings orill will towards anyone here and I hope noone feels any towards me.

You are indeed wiseto state thatthere are timeswhen we just have to "agree to disagree", even when someones views areso completely different from our own. It's not always easy,but being able to step back and not take someones opinion as apersonalattackis the key ingredient to such aneclectic group of peoplebeing able to get along on this board.

Pam :)
I just mentioned toCarolyn last night that one of the things I enjoy so much about thisforum is that we can thoroughly discuss a topic and have opposing viewsfrom beginning to end, then let it go and move on to the next topicwith big smiles and no hard feelings. Each topic has a different "pro"with information that informs and enlightens many participants. That'scool! :cool:

This is one of my favorite quotes from this thread-

Sunnysideup said, regarding Pam's son, "Iwish more children were taught these values. He will grow up to be avaluable husband and father, and we could use a lot more ofthese."

I guess I'm having a hard time envisioning a rabbit beingshot as a better way to go out than a lethal injection. Thatbeing said, I realize that there probably are more "botched" euthanasiaattempts than I'd like to think aboutbut I think if I werechoosing how I would want to leave this world, I don't think I'd chooseto be shot. It just seems like such a violent way togo. That's just my opinion though.

Let me give your another point of view. :)

The noise a gun makes would be the only thing a rabbit may notice whenbeing shot. However, from my experience and discussion with anotherrabbit breeder friend we came to the conclusion that a rabbit may noteven hear the noise. The noise a gun makes happens when the bullet isreleased. Therefore with a bullet traveling fast the bullet should hitthe rabbit before it 'hears' the noise. Thus the rabbitwouldn't know what happened to them. Now don't quote me onthis but its from my personal experience with range shooting etc.

Now, I know I hate shots! I also know how bad my cats tense up whengiven a shot. When given the lethal injection theanimalcould feel tense and scared of the shot. So the lastthing they would feel is 'pain'.

Now I just through this out of the top of my head on my personal thoughts so I have no references to back up my thoughts. ;)

Fergi wrote:
I just wanted to say that not only does this board help me learnabout my bunnies but it is also a great site to learn aboutinterpersonal communication and ethics!

Fergi's mom

Yes! My thirteen yr. old and I had a nice discussion about this threadwhich covered animal euthanasia, how geographical location "can"influence political/emotional/moral stances, and gun control. All inall, I thought a lot of meaty discussion for one thread.
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
This is one of my favorite quotes from this thread-

Sunnysideup said, regarding Pam's son, "Iwish more children were taught these values. He will grow up to be avaluable husband and father, and we could use a lot more ofthese."


Soooo, any of you experienced bunnynappers wanna help us snatch him? Wecould claim we were going for bunnies and got him by accident. *furtivelooks*
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
I just mentioned to Carolynlast night that one of the things I enjoy so much about this forum isthat we can thoroughly discuss a topic and have opposing views frombeginning to end, then let it go and move on to the next topic with bigsmiles and no hard feelings. Each topic has a different "pro" withinformation that informs and enlightens many participants. That's cool!:cool:
It is very cool and highly unusual for a message board and many other forums.

Like I've said before, I think bunny owners are somehow more calm or something than other people! :)
Fergi wrote:
WhenBen had to be put to sleep they puthim into a box and"puthim to sleep" before administering the lethal injectionso that he wasn't in any pain or even aware at that point.

Fergi's mom

That's the way it should be done (ideally).

I still get so sad seeing those photos of Ben -- what a love he was.

pam (and fergi)

I know exactly what you are saying. I was here only a shorttime when big ben was lost. I read what fergi wrote and hadtears come to my eyes. When I see his pic with his babies Ihave had tears roll down my cheek.

I don't know what it was about that big boy, but he touched us all insome way. I particulary love that one pic where he looks socheeky like he's smiling in some onery way!

Thanks Pam and Bo, that really means a lot to me.It is still hard every day... I see a picture of him and cry, someonecomments on him and I cry, I think of him and I cry. He will alwayshold a piece of my heart and I can't wait to be reunited with himsomeday. Thankfully Diva seems to recognize this whole in my heart andshe is doing her best to help fill it back up. She really is a love andhelps me cope with not having my Big Ben around. I agree that this isthe ideal way to euthanize an animal except that it is not alwayspractical. I am glad that that is how Ben went over the RainBow Bridge.

Fergi's mom
I'm sorry if I made you cry, Fergi, but I didwant to say what you couldn't see or know. I really thinkabout Ben often.

Diva, she's adorable! She's going to be a big girl isn't she?
We all miss Ben. :(He was like one ofthe unofficial mascots of the board. Ben was a beutiful boys and we allmiss him so much, maybe not as much as you do, but we feel for you.
sunnysideup wrote:
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
This is one of my favorite quotes from this thread-

Sunnysideup said, regarding Pam's son, "Iwish more children were taught these values. He will grow up to be avaluable husband and father, and we could use a lot more ofthese."


Soooo, any of you experienced bunnynappers wanna help us snatch him? Wecould claim we were going for bunnies and got him by accident. *furtivelooks*
Actually....he's been on my list eversince I heard he can shear a rabbit in 7 seconds flat or somethinginsane like that! I was kind of hoping he'd be at the boathouse party.That should make the logistics of snatching him a bit easier!;)

RaspberrySwirl wrote:

Actually....he's been on my list eversince I heard he can shear a rabbit in 7 seconds flat or somethinginsane like that! I was kind of hoping he'd be at the boathouse party.That should make the logistics of snatching him a bit easier!;)


I'll never let you find him LOL

He's pretty quick with the shearing -- although not quite 7 seconds LOL

"Skin Mat-ers" like Sebastian take longer though.

Ryan loves the animals and has such a soothing effect on them (it's fun to watch him shear the Angoras).

I had gone to the store to buy Matthew one of those fighting fish, butthey didn't have any, so we got 2 goldfish and I put them in the vasethat I had bought for the fighting fish. The two littlegoldfish seemed very content, so Matthew, Stephanie and I left for a"midnight madness" rabbit show.

Ryan had come home later and noticed the fish in distress (they werenot getting enough air in the vase). I received a phone calland subsequent lecture from him about how the goldfish could not be putin that type of container. He proceeded to put them in alarge bucket and built an aerator from a small motor andLego! The fish were saved and are still alive today (hebought them a fish tank and set it all up for them).

He's got a good head on his shoulders and is veryresponsible. He's 14, has his own checking account.Owned a car, which he recently sold to purchase a motorcycle.He loves to work on things and is very mechanical. (He wrote a researchproject on motors last year). He also works at the local hardware store.

Ever since he could get his hands on anything, he would take itapart. I would appreciate however, if hewould put my other computer back together that is now in pieces on mybedroom floor!

He's also a very thrifty shopper, so great to take with you to the store to stave off those impulse purchases.

When he was little, he had beautiful golden shoulder length hair -- everyone though he was a girl LOL


Ry and his dog . . .

pamnock wrote:
RaspberrySwirl wrote:

Actually....he's been on my list eversince I heard he can shear a rabbit in 7 seconds flat or somethinginsane like that! I was kind of hoping he'd be at the boathouse party.That should make the logistics of snatching him a bit easier!;)


I'll never let you find him LOL

He's pretty quick with the shearing -- although not quite 7 seconds LOL

"Skin Mat-ers" like Sebastian take longer though.

I might have to use bait to find him! :p



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