Going Bonkers at Feeding Time

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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2004
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
I was just wondering does everyone elses rabbitsgo totally bonkers in their cage as if they never had a meal before intheir life? Mine do of course, and I always think it's totallyhilarious.:colors:
Yes! Wildfire will stare pitafully atme until she sees the scoop. Sometimes she'll follow thescoop. Most times she dives at the food dish like she hasn'teaten in days, and honks if I try to touch her while she'seating.

She never finishes all the pellets right away, so I know she's not starving, but she sure does act like it!

Hi Mambo, Buttercup will sit in front of histray waiting for his supper. Now that the time is actuallyone hour back the poor bunnies are all screwed up.

Wilbur & Jackie Blinky and jump and run around in their bedroomwhen we bring the food to them. You think we starved them allday the way they act.

Mopsy will throw her water bottle off the cageif it gets too close to empty. She also has been known topull her food dish off the side of the cage and toss it around to letus know it's empty. It's metal and on the metal cage...WHAT ARACKET!!!! She will go at it for 30 secs like she'sstarving to death ...then give her food a look like ... "Well I guessthis will have to do......some sweets in here would make it morepallatable" She's a regular riot when itcomes to food.
Yes mine act like little piggy's as well,hehe sometimes i have to look to make sure that they don't have a little curly tail!

Lucky and BunBun go nuts for hay, even if thehay in their cage has only been in there for an hour and is stillfresh, they will go loopy if I rustle the hay bag by mistake. The topof the hay bag is level with the door of their raised cage and theother night I forgot to shut the door and they jumped out into the haybag and it fell over; you should have seen the mess :shock:.

Dodge goes MENTAL for pellets, so much so that she humps my arm sometimes when I'm putting the dish down.
minilops wrote:
Dodge goes MENTAL for pellets, so much so that she humps myarm sometimes when I'm putting the dish down.
Hehe,i have seen Marshmallow do this,but not to me,when she sees mewith the pellet bowl she will get all excited and give another bunny aquick little hump,she is so funny....but geesh these pellets must besome pretty exciting stuff!!lol

Nibbles usually runs around and binkies in themorning and when she gets her pellets in the evening, though not forher 2nd salad, or for hay. (Or treats, either.)
Mine climb INTO the pellet container! They make me feel like I never ever feed them. Of course i know better.
My bunnies hear me coming at feeding time and bythe time I've reached their house I always have 3 little faces staringup at me (they stand up against the door). :inlove:

When I open the door they go crazy and try to jump intotheveggie bowl and dry food container!But them whenIput their bowls down they all like to eat out of the sameone! Even though there is always someone who can't reach it:rollseyes(they all have separate ones but you'd think I only gave them one!)

It's so funny when they fight over a piece of cabbage or whatever,Berri's the worst for that. She'll pull it out of one of the other twosmouth, then they'll grab it back again then Berri grabs it back againand so on...:rofl:Berri always wins of course lol

Michaela and the girls:brownbunny:brownbunny:brownbunny
Jack doesn't go bonkers when he's getting hisnormal food, but every night when I'm going to bed, he will come withme and lounge on my bed until I'm ready to go to sleep, then I tell himit's bedtime and time to go to his own bed. Anyway, everynight when we're lounging on my bed I feed him raisins and he goesloopy for them! In his opinion, I don't take them out quickenough for him (I do it one by one and he takes them from between myfingers) and he tries to just stick his whole head in the bag and eatthem like that! LOL
Yes! Fey and Sprite run crazy circlesaround me and around their pen. While I'm getting the veggiesready, Loki throws every single toy in his cage until I start walkingin with the bowl. Mocha is more... princess-like but she sitsunder the stools in the bunny room where I get the food ready andalmost quivers with anticipation.

Sometimes Fey and Sprite even go nuts for hay. They never run out, but I guess fresh hay is exciting.
Cookie is the one that gets most excited atfeeding time. She zips around in her cage and does half binkies. If shethinks I'm taking too much time in getting to her while I'm feeding theothers, she'll thump loudly a couple times to remind me that she'sstill there and hungry. It doesn't matter if her dish is empty or not,every morning I get the same response. LOL When Elliott sees theveggies coming, he sits right by his door so he can snatch them from meas I open it. Elliott has yet to meet a veggie he doesn't like. Hannahdoesn't really get excited for anything but craisins.

Mine go absolutely nuts for their pellets,especially in the morning! They both run around their cagesand get up on their hinnies with their front paws on the cage and movetheir heads around like "mommy please don't forget to feedus". Angel will physically bump the cup I feed thepelletsout ofto make me poor more in her bowl.:shock:
Yes! They race about doing binkies and standingup against the wire until I bring them their food, then once I put downtheir feed ball they pick it up and chuck it across their run and hopabout excitedly hoovering up pellets.:D
I think my bunnies can hear me coming down the stairs in the morning.
By the time I get to the door of their room they're all standing withtheir paws up on the cage doors. As soon as I walk into the room theystart running around and doing binkies.

If I start to feed them and need to leave the room, you can hear them tossing their toys and bowls around until I get back.

I think Chippy gets the most excited. Every once in a while she nips meby mistake trying to get at her food. And greens drive her into afeeding frenzy. Twice now she's come charging out of her cage to get atthem. Once she missed and slid right off the table and onto thefloor....the other time she slid off the table and into the bag ofromaine.

Timothy cubes are also a big thing for them. You'd think they were made with crushed craisins or something.

And take cover if I shake the dried papaya container...YIKES!!!!!
Rodney doesn't get excited about feeding time. He will keep sleeping and ignore his veggies until he feels like getting up.

Layla goes mad at feeding time. She does bunny 500's when she can seeme coming with the bowl of veggies, and practically headbutts my handsas I put them down. Then once she has them she will grunt for me to goaway and leave her alone with her precious food.

Eve wrote:
Then once she has them she will grunt for me to goaway and leave her alone with her precious food.
Hehe,it's likeLayla's saying 'it's about time,now be gone with you!!


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