Going Bonkers at Feeding Time

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great thred!

my bunnies live out so i prepare their greens in the house, but when igo out they come running over and stand up on their back feet as ivetaught them to do that little trick with food before!

when i come out side in the evening both my bunnies know its feed timeso they start running up to the side of their pens and Dandy will thenrun into her hutch jsut to check ive not already put them there! and ifshe has some from the night before she thinks they are her food fortonight so digs in so it can be very hard to get any food itno thebowl. Daisy will stand right next to me when im filing her bowl up anddemand food off me!

if i have to fill their treat ball with pellets then while im poaringthe pellets in a few at a time a few always miss and land on the floorand Daisy is always their hooving them up whereas Dandy will jsut standon her back feet and put her head straight into the pot im tyring toget the pellets out of!
Cocoa will hop around and puthis paws on the cage bars when it's feeding time. When I goto put his food dish down into the cage he is always running aroundunder it, and I have to wait for him to move so I can put the fooddown! Sometimes Cocoa starts eating the pellets when I stillhave my hand on the dish.

It's so cute and it makes me smile every time! :D


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