i know that we don't know each other very well, but i wanted to say i am so sorry for what your going thru.
and it might not mean much, but you can pm me anytime. even if it is just to type everything out and have someone to hear. i am great at listening
just remember, you have many friends here. and bunnies you can hug and cuddle whenever you need.
i thought i would also add one of my favorite quotes. it sounds depressing if you take it that way, but whenever life has me down, or i am terribly upset about something i think of it and take it in a literal form, i don't remember who wrote it, all i remember is that it has gotten me past some tough times
"i can sum up everything i've learned in life in 3 words: it goes on"
not sure if that will help, but i thought it was worth a try
hope things get better for you