Well-Known Member
Love the first pic! What a cutie!
I found this on a Penn State Entomology site. It's called TheBroad-Faced Sac Spider from the family of Two-Clawed Hunting Spiders***scary music plays***JimD wrote:yes, yes, YES !! is that good or bad??FreddysMom wrote:okay so ineed help with something....there are these really scary spiders thatkeep showing up in my bathroom and bedroom they have black bodies andred legs and red fangs .....i am SO scared of i waswondering if anyone has seen one like this before.. the only thing icould find based on description was a red legged purse weeb spider ..but it doesnt really look it ... sorry the picture is so big but iwanted the detail to show ...i wanns know if i have to be worried aboutthese things (poisonous,..etc)...i found one crawling on me onenight... needless to say i didnt sleep the whole night!
It looks a lot like this one....yes?no?
::shudder:: yes I read that too...they alsosaid that you dont have to worry too much about bites ... that theyhave no toxic effect unless you are a person that is allergic to beestrings and those type things..they also said the bites are verypainful....if the bite isnot properly cleaned ..the venom causes the infected area to rapidly they bitetheir prey and then use the smell of the rotting stuff to find it andeat it :?yuk![/align]FreddysMom wrote:
I found this on a Penn State Entomology site. It's called TheBroad-Faced Sac Spider from the family of Two-Clawed Hunting Spiders***scary music plays***JimD wrote:yes, yes, YES !! is that good or bad??FreddysMom wrote:okay so ineed help with something....there are these really scary spiders thatkeep showing up in my bathroom and bedroom they have black bodies andred legs and red fangs .....i am SO scared of i waswondering if anyone has seen one like this before.. the only thing icould find based on description was a red legged purse weeb spider ..but it doesnt really look it ... sorry the picture is so big but iwanted the detail to show ...i wanns know if i have to be worried aboutthese things (poisonous,..etc)...i found one crawling on me onenight... needless to say i didnt sleep the whole night!
It looks a lot like this one....yes?no?
[align=left]"Trachelas tranquillus[/i]is another of the sac spiders, many of which can be found inhomes. It ranges from New England and adjacent Canada southto Georgia and Alabama and west to Kansas and Minnesota.Outdoors, they are found in the same places as yellow sac spiders (seeabove) and also construct silken retreats, within which they hidediurnally. Most occurrences of T. tranquillus[/i] in homescoincide with falling temperatures in autumn. They do not, asa rule, establish reproducing colonies inhomes.
Most likely, we are going to try and block off the bedroom with like aFrench doorso they can have free run in there and then anytime in the living room will be supervised cuz its going to impossibleto hide every wire.great place! will your two babies have access to the whole thing?
After tons of searching I read about the history of the Hotot.Which started out with a Checkered Giant and the lady just keepbreeding out the spotting and other blk markings. Low and behold shecould not get rid of the black rings around their eyes. and thats howthey ended up looking how they do. Furthermore, b/c of their lineageHotot produce "piebald" babies occasionally which look like Freddy oryour Cookie. That is the most reasonable thing I have come across ...or that he's just a total mutt....mixed with who knows! lol in any case.. he's still my lil baby .....have you seen Bunnydude's Devon? Helooks the same too. and his mom was a lop.Awesome apartment! And the two babies are thesweetest! Freddy and Cookie could be twins! Same spot on thenose - but Cookie's is on the other side of his face.
I saw earlier that you didn't know what breed Freddy was? Ithink Cookie is a Dwarf Hotot (not show quality - the show Hototbunnies have to be pure white except for the eye rings).Freddy might be a regular Hotot (not sure how big he is now) or a Hototmix of some sort - he's much bigger than Cookie who's only 2lbs andpretty much done growing.
I love the pictures of him when he was a baby!! SOOO sweet. Ididn't have Cookie as a baby - so I am living vicariously through yourphotos!!