Freddy's Scrapbook!

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they are SO smart ....the already have a mudpitin their area, but they decided they wanted one under theshaded part of their area .. so made this trench from their water pansto this huge hole they dug out ... and they would jump keep knockingover their water dishes into the trench cuz they knew my dad would comeout and fill them right back... they kept on doing this for days untiluntil they had a nice new mudpit!
so today ... I went deep sea fishing with my dad........I ask him, "Dad, are you sure we got everything." he replies,"yes." I then say "you're sure the sun-tan lotion is in the car" heagain says, "yes" ..............

well guess what was not in the car ....:disgust: 7 hours after fishing this morning and afternoon with a heatindex of 110I officially look like a lobster and feel like afried chicken :?

We had a good time tho ... caught alot of trought and whiting .. lilbaby sharks...tons of pin dad almost caught thishuge blue Mackerel ...when the guy tried to help him net it up ..itsomehow got itself off the hook and away :(

we almost lost one of our poles...we had cast out a line with a lillive pin fish on the end and Holy Mother two seconds later the darnpole was almost over the edge ....this HUGE shark took off with it andended up snapping the was crazy ..this huge like 6 ft brownshark!! :scared:

well that was my adventure for the day and of course i forgot my camera... but ill be sure to post lobster pictures of myself when i get backhome ...until then ill keep slathering myself with aloe vera gel!!!

okay so i need help with something....there arethese really scary spiders that keep showing up in my bathroom andbedroom they have black bodies and red legs and red fangs .....i am SOscared of i was wondering if anyone has seen one likethis before.. the only thing i could find based on description was ared legged purse weeb spider .. but it doesnt really look it ... sorrythe picture is so big but i wanted the detail to show ...i wanns knowif i have to be worried about these things (poisonous,..etc)...i foundone crawling on me one night... needless to say i didnt sleep the wholenight!

heres spidey (missing three legs..must have just gotten outta a fight)


Eeewww, that is one scarey looking spider - evenif it is minus some legs! Can't help on what type or if it's poisonous- if I found it crawling on me you would hear my screams, even acrossthe pond. :shock::scared:

Thatthing is beyond creepy. You have found my one downfall. I'm with Jan ifthat thing was on my wall I would scream like a girl and probably peeon myself.

Sorry I can't help. Quick we need Freddy pics to get that nasty spider out of our heads.

FreddysMom wrote:
okay so i need help with something....there are these reallyscary spiders that keep showing up in my bathroom and bedroom they haveblack bodies and red legs and red fangs .....i am SO scared i was wondering if anyone has seen one like thisbefore.. the only thing i could find based on description was a redlegged purse weeb spider .. but it doesnt really look it ... sorry thepicture is so big but i wanted the detail to show ...i wanns know if ihave to be worried about these things (poisonous,..etc)...i found onecrawling on me one night... needless to say i didnt sleep the wholenight!

It looks a lot like this one....yes?no?
JimD wrote:
FreddysMom wrote:
okay so ineed help with something....there are these really scary spiders thatkeep showing up in my bathroom and bedroom they have black bodies andred legs and red fangs .....i am SO scared of i waswondering if anyone has seen one like this before.. the only thing icould find based on description was a red legged purse weeb spider ..but it doesnt really look it ... sorry the picture is so big but iwanted the detail to show ...i wanns know if i have to be worried aboutthese things (poisonous,..etc)...i found one crawling on me onenight... needless to say i didnt sleep the whole night!

It looks a lot like this one....yes?no?
yes, yes, YES !! is that good or bad??

Freddy is so adorable! I'm loving your little man bun. lols

I'm with you FreddysMom. I HATE spiders, insects anything that crawls. It makes me shiver when I even think about it.

I hope that spider problem can be resolved.



Gah!! I would have to say the three things I amtotally scared of are spiders, silverfish and bees. I think im prettyokay with everything else ...eww lol you should have so seen me thepast couple of days trying to look up the darn thing.. (btw thanks forthe pic Jim I was able to find that site and its so definately thatspider and its not poisonous...whew!!) I would be looking at all thepictures and descriptions and be shuddering and swear I felt like stuffwas creepy-crawling on me .. I had goosebumps the whole time !! yuk!
Ewwwwww i hate spiders ,i built a condo for mynew rabbit and i got in it and layed down (dont ask lol) butthen my sis locked to see if i could get out then she left ... i wasstuck!and then this huge spider started crawling near me ....and melocked in a rabbit cage :shock:sooo while i was sobbing i was fumblingat the lock then my sis came and un locked me wow that was the fastesti have ever jumped up! an unexpected turn of events Vicky isnow home with me..which I am very happy for her to be ...she'll begoing to her daddy's new apartment in about a week tho ..:(imgonna miss the lil baby!

Tonight was the first time she has had her nails cut by me...I expectedher to be frantic and freakingout about the whole thin..butOMG she was a perfect angel...she was in a bunny burrito and Ikept her in it just in case ...she just layed there thewholetime with her eyes closed .. didnt even flinch when she felt thepressure of the here's two bunny burrito pics ofher :)(ahem and pls excuse the dirty paws b/f's mom hadher on them will be an experience for tommorrow!)




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