Fluffball's Possible Pregnancy Diary

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TinysMom wrote:
Becca wrote:
Luv-bunniz wrote:
Becca wrote:
??? :huh what is this post meant to mean?
Dammit that there will be no babies.
I've got mixed feelings, I want babies becuase - well everyone does but I don't want her to be in case she gets hurt.
Becca - you can't be sure there will be no babies. I've had does go two days past their due date and I've heard of other does going longer.
OMG Really!!!
I had a dream last night where Fluffball had a litter of 10 and I got down in the morning and she was grooming them all then went to have a drink, greeted me with a nudge and went back to feed her babies.

I just wish that were true...
Becca wrote:
I had a dream last night where Fluffball had a litter of 10 and I got down in the morning and she was grooming them all then went to have a drink, greeted me with a nudge and went back to feed her babies.

I just wish that were true...
I don't. After seeing what 8 babies can do to a lionhead mama....I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Man, ten would run a poor bunny ragged. My Boof struggled with one and was so anxious with it she ran herself right down. Sandy was an earth mother though and took it all in her stride. Ten would just be FAR too many though.
talking about rabbit poops, around the time Coco was having her litter I found this enormous (and I mean ENOURMOUS) pile of rabbit poops all in a big cluster at the end of the garden. I had never seen the likes before and ever since. I was just wondering retrospectively if rabbits clear themselves out before they give birth. It might just be a coincidence but maybe it's something to watch out for?
Just wait and see :) Try not to get your hopes up too much and then you won't be disappointed if she doesn't, but if she does you will have a lovely surprise :)
Oh boy yes, lo, ten babies! Sounds like a crazy dream :p.

When I first joined RO I had a bunny that was given to me, Dodge, she was handed over pregnant, I had no idea she was until she gave birth to 4 little wrigglies. Then her last son from that litter got her pregnant when he was 9 weeks old, you could have knocked me over with the feather :shock:, and she had 7 more babies. Poor girl was so skinny after having 11 babies in quick succession, she wasn't a huge rabbit either.

Just curious, what does your sis think of you mating her rabbit up?
Becca wrote:
When I think about it there have been poops in clusters.....
Coco's were humongous, as much as say five handful (not that I was trying to scoop them up:() Afterwords I did put it down to her giving birth but every doe might be different
She might be picking up on the anxiety you feel, which caused her to be anxious. There is the other obvious option, but it could be many things.
Sabine wrote:
I had never seen the likes before and ever since. I was just wondering retrospectively if rabbits clear themselves out before they give birth. It might just be a coincidence but maybe it's something to watch out for?
I can't say that I remember that happening - at least to the point where I would use it to judge whether or not a doe is pregnant/about to give birth.

Then again - each of my does was so unique in their own way.

For instance - in one of her litters - Miss Bea made nests three days ahead of time and then kept undoing them and redoing them. With her next litter - she made it less than an hour before giving birth.

Butterscotch made the most gorgeous nest I've ever seen - and then stuck her head in it and had the kits on the wire. :shock: Fortunately, I was right there when she gave birth so as they would wiggle out from under her (while she was delivering another one)- I'd grab the baby and hold it and then put them in her nest once she was done. She then looked at them in the nest - and looked up at me as if to say "I did good mom - didn't I?" I couldn't help but laugh.

I wish I'd written down the times of all my litters - I figured one time I had over 75 of them during my breeding experience. I've had does give birth right in front of me and then look at me like, "See?" and then others who looked at me and growled and I would walk away.

Anyway - enough of my ramblings...sorry. Maybe I'll post some later in my blog about my remembrances...that way I won't be stealing Becca's thread.

TinysMom wrote:
Butterscotch made the most gorgeous nest I've ever seen - and then stuck her head in it and had the kits on the wire. :shock: Fortunately, I was right there when she gave birth so as they would wiggle out from under her (while she was delivering another one)- I'd grab the baby and hold it and then put them in her nest once she was done. She then looked at them in the nest - and looked up at me as if to say "I did good mom - didn't I?" I couldn't help but laugh.


Rabbits are so funny.

I watched Sandy have contractions and it was awful. Unsurprisingly they were so strong she was very distressed with it all.

Boof had a pencil kit right by her water and that was so sad because it was a single baby and she wanted to protect it, even though it was dead. I felt really sorry for her that time. She was really depressed too.

I can't wait to read your stories in your blog Peg :D You have some many funnies to tell, they make great reading.

Becca wrote:
(Luv-Bunniz_ suggested me tryint to maybe pull a bit of fur from her dewlap and see if it comes away easily?
I personally would leave her and not stress her because she is obviously stressed for whatever reason (or else she wouldn't have lunged at you). I would just wait and see, if I were you. I would only suggets pulling fur if she makes a rubbish nest.