Fluffball's Possible Pregnancy Diary

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It's not a good way to tell if she is pregnant... Sometimes they get bigger because they are preggers... sometimes they get bigger just because they ate a lot of hay...
Oh I was just wondering LOL!

I don't think she has been eating that much hay.....
Hang on I'll ask Em...

Me: Emily has Fluffball been eating more hay?
Emily: I Dunno
Me: Well thats stupid
Emily: Shut up
Me: When was the last time you put hay in the rack?
Emily: Errrm dunno yesterday?
Me: Are you sure?
Emily: Yeah
Me: Positive?
Emily: YES
Me: So how much has she got?
Emily: I don't think she's been eating more...

No sense getting angry. (It doesn't solve anything... it doesn't change anything, and it's a waste of your precious time and energy.)

Either way, poop size is not a good way to determine if she is pregnant. We'll all just have to PATIENTLY wait til she decides if she is going to give you babies.... (OK... the "patiently" part is going to be tough!) :p
It also seems to be that something happens to rabbits metabolisms at this time of year so that also might be playing a part in her poo size too.
if shes eating plenty of hay her poops willbe nice and golden whereas if shes eating little her poopswill be black hope that helps
She may not have any, don't forget. Most breeders do more than one breeding when they mate, and because she is an induced ovulator she may not have been 'in the mood' because it only happened once.
At least if she didn't you would know she was ok and wouldn't have to go through an awful labour or anything like that. :)
Yeah true- I wish I could foster a pregnant doe.
That would be cool, becuase then I could look after them until they were like 8 weeks then find homes for them and maybe keep the mum or one of the babies.
Maybe one day you can (but you would probablyhave to meet certain criteria to do that, space wise, etc):) That's not quite how fostering works though, that normally means not keeping any of those that pass through as fosters, although plenty of us fail at fostering and end up keeping those that started as fosters :D
Flashy wrote:
Maybe one day you can (but you would probablyhave to meet certain criteria to do that, space wise, etc):) That's not quite how fostering works though, that normally means not keeping any of those that pass through as fosters, although plenty of us fail at fostering and end up keeping those that started as fosters :D
Thats what I was thinking!!

Well foster or adopt then w/e!!

And also dad went out and brought enough stuff to make 2 new big rabbit hutches today.!!! Wooooo
sometimes things happen for a reason hun so if shes not pregnant maybe its best that shes not however if she is i wish her a safe delivery deaths in does giving birth dont happen often so dont worry to much about that! at times like this you've got to be positive not negative.

when i bred my doe it took me 3 months to get a litter out of her she was 11 months old when she had them but was a medium sized bun she was the worst mum ever she didnt build a very good nest, stopped feeding them after a few weeks all of them died except one all i can say is not something im going through again :shock:but we all learn from our experiences im well and truelly 100% pro rescue now after seeing all the homeless buns in rescues :(if you think your litter of babies that you want will soon turn into 100's of rabbits :(

also have alook on free ads you'll be surprised just how many people sell pregnant rabbits! its sick really :(and i always worry what kind ofhomes those bunsend up in so maybe something to look into in away it would be like rescueing that bun and her babies if you get me and that way your not adding to the all ready over populated rabbits in the uk.
I was wondering if a mod could change the title of this thread to Fluffball's 'Possible' Pregnancy diary

Also, you know that if the mummas get scared and/or think the babies are in danger they eat them. Well how long is it until they get to big to be eaten by mumma?
Try not to worry too much about what may or may not happen, just take each issue as it arrives. The first one being possible labour.

Mum can spook at any time, but they are most at risk when their eyes are not open, I would imagine, and maybe until 10-12 days. Rabbits can fight to kill as adults, so babies will never be too big for that, but by the time their eyes open they should be able to run away from mum, although if things are really terrifying for her, you just don't know what will happen. I don't see that being an issue though after the early stages if she is in a shed because that is very sheltered :)
Becca wrote:
Luv-bunniz wrote:
Becca wrote:
??? :huh what is this post meant to mean?
Dammit that there will be no babies.
I've got mixed feelings, I want babies becuase - well everyone does but I don't want her to be in case she gets hurt.
Becca - you can't be sure there will be no babies. I've had does go two days past their due date and I've heard of other does going longer.
