Flemish Fever

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Okay, Vash has been grounded for the 2nd time in two weeks due to him spraying me. :X I have noticed that his scent gland was working overtime (hence the bath and clipping of the soiled fur), all he wants to do is circle me, and that he wants to follow me closely everywhere. He has only sprayed like twice before and that was when I first got him (4months old). Is he just a late bloomer? Is there anyway to discourage thes praying besides neutering because I may want to breed him later.


Jenn (mother of "stinkybutt")
I don't know Jenn. Apollo has not sprayed me Thank God. He does circle me though. Right before he decides that he just loves my leg. He'll follow me around. Sounds as though Vash is just a late bloomer. Spring is upon us and love is in the air.

Or he's paying you back for taking pictures of him in nothing but a towel;):p. Isn't it funny that the Flemish don't get aggressive. None that I've heard of.

I'm bumping this to ask a question from those who have flemish bunnies.

How much do you feed them for TREATS and how much for greens (if you feed them greens)? I know to give unlimited pellets and hay....

So far for treats I've only used raisins, craisins, banana, apple& greens. But I'm worried I'm spoiling them with too much when I do give them treats.

BTW - I'm dealing with both Netherland dwarfs and Tiny (Flemish)...but I figured on this thread I'd ask about for Tiny.

I swear he grew about 2" today....at least it feels that way tome. I think we're starting to bond better now that he's not around the 'tweebs....but it helps that I'm usually either cutting up greens or eating a banana and sharing it with him and the tweebs!

I am a treat aholic and have no business giving anybody advice on treats but here goes lol. I give Apollo dandelions. I give the greens as a treat and the flowers when he's been extra good. We have to count our fingers when giving him those.:shock:Romaine lettuce, broccoli and cabbage are the same way.

He loves oats. I give him a large handful every night and he inhales 'em, he loves it. He also goes crazy for dried papaya. I'm trying to avoid fur block and he thinks he's got the best mom ever;).

Clover is another he loves. He used to adore yogurt drops but Apollo has decided to go natural because he won't eat any of the sugary treats I buy.

OH! No Body follow this example ok. Apollo adores Fortune Cookies. He can tell the sound ofthe wrapper:shock::shock:.We break one in half and give it to him. He only gets this once every couple of months. Which is a good thing because WOW. I taught him how to sit up and beg- Big Mistake - because I can't say no. He knows it toobecause he begs extra pieces of cookie off everyone in the house.


OMG Tina! I also taught Nimue to sit up when I say "SIT" and I taught him that by holding a treat over his nose, and now when ever he hears a bag rustling or a box shaking (like a cereal box) he bolts upright looking for the treat :D It is so funny to see him hopping around then all of a sudden stop and immediately sit up, of course because he is blind so he doesn't know that there is no one there to give him a treat, so I usually go and get him one for being cute (I never really wonder why he is 22lbs :D)

Amy, I am so glad I am not the only that can not say no to a big ol bunny sitting up and begging. I tell you what, I'll never teach another on that. I couldn't handle the guilt of 4 of em doing it. It is so cute isn't it though?:D

Harris wrote:
That's the largest rabbit I ever saw:shock:

LMBO. You must not have ever seen a Flemish Giant. I am not laughing at you I swear I'm not. I love people's reactions when they see one for the first time.

There a bunch of Flemmies here. This is just a few:

Miss Cali




darling Vash


This is Murphy.


Apollo is my guy

I know I am forgetting some and I am very sorry.


Vash gets oats everyday before bedtime (1/4cup). All I have to do is shake the container and hegoes crazy buzzing and snorting. He loves dried banana slices and usually gets 1-2 of those on Sunday. I also found some horse treats called Locks of Love at WalMart that have apples, oats, omega-3 fatty acids, and other good stuff in them. He gets one horse treat a day. Oh and he also may get a baby carrot, parsley,canned pumpkin,romaine lettuce or an extra pinch of oats as a midday treat. He's a picky eater and will turn his nose up at most treats.

I also taught him to beg for treats and he goes into begging mode whenever he hears a bag crinkle or the frig open.
Have always been slightly scared of these big rabbits ... I wish I werent, as I think they are absolutely amazing! (I think it's the fact that yes, sometimes rabbits DO scratch, and the thought of claws THAT SIZE ... )

Heh! So cuddly !
I forget...can flemish owners post their bunny's weights and ages again? I know Apollo is 18 pounds and Neimu(sp?) is 22 pounds. I forget their ages.

I'm just curious....
Oh, that's sweet, Tina! Give that big beautiful bunny an extra treat for me, will ya'?Vashturned 2yrs this Friday.

Babydoshia, I've always thought your avatar was a Flemish, but didn't know his name. **Waving** Hi, Murphy!

ETA- Murph is a handsome boy! Look at those beautiful ears and eyes.

babydoshia wrote:
Murphy is 10 months old and weighs about 13 lbs.

Tina, I cant believe you forgot my Murpha :( How could you :p
I am so sorry. I was ssoooo tired lol. I knew I was forgetting someone and I was so tired I couldn't think who no matter how hard I tried.


This is dear sweet Murphy. Murphy I am so sorry baby boy. You are a doll and have every right to be included with your kin lol.
