Flemish Fever

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Dear Rainbows,

My girl Cali is a Flemish and I havea Polish named Tucker and a Holland Lop named Fauna. All much smaller than she is. Also have been pet sitting for a small dutch.Cali loves them all and is gentle as can be with each. The smaller breeds actually give her a harder time than she ever would imagine giving them. They will chase her down - especially Tucker - to the point where I can't leave her out with them.

She just wants to be friends, but Tucker can't stand her.Everything that he is, she's opposite. For example:






Conditional love/Unconditional love




* * * * *

I definitely would encourage you to get aFlemish as your next rabbit.



I too recommend getting a Flemish Giant, even i fall your other rabbits are smaller. I bought Amaretto, my flemish-holland cross when she was a hefty 10+ lb. 3 month old baby. She is now over 18 lbs, and is huge!

She decided to meet and greet all my other bunnies, and pretty much decided who she wanted to 'room' with. I had an open cage-conversion for my rabbit Carmelita and her offspring, and Amaretto just hopped in there with them one night, and has never left!

They are the best friends that two rabbits could be, and have such a wonderful bond. Amaretto dwarfs Carmelita, but Amaretto is so gentle and sweet that you'd think she doesnt even realize how big she is.
thank you for the replies, but mainly, THANK YOU TINA for all the PMs of mine that you took the time to reply to. i can't tell you how helpful you have been. i feel like i have a good understanding now of what i need and what to be prepared for when we do get a flemish. my husband and son areas fascinated as i am. i hope you don't mind if i continue to ask you questions because we really are considering gettin gone. i'm not worried as worried about the flemish attacking my hotot - but now i am worried about my hotot attacking it.:X i wish i knew about flemish when i was getting a rabbit. i really want one now, butthe attitude of my little squirt might hold us back.:? never would have thought it would've gone that way.

Rainbows, you are very welcome. It has been no problem. I hope to one day soon hear that you have a new Flemmie baby. I think You are so wise to consider waiting. Maybe you can work it out so that the Hotot has part of the house and the Flemmie has another. I do so hope you get one. It sounds as though a Flemish would be awesome for you. If you have anymore questions, just ask ok.

Check out the newest Flemish on the board.


She's 12 weeks old. What a DOLL!

I don't know if y'all have seen any of these,but here are some Flemish photos from one of my favorite animal photographers, Rachael Hale:

Mr. McGregor

Mr. Hopper and Butterfly

Georgina Bunny (Baby Flemish Giant)


What BEAUTIFUL Babies, m.e. Thanks for sharing them with us. They're gorgeous. :)

Reading this topic makes me want to get a flemish! But my hands are full and I don't think there are any breeders down here. :(


I'm so glad he chose a Flemish! I've been waiting to see when you'd post today. Oh, buns for life, I'm overjoyed for you and this little love, and Guin and Gir too.


:dude: :dude: :dude:

I am convinced that one of the reasons why Caliloves being big (even though she's completely unaware of her size) is because Ms. Lazybones can stretch out and still get her head in the food bowl to eat. God forbid she have to stand up!


How are all my Flemish Babies doing???

Nimue does the SAME thing! He will be running around the living room or something and I will get a bowl of food out for him. And of course did I put it in the right place...NO...so he will drag it over to "his spot" and place it right in front of his mouth, so he can sleep and eat and then sleep and eat! Lazy "little"guy!
Carolyn wrote:
I am convinced that one of the reasons why Cali loves being big (even though she's completely unaware of her size) is because Ms. Lazybones can stretch out and still get her head in the food bowl to eat. God forbid she have to stand up!


How are all my Flemish Babies doing???

:shock2:Vash does the same thing with his food and water! He lays down almost all day and slides over to eat out of the food bowl then scoots over to drink out of the water bottle lol. Oh and don't let the bowl get too low for him to eat and lie down - he will shake it until I fill it to his liking. Spoiled things huh?

BTW Carolyn, he is still being a sweetie.

Carolyn wrote:
How are all my Flemish Babies doing???

Tiny does the same thing w/ his food bowl.

However - today Tiny did the unthinkable. He BIT me. He didn't break skin but I'll have a bruise.However, in his defense, let me say that I was sitting on the floor holding his arch enemy, trying to reintroduce them - and I wouldn't let Tiny bite or hurt his arch enemy. So - he came to me and lightly bit me on the arm. I tapped him on the nose with one finger and he looked at me with this SHOCKED look. Then I petted him - and put Kyo away in his cage.

Tiny then came and jumped in my lap and tried to bite my shirt (because it smelled like Kyo).

I think I'm just going to have to give the three original bunnies that I had separate play times....and that I was trying to rush Tiny.

Everybody at our party yesterday was impressed by his size - then I'd state that he was only 5 months old and about half the size he'll grow to be.....

Peg I had the same expirence with Nimue the other day.

We have this rescue named Cita, and he HATES her, and Nimue loves everyone :) Well Cita isnt spayed and we thought ok maybe Cita will be ok with a neutered male....boy oh boy were we wrong! Nimue was such a gentlemen, but Cita mounted Nimue which scared the living daylights out of him! He was so scared he didnt know what was going on! I grabbed Cita off of him and put her back, by that time Nimue was hiding under the chair, if bunnies could cry Nimue would have been!

So later that week I was holding Cita and then I went to hold Nimue and he BIT me! Blood and everything! I said "NO!" in a VERY loud voice and my poor baby went and hid under his shelf, and stuck his face in the corner. I felt SO bad, I tried to coax him out with some treats but he was so irked at me.

Well all is better now :D I knew it wouldnt hold a grudge for long :D

Is it me or do Flemish like to 'mouth' things? Anubis will be on the bed getting snuggles and he will take the comfort or into his mouth and just sort of mouth it without biting down. He does it to my hair and my shoulder too. He is realizing that biting skin results in a thwap on the nose and a trip back to his cage.

Anubis is also lazy, he lays down with his chin in the food bowl ALL the time. and I think I need to change to a bowl, he has been using his water bottle in such a way that the water pours out all over the cage. But he does enjoy laying on the plastic cutting board we bought him.
ayglnu13 wrote:
Peg I had the same expirence with Nimue the other day.


Thanks for sharing. That actually makes me feel better - I was worried maybe I'd ruin the wonderful, gentle reputation of flemish if I shared this...but I was in such shock.

Later today Tiny came up and was licking me - and he even licked where he bit me...as if he felt bad about it.

Peg: Sampson does the same thing. He'll get me when I'm opening his cage and not doing it fast enough for his liking. He's also started the nasty bunny puberty, and has decided he doesn't want picked up, he used to be my cuddle boy. I have to break him of that, because with the scratches he's left in the last couple of days, I can't even imagine what they will be like when he's a big boy. He's also mad because I have him at a friend's house right now, and he's trying to explore and I'm limiting where he can be.
He got weighed yesterday, 8 lbs. 10 oz. My big boy, he's not quite 4 months old.
I love these stories! I'm so glad that Cali and her cousins share so much of the same traits.


Do you have a Con Artist? Cali cons me.

She'll come up to me and kiss my hand many many times. I think, "Aww, my baby girl just loves me." Then comes the nudge!

She sticks her nose under my hand and pushes so that my hand falls over her nose.

It is then that I realize: I've been Had!

She didn't care about me as much as it was time to pet her and she knows how to get my full attention by those kisses.

Am I the only one this happens to???
