Flemish Fever

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Jenniblu wrote:
I just love Nimue's ears - they are so cute.


Yes! Yes! These are the most MAGNIFICENT ears!!! ... :cool:
ayglnu13 wrote:
I took these pictures last night, but for some reason the camera made his eyes look like they were on fire....i dont know why it did that, ha weird,so just ignore it i guess.

It's the flash that causes the "redeyeeffect".

A camera with "redeye reduction" helps somewhat, however I find that turning off the flash and using natural lighting and/or abundant available light (aka.. ..lotts a lights turned on in the room;))provides the best results.

:~) Jim


I needed that laugh. Thanks.


Ayglnu13, Thank you Thank you Thank you

I love his ears. He is so photogenic. Apollo's eyes do the same thing in pics. I love this one.


What a face.


Sandhills, Awww. Amaretto is absolutely gorgeous. I love her markings. What a doll.


That spot by her nose would get millions of kisses. Give her one from me.

OHH, how many Flemish do you think you'll get? Any idea what colors. This is so exciting.


It's the flash that causes the "redeyeeffect".

A camera with "redeye reduction" helps somewhat, however I find that turning off the flash and using natural lighting and/or abundant available light (aka.. ..lotts a lights turned on in the room;))provides the best results.

:~) Jim

Ha ya i thought the red eye reduction thing would work, but those pics were taken with the red eye reduction. And when I take pictures without a flash it makes the picture blurry when he moves....i have such a nodd camera....
ayglnu13 wrote:
Ha ya i thought the red eye reduction thing would work, but those pics were taken with the red eye reduction. And when I take pictures with out a flash it makes the picture blurry when he moves....i have such an odd camera....
With your flash on.. ..the shutter speed is preset to a fast speed.

When you turn off the flash the shutter speed will slow down to capture more light, and this results in the blurry pic.

Try to have as much light available as possible and the blur should be greatly reduced. Sometimes I'll even bring some extra lamps or lighting into the room when we take pictures.

My buns hate the flash and usually start thumping after the 2nd or 3rd pic taken.

:~) Jim
JimD wrote:
ayglnu13 wrote:
Ha ya i thought the red eye reduction thing would work, but those pics were taken with the red eye reduction. And when I take pictures with out a flash it makes the picture blurry when he moves....i have such an odd camera....
With your flash on.. ..the shutter speed is preset to a fast speed.

When you turn off the flash the shutter speed will slow down to capture more light, and this results in the blurry pic.

Try to have as much light available as possible and the blur should be greatly reduced. Sometimes I'll even bring some extra lamps or lighting into the room when we take pictures.

My buns hate the flash and usually start thumping after the 2nd or 3rd pic taken.

:~) Jim
Red eye reduction only works when the subject is looking directly at the camera. Even then when a subject has very large pupils you quite often still get the red eye. I'm very familiar with how to reduce the chance of it happening and with one of my daughters who has eyes as big as saucers I get it every single time I take a photo of her. I just use my software to remove it.:?Also with bunnies eyes being on the sides of their heads,they are almost never going to be looking just right at you!


Thank you so much for Mr. Nim's pictures! They were Great. I particularly love the one where he's striking a pose. What a babe!

Thank him for not letting his fans down. Of course you realize that we haven't had enough, right?

* * * * *


Amaretto is gorgeous. I love how Jenn mentioned the Beauty Marks. SO True! Tell us more about your 'little one'.

* * * * *


The book! *Laughing* I guess Vash has made it quite clear what he things of ARBA. :shock:

He's not a subtle chap, is he?

* * * * * *

Some of you know, and some don't, that Cali is Sooo Sensitive. I can't get angry with her because she takes it Very Much to Heart. The first time I yelled at her, she jumped into my lap the moment I sat down, and put her head down on my lap in shame and kissed my hand. I felt horrible. (Tucker could care less when he gets in trouble, and Fauna acts like she doesn't know her name. Completely ignores me.)

The second time I used the 'authoritive tone of voice' with her, it took me 10 minutes to calm her down and reassure her that I love her as she sat on my lap and kissed me.

It was around 10:30 at night the other night, and Cali had hopped into her cage. I was watching t.v. and all of the sudden I heard this,*crash...psssssshhhh*. I look over, and my baby girl had accidentally tipped her ceramic bowl and food was all over the floor of her cage.

I wasn't mad, but I sure didn't feel like dealing with it at that time of night, but of course, I had to. I whined out her name as I rolled my eyes and got up. "Tsk. Callllliiii!" She immediately started eating the pellets off of the floor of the cage as quickly as she could, with her eyes on me the whole time. My poor girl! She was so sorry. I went over to the cage, and I said, "It's okay, Girl. *petting her, of course,until she calmed down* It's alright."

As I started sweeping up the food, she chased my hand with kisses.


Carolyn wrote:
Some of you know, and some don't, that Cali is Sooo Sensitive. I can't get angry with her because she takes it Very Much to Heart. The first time I yelled at her, she jumped into my lap the moment I sat down, and put her head down on my lap in shame and kissed my hand. I felt horrible. (Tucker could care less when he gets in trouble, and Fauna acts like she doesn't know her name. Completely ignores me.)

The second time I used the 'authoritive tone of voice' with her, it took me 10 minutes to calm her down and reassure her that I love her as she sat on my lap and kissed me.

It was around 10:30 at night the other night, and Cali had hopped into her cage. I was watching t.v. and all of the sudden I heard this,*crash...psssssshhhh*. I look over, and my baby girl had accidentally tipped her ceramic bowl and food was all over the floor of her cage.

I wasn't mad, but I sure didn't feel like dealing with it at that time of night, but of course, I had to. I whined out her name as I rolled my eyes and got up. "Tsk. Callllliiii!" She immediately started eating the pellets off of the floor of the cage as quickly as she could, with her eyes on me the whole time. My poor girl! She was so sorry. I went over to the cage, and I said, "It's okay, Girl. *petting her, of course, until she calmed down* It's alright."

As I started sweeping up the food, she chased my hand with kisses.


I didn't know that! That's so sweet :D

I can't get mad around her, Nepo.

She takes Everything so personally.

She's such a baby-girl.


Carolyn, I swear I get teary eyed every time I hear about it. My poor poor niece. So sensitive bless her heart.

I wonder if it's a Flemish thing? Are most of them this sensitive?

I was talking to CArolyn on the phone one night and Apollo was up on hubby's couch. He left 2 cocoa puffs for hubby to find in the morning. All I said was you had better get down, you know bwtter than that. I can't believe you just did that.

Carolyn was laughing. I told her you watch. He'll go pout for about 2 minutes(sure did-under the kitchen table) and he'll come running in here kissing up. Sure enough 2 minutes went by and as I'm talking to Carolyn I get a face full of Apollo. I sweet talked to him and loved on him. I got chin marked and kisses. It was only after he knew 100% that I wasn't mad at him would he go play.

Carolyn wrote:

Amaretto is gorgeous. I love how Jenn mentioned the Beauty Marks. SO True! Tell us more about your 'little one'.

* * * * *

Some of you know, and some don't, that Cali is Sooo Sensitive. I can't get angry with her because she takes it Very Much to Heart. The first time I yelled at her, she jumped into my lap the moment I sat down, and put her head down on my lap in shame and kissed my hand. I felt horrible. (Tucker could care less when he gets in trouble, and Fauna acts like she doesn't know her name. Completely ignores me.)

The second time I used the 'authoritive tone of voice' with her, it took me 10 minutes to calm her down and reassure her that I love her as she sat on my lap and kissed me.

It was around 10:30 at night the other night, and Cali had hopped into her cage. I was watching t.v. and all of the sudden I heard this,*crash...psssssshhhh*. I look over, and my baby girl had accidentally tipped her ceramic bowl and food was all over the floor of her cage.

I wasn't mad, but I sure didn't feel like dealing with it at that time of night, but of course, I had to. I whined out her name as I rolled my eyes and got up. "Tsk. Callllliiii!" She immediately started eating the pellets off of the floor of the cage as quickly as she could, with her eyes on me the whole time. My poor girl! She was so sorry. I went over to the cage, and I said, "It's okay, Girl. *petting her, of course, until she calmed down* It's alright."

As I started sweeping up the food, she chased my hand with kisses.



Thanks for the compliments on Amaretto and her beauty mark, everyone!I'll be sure to tell her what everyone said.... I'm sure that it will make her day! :)

Carolyn, it sounds like Cali is such a tender-hearted little dear!!What a sensitive soul she must be! Are flemish rabbits usually like this?

I know that Amaretto, even with her big size, acts more timid and reserved then my smaller bunnies do. We have a special tone of voice and a way of talking to her that is a little different, because we have to make her feel very safe and calm. Our other buns arent as "touchy"and sensitive as she is. I've always thought it was probably due to her care at the petshop or from the breeder that sold her to the pet store, but now i'm thinking it's just the way she is.
It seems to be a characteristic of the Flemish,Annie. (That said, don't want anyone jumping on me for saying that otherbreeds aren't sensitive. They are.) Flemish are dubbed as "Gentle Giants"becauseof their demeanor.

Amaretto is a Love, both by personality and by looks. I love how you have to watch how you say something to her as well.

Poor Armaretto. She sounds so sweet. Another tender hearted girl. I'm finding this to be a very interesting. So many people I've talked to have said the bigger the bunny the easier the feelings get hurt. I wonder why.


They do seem sensitive. I rarely get upset at Vash's antics, but when I fuss at him he either runs up to me for a reassuring pat or hops away into his cage and pouts. I told him last nightthat he was not allowed onmy electric throw (in case he would nibble it)and he immediately hopped off and ran over and buried his head in my lap.
awwww that's so sweet Carolyn! my two could care less if they get in trouble..in fact, i get the butt if i talk to them in the you've-been-bad-tone.. they're never sorry lol
My poor Nimue! Last night he was playing on the couch and he jumped off ontoour hardwood floorand broke part of his toenail! There was blood EVERYWHERE! I ran over to pick him up, he was so sad/hurt you could see it in his eyes, my poor baby! I got the Quikstop and the bleeding subsided but he was hurting a lot so he just sat on my lap (while i held tissues over this foot) and snuggled....I have never seen my Nimue so sad, it made me really sad
When i put him in his cage a while later he started cleaning himself and he must have opened the cut a little bit and he got blood all over his white face!! Poor little guy looked orange. If his foot isnt looking OK this morning its off to the vet we go!
Ohhh, Nimue.

Poor little mon. What a babe. If you have any NutriCal, you might want to give him a bit. Pain can cause stress, so it couldn't hurt to have it to give his immune system a boost.

Give him a hug and kiss from me. I'm sure you felt it rightalong with him, Anglnu.

* * * * *

Thanks Spiced and Jan for your comments. I'm so glad you stop in and check out our stories. Spiced, my other two can Care Less about me correcting them. Tucker beats feet only to return to the place where his crimes occurred and resume the task. Fauna pretends she doesn't know her name.
