Flemish Fever

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Carolyn: Sampson is the king of getting petted whenever he wants. He finds the nearest person, usually me,and nudges and nudges until he gets some love.

He was the epitome of laziness, yet resourcefulnessthis weekend. We don't have air conditioning at our house, but the friend we were visiting does, he found the air conditioning vents and laid on them every time he was out.

Cali, your Momma just doesn't understand. I'll explain it to her for you. Mom, when she does that she's telling you to admire her soft coat and good looks. Too much petting would mess up that gorgeous hair she has. She is such a sweetie.

I think it's a girl thing because Apollo doesn't do that but all my girls to that. Little stinkers.

I can't get over Apollo. When they say Gentle Giant they are SOOOO NOT KIDDING. Apollo was afiad of Misty and Stormy for awhile there. Just the other day I saw him pick up a piece of his paper and carry it over to where Misty was sitting outside his cage. This big love actually shared his paper with her. I was soo touched.

No kisses from Tiny...just the nudge like "Pet me mama....I've been a busy bunny and need the pet NOW!"

Oh well, I'm so glad he likes to nudge me at least.

I have a question here. How much are the flemish giants. We are going to be moving sometime next spring and I would like to get one for my husband DJ. He has always wanted a big bunny that could roam the house all day while we are home. I know that I had found homes for my holland lops because my landlord would not wait until next year. Plus the 2 we had we could not keep out all day. Also who would be the best breeder here for a flemish. Let me know and I am not sure of which color though.
dajeti2 wrote:
Tiny is such a sweetheart.

Imust be lucky, Apollo is always nudging me and giving kisses.


Oh wow - kisses are nice. Puck (Holland Lop) loves to give kisses. Tiny however, just likes to nudge me and get in my lap if I sit on the floor. However, he nudges me a LOT and really enjoys pets....so I don't feel too bad.

I think part of it is that he wasn't well socialized until I got him at 3 months of age.

But I do love that guy....he's so good with most of the other bunnies and they just jump all over him and snuggle up against him.

I got Apollo for $50. He is a papered show quality boy. Flemish come in 7 colors, Black, White, Blue, Light Gray, Steel Gray, Sandy and Fawn. If you can tell me where abouts you're moving I can try and find you a really good breeder.

Here is a link to the Flemish club. It has a lot of information.


I hope I can help. Congratulations on deciding to get a Flemish. I can say you will never regret the decision.

Angelscavies-n-buns wrote:
I have a question here. How much are the flemish giants. We are going to be moving sometime next spring and I would like to get one for my husband DJ. He has always wanted a big bunny that could roam the house all day while we are home. I know that I had found homes for my holland lops because my landlord would not wait until next year. Plus the 2 we had we could not keep out all day. Also who would be the best breeder here for a flemish. Let me know and I am not sure of which color though.
Angel, let me know when the time comes, I can hook you up with Fonzie's breeder. She is in North West Pennsylvania.
I paid $20 for Tiny - and didn't worry about pedigree or anything like that. He's neutered now too - so nos hows for him.

Sweet Mambo. I am only moving a few blocks from my apt. I just wish we could keep our 2 lops but our landlord would not wait until next spring. How much did you pay for Fonzie and I am not sure what color. I am probably leaning toward black and white or a fonze colour. I do like the steel grey or blue.

Also if we do get one I am thinking of an egyptian names because it suits a lot of giant rabbits.
Angel: I got Sampson in Perrys ville. I can get you in touch with his breeder if you'd like. She breeds sandys and light grays.

Angelscavies-n-buns wrote:
Sweet Mambo. I am only moving a few blocks from my apt. I just wish we could keep our 2 lops but our landlord would not wait until next spring. How much did you pay for Fonzie and I am not sure what color. I am probably leaning toward black and white or a fonze colour. I do like the steel grey or blue.

Also if we do get one I am thinking of an egyptian names because it suits a lot of giant rabbits.
Angel, I just sent you a PM with this info.;)

An Egyptian name would be Excellent for a Giant Flemish!

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Cali never gets tired of me adoring her Beauty and allowing me the Honor of petting her gorgeous fur. She's not worried at all that too much petting will mess up her Gorgeous Coat.

It seems to me like she's saying that not enough petting is denying her.



* * * * * *


Sampson certainly was sending a message about the 'comforts' in life. What A HAM!

Gee, :ponder: I wonder what message he was trying to send you???

He's so Subtle, that Sampson.

I got your pms. Who ever would have a young uns available when time comes I will go to that one. I changed my mind on names for the giant flems. I love native american names like Dakota,Savannah, Cheyenne, KoKo, Miko, Navajo, and Lakota. I know I am picking names already but I love names and I get so interested in them and what they mean too.
Angelscavies-n-buns wrote:
I got your pms. Who ever would have a young uns available when time comes I will go to that one. I changed my mind on names for the giant flems. I love native american names like Dakota, Savannah, Cheyenne, KoKo, Miko, Navajo, and Lakota. I know I am picking names already but I love names and I get so interested in them and what they mean too.

Oh I love those names. I need to remember them. Do you know what any of those names mean? I'm buying a sablepoint lionhead buck (still young) and I'd like to come up with a name for him....I like Lakota. I may have to look it up.

Carolyn wrote:

Sampson certainly was sending a message about the 'comforts' in life. What A HAM!

Gee, :ponder: I wonder what message he was trying to send you???

He's so Subtle, that Sampson.

Oh, he's telling me the same thing I've been telling myself, we NEED air conditioning, we MUST HAVE air conditioning. I'm looking into getting window units for my room and the critter room until we move.


We do too but the windows we have in the critter room pulls out and can not put ac in. But they do have windowless acs now. We just can afford high electric bill until we pay off the 800 bucks elec bill first then run them. I jsut cut off all of my 3 long haired guinea pigs hair really short and spikey. The humidy is horable here now esp in the critter room and that is where our pc is too. We are redoing the pc room so the air will circulate better.
The mental image of Sampson finding the air-conditioning vents is TOO FUNNY!!! How cute ! :D Having owned ( or been owned by )2 Flemish for a few weeks now , I can truthfully say that they're TERRIFIC !!

I've had rabbits ( 1 or 2 ) at a time most of my life, but never Flemish . I discovered them on a few websites AND this forum ! I'd have to read back a few posts,but someone's pic. of a fawn Flemish inspired me to search for a breeder. I found one in the NFFGRB ; and she was within driving distance , also !

My Flemish pair are like dogs-- or big friendly puppies . Tonight @ 7pm while they were having their water bottles filled, they each nearly fell out of their hutches wanting some attention . I picked them both up one at a time, and let them stretch their legs a little.

A few days after I brought them home,they were each tested out on a "stretchy leash -harness" from Petsmart.They passed with flying colors ! They hardly seemed to notice the harness, and it was the first time they had it on . They'd hop around the yard a while, then flop down for a breather !!! A person would'nt get much exercize walking Flemish , at least not mine! Sometime, I'd like to have an indoor Flemish--after our new addition is finished.

One last item ; please don't give up on a timid/frightened bunny--I nearly did that with a Netherland dwarf doe ;she was so hyperactive and timid! I nearly called the breeder to say I just did not like Netherland dwarfs---I did call her to say that I was'nt sure N.dwarfs were going to work out. She was so encouraging...she said that she'd be willing tobuymy bunny back if it was'nt going to work out, but she said she felt the dwarf had potential for showing. So, I kept"Beatrix" and decided to hold her every day while I was outdoors with my 2 yr-old. "Beatrix" has lived with us almost 3 months, and only 2 weeks ago she started giving me a "bunny kiss" and actually coming to greet me instead of running to hide !

I'm monologuing again....

Guten Abend, Kadish Tolesa :rose:

I thought I'd share an update on Tiny's weigh there. When he got neutered April 29th he was 9 pounds and 3ounces (I think). Today, June 9th, he was 11 pounds and 7 ounces. To me, he felt like he'd lost a bit of weight in the last 2-3 days when I picked him up...but I could have been wrong. He's almost 6 months old now.

Anyway, for those who might wonder how fast Flemish grow, etc - here is Tiny's information.
