Flemish Babies Need Homes **RESOLVED**

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TinysMom wrote:
This means Tiny currently has no girl to groom him, etc. and he loves having a girl to snuggle with.

I'll snuggle with Tiny :biggrin2:

I so wish I could steal one of those babies away! I seem to have come down with flemie fever too!
tundrakatiebean wrote
I'll snuggle with Tiny :biggrin2:

Well come on down...the price is right. His current charge for some snuggles is a handful of fruit loops or some craisins or better yet - a banana. He is willing to settle for cilantro if all else fails.

I have enough banana chips to drown someone ;)Wash takes them as currencey. Wash might try to take a chunk outta tiny like he did with my boyfriend though :p
Here are some new pictures of the babies taken this weekend.




This is not one of the babies, but this is how rough the bunnies have it in my house. Mr. Muffin and my wife are zonked!


I think you should move to Missouri. The house right across from me is for sale!
What wonderful news! Hopefully we'll be able to continue to watch the baby grow up. :)

Good Job, both of you!
The little guy (still unnamed) is settling in nicely. He and our existing rabbit, Ripley, are having contests of, "I'm happier than you are", "I am more relaxed then you", and "I don't care about you...see me not looking at you?" It may take a little while, but I think they will get along. Ripley has been missing having a friend, but she was a little displeased when we first brought him into her room. Since then, she has settled down and is activly ignoring the "intruder."

He, on the other hand, seemed to be happy as can be from the get go. We left him alone to get use to his surroundings once everyone was all settled in. An hour or so later, we heard a terrible noise from upstairs. We ran up, fearing the worst. When we looked in, he was racing around his pen doing a zillion binkies. We let him out to explore the room yesterday (without the other bunny) and he had a great time racing around and sliding on the wood floors. I think he will be very happy here.

There is a lot of marking/pellet dropping going on (mostly by Ripley), but once they figure who is the boss, that should stop. Right now, it is very Daffy Duck, "Mine! Mine! And you can't have it!!"

I took some pictures but don't have them on my computer yet.
Some good news about the last two babies. A local rabbit rescue would like to feature them at an adoption event this coming weekend. One of the families that fosters for them would also like to foster one of them also.

I am hoping that these two boys would find homes this coming weekend. I finally named the last two; Peanut for the runt and Houdini for the other one because he manages to escape out of the enclosure attached to Sweeties cage.


I just found out the last twoof Sweeties babies, Houdini and Peanut were adopted by the family that was going to foster them for the rabbit rescue! I took them to the adoption event they were having this weekend yesterday and dropped them off. I called to see if I needed to pick up both or oneand thats when I was told the wonderful news.

I am so glad they all went to homes that will love them!

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