Flemish Babies Need Homes **RESOLVED**

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If anyone is within 2 hours of SouthBend, IN I would be willing to meet you half way if you would like one of the babies. The bunnies are free, like I've said I am just wanting to find them good homes where they will be kept inside.
Greetings- There would be enough room in my house for one of your flemish giants and I am living in the South Bend area.

Do you have any male babies? Currently have a young male dutch rabbit who I would like to have a companion for:headflick:.

Would you think that a dutch and a flemish giant would get along fairly well? Maybe I will also get more soon, so that they could be pairs. I will give them plenty of indoor room and play area. Also I wonder if your rabbit is a pure bred and who is the father?

Good afternoon everyone, well its afternoon to me. So far of the 6 flemish babies, I have found homes for 2. I really don't have the room for the rest unless one of my sons moves out of the house!;)

I am thinking of turning any I can't find homes for over to the Indiana House Rabbit Society. Does anyone have any other suggestion? I would love to keep them all, but like I said the Inn is full.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
I am thinking of turning any I can't find homes for over to the Indiana House Rabbit Society. Does anyone have any other suggestion? I would love to keep them all, but like I said the Inn is full.
Can you contact the breeder that you got the pregnant doe from? I would hope she could take responsibility for the babies.
jordiwes wrote:
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
I am thinking of turning any I can't find homes for over to the Indiana House Rabbit Society. Does anyone have any other suggestion? I would love to keep them all, but like I said the Inn is full.
Can you contact the breeder that you got the pregnant doe from? I would hope she could take responsibility for the babies.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way... You buy a doe, you get "everything" along with her. The breeder won't "take responsiblity", (even if she was irresponsible with the breeding).. But if you are so inclined, you may want to contact the breeder and ask her if she is interested in what the breeding produced and ask her if she'd like any back.

I know for a fact that the Giants are hard to place through shelters and rescues. Not many people want a BIG rabbit, not many people have the room for a BIG rabbit... but not many people know what they are missing!
I guess I never thought about how hard it could be to find homes for big rabbits. I've always liked the big guys and especially black rabbits. When I was a kid I was convinced the Easter Bunny was a huge black rabbit.

I figured they'd be snatched up in no time at all. :(I really hope they all get claimed soon!
I heard from other Buckeye HRS members that Indiana HRS has been overwhelmed caring for and trying to place 100 rabbits. Apparently they are helping an animal rescue in Louisville, Kentucky with rabbits seized in a neglect/overcrowding case. You may want to check their web site. They do have a list of all Indiana sheltersthat take rabbits. http://www.indianahrs.org/links-shelters.aspx
He has more than one PM......and I'm gonna be fixing one of Art's favorite meals pretty soon depending upon the pm...


...depending on some things...


maherwoman wrote:
How many do you have left?

You have a PM...;)
Ummm... and what's wrong with that? (I've had it for the last 15 years! LOL!) It's not fatal.... and I'm only aware of one divorce because of it!
Nothing wrong with a little Flemish Fever ;). I think we each need a dose of one of these Flemish babies to cuddle in order to cure it!

Well....here is the way I look at my shots of getting one of these babies...its sorta like algebra or something where everything has to line up just right.

a. IF....there is a doe in the litter that isn't taken


b. IF .... Art will say yes (that's where his favorite meal comes in)


c. IF....we can afford it when we go to ship Amy's animals in December and...

d. IF Wabbitdad is willing to ship the rabbits if I pay for it..



I will get a girl for Tiny. I still am not totally decided yet if it will work. It appears as though he and Miss Bea are on the outs again and she has been asking to go back in the rabbitry.

He likes to lay down beside Madilyn in her cage - but now Mallory has started getting jealous and attacking Tiny through the cage and Madilyn in the cage if she lays down beside him...so I've had to block his access to Madilyn.

This means Tiny currently has no girl to groom him, etc. and he loves having a girl to snuggle with.

I have thought about giving Tiny a lionhead doe as his friend - but here is my problem.

Having Tiny is like having a hound dog around. Unless he smells a carrot or banana or fruit loops...he's pretty sedate...almost like a doorstop. Yeah- he can go almost anywhere in the house he wants - but he spends 90% of his time in about a 5' square area of the house (per his choice).

A lionhead doe? Ha ha ha. Let's see - there's the living room - ooh - let's hide behind the tv in the fireplace...and then there's the pantry...let's play in there...and oh..there is space under mom's desk...and ooh - look - a garage - filled with INTACT bucks in cages...let's go rub ourselves up against the cages...and ooh - a bathroom and ...

You get the idea. Lionheads just have too much darned energy and curiosity (which is probably why I love them so much).

So I'm thinking if Tiny had a flemish partner....maybe he would be happy....I just need to think about it a LOT.

TinysMom wrote:
So I'm thinking if Tiny had a flemish partner....maybe he would be happy....I just need to think about it a LOT.


Sounds like you thought it out pretty well to me! Tiny deserves a girl, his own size, with similar habits.... YUP! Sounds like you need another Flemish to me! LOL! And a girl out of Sweetie will probably be just like her Momma!

a + b + c = a Flemmie girl for Tiny! That equation works...
Right now my biggest problem is....what is best for Tiny? Its really tough.

He was attached to Miss Bea - till he discovered Madilyn living in the office and now he adores her. For a couple of weeks they've been laying side by side on one side of her cage - with Mallory laying on the other side of Madilyn. Everyone seemed ok with that...

...until a few days ago. Then Mallory and Tiny were having words through the cage bars (ok - so it wasn't words but urine). Both wanted to be dominant and have Madilyn...and Mallory started picking on Madilyn if she went near Tiny.

So now I've blocked Tiny's access to Madilyn and he's alone again. He's sulking and really moody.

But a lionhead doe is just too active for him...and Miss Bea is really upset with him now and doesn't seem to want to be with him.

So I'm not sure what I'll do...

I have to keep telling myself..."Think about what is best for Tiny"

Ya know I do! :pBut mine will possibly be in May.:biggrin2:;)

BlueGiants wrote:
Ummm... and what's wrong with that? (I've had it for the last 15 years! LOL!) It's not fatal.... and I'm only aware of one divorce because of it!

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