Flash's Place

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You know what Ali, if you lived in the UK and seriously wanted them I woul be so happy for them to live with such a great owner, but you live in the stupid States.*shakes fist at you*

Thanks Susan :) I find it sonice and warming when people say things like that about me and my buns. The other day at the vets the nurse told me she likes it whenever my bunnies came in because they came to the front of the cages and wanted attention unlike most other buns they get inand she said she could tell they were really well looked over and well socialised, which put my oncloud 9 for the rest of the day.

I look a bitdifferent from that now, different hair and lost some weight, but thanks :) Peopleoften tell me that but Ican't so it, so just have to believe that that's what you believe if that makes sense, lol.
Flashy wrote:
You know what Ali, if you lived in the UK and seriously wanted them I woul be so happy for them to live with such a great owner, but you live in the stupid States.*shakes fist at you*
I think we need to figure how to push our countries together. That was I could just go for a drive and pick them up. :)
That's going to be one rather large thinking cap we need then :p
I was just writing a response to Teeny's passing, and remember what happened last night.

In our garden we have solar lights. They work only in the summer. We have some spread around the garden, and one on Flash's grave. The one on Flash's grave, well, flashes. It flashes like a heartbeat. It is one of the ways that I know he is still here, because no matter what light we put there, they all do it.

The light have no been on for a good while because there is not enough sun, and they were not on last night.

In the middle of the night, about 3am, I looked out my window and Flash's light is flashing. Not in its normal heartbeat way, but in a very frantic manner. I really felt like he wanted me to see it, like it was really a 'mum mum, I saw it, you've done it, and it's wonderful'. Reading too much into it? Maybe, but those lights haven't been on for ages, and weren't on when I went to be, and yesterday I uploaded his video, the first one ever about him. I just feel like he was communicating with me, and that he knew. I may have got the meaning wrong, but there was definite communication.
Hope has a watery eye. He has spurs back in September, and I'm hoping it's not related.

The way I see it there are a few possibilities

~Something in the eye (it does look a little red).

~Something happened to the eye (like a scratch or something).

~Reaction to the Droncit jab.


He is eating and acting fine, and the discharge is clear, it's just watery. So here we go again, bathing it. He has the vets next Friday so I can ask him to check it.

I'm waiting for things to stay positive :D

I did just post a
quickie in the Infirmary though because I just want to check that it would be white discharge if it was related to reoccuring molar issues.
[align=center]3 Fosters and some food[/align]
Ha ha, that might be understatement of the century :p
Not much to report today.

Just Hope's eye really. I bathed it last night and this morning, and by mid afternoon it had not run since the morning and was completely dry, so I can only presume that he had something in it and I got it out. I will continue to bathe it for a few days though just to make sure, but it doesn't appear to be something too major, which is a huge relief.

The outside buns have done well today and have mostly stayed in the warmer places (apart from, well obviously, the Dopeys who sat in the coldest part until I covered them up). The foster swarming are really sheltered in their new area which is great because they are the ones I'm most concerned about, but right now they are right outside the patio doors and I can see them all the time (and I was so interested in what they were doing at one point I forgot I was the other side of the glass and did my best to put my head through the glass. Oops).
They have real names too, lol. Really they are Pogo (Dopey 1)and Polo (Dopey 2)but are only ever called that at the vets. They ended up with a collective name because it's really hard to tell them apart (I'm the only one who can). They are not the brightest and have fallen into bin bags, out of hutches, all sorts of places, and they just don't learn. Right now you open their hutch and out they pop across the patio. We are quite good at Dopey catching.

They have a range of nicknames that go alongside Dopey 1 and Dopey 2. Dopey 1 is also known as Evil Dopey, and Dopey 2 ended up as Nevil Dopey (which was a shortened version of Newly Evil Dopey).

They are not just very bright. Very friendly, and lovely buns, just not bright :D
[align=center]Sky and Moon as babies[/align]
What I will warn you is that there is no music this time, and I have left the speech on it. This means you will hear my rabbit voice! Also, my mum and brother are there and me and my bro, at this point, sounded pretty identical. I'm not having conversations with myself, I promise.
Ooooooh those Fosters are so turdy.

This morning when I went out to give them breakfast they all came over and Roger and Tilly just looked and went away, but Summer did sit and eat.

I was aware it was not normal, and so given the cold weather decided to test what they would eat, so I threw some pellets around a bit, and then also gave them two carrots complete with carrot tops. They all sit and munch their way through that.

Go back a while ago, still not eaten the pellets in the bowl. I needed to change the food bowl over to the water bowl (and then put it on bricks, as my 5th effort to stop Summer dewlap dunking), and give them back their old food bowl. So I sort all that out, put the pellets in the bowl and put it in and all three come racing over to stuff their faces. Why wouldn't they eat before? Because the bowl was slightly damp from the snow that had blown in, and so the pellets got damp. What spoilt brats!
Today the fosters went for their second Droncit injection. The vet was really impressed with Tilly's lessened tilt. He was also very impressed when I told him that for the first time ever, today I saw her use one of her ears turned to listen to something. Normally her ears just flop over on the side she tilts on, but the fact she used it was a huge thing.

Also, Summer's went patch seems to be drying, so apparently a water bowl high up works for her, which is great, and a relief. Tilly and Roger can drink from it too which is great.

We also discussed routinely treating any new bun coming into mine for tapeworm to avoid a repeat of this.
Due to some work we are having done all the house all of my buns (7)have been moved out of my room and to various places around the house. It's VERY lonely in here now. The last time my room was empty was after Moon died, so it's weird. Although, I think I will enjoy the peace and quiet! Mum said I can always go and sleep in the living room if it's too quiet in my room, lol, that's where 5 of the 7 are, including my Guy Sky.
So, haven't updated for a few days. They've been very hectic few days, with plumbers around and rabbits scattered in various appallingly tiny accommodations around the house.

Went to the vets today, for the inside buns last Droncits and Tilly's Convenia, and my bunnies excellend themselves :?

We started with Star. I put him on the table while my vet was facing the other way. He stood there, facing the vet and looked like he was waiting. That was until the vet turned around and tried to hold him, and then he flew at him. Thankfully he didn't bite him or anything, but he looked so sweet sitting and waiting, when actually it looked like he was planning an attack.

Sunny decided she wanted me to wear her as a scarf and Sandy did her best to be swallowed by jumping at me and hitting my mouth. Thankfully it was closed (for once)or else she could have had a nasty bite :p.

My vet is still happy Tilly is improving, which is great, and so she can have the Convenia for longer. She is now using one of her ears, which she never used to. She was very sweet at the vets though and got out an affectionate paw for me stroking her, which was cute.

I didn't take Roger today, but when Summer and Tilly went back in with him he was so overjoyed, he just sat and groomed them. It was very cute. He missed them so much.

I need to get some pictures of some of them later. I'll try and do that if I can keep my eyes open long enough.

Flashy wrote:
Sandy did her best to be swallowed by jumping at me and hitting my mouth. Thankfully it was closed (for once)or else she could have had a nasty bite :p.


That sure makes a change from the bunnies biting us huh :toastingbuns
Sandy has never been a biter, or else I miught have just opened my mouth when I realised where she was going :p

* * *

Roger is a bit of a funny guy. I tamed him from being completely wild and petrified of people and he has come a long way. Unfortunately, over recent weeks I have not been able to give him the sort of attention I want to, and also, because of this tapeworm shizzle I have had to handle him more than he likes (he is VERY handshy). This has led to him running from me more than he used to, which is sad, but it was necessary for his health (to be handled I mean).

I had some time this morning and so I climbed in the run with them (Summer, Roger and Tilly). Roger did what he normally does and took flight and hid, Summer does what she normally does and came bounding over and Tilly hovered in the middle doing an 'is she going to give me food, is she going to pick me up' type debate (due to her head tilt she is not a fan of being picked up). I got in and crouched down. Summer came and sat in front of me so I gave her some nose rubs. Tilly thought 'this looks good' and came and sat next to Summer for some rubs. So I gave her some, and whilst doing that Summer poked her nose under Tilly's so as I stroked the bottom of Tilly's nose Summer would get a little tap with my finger every so often (not sure why she liked it, but she did). As I was doing this I saw this little Roger face watching. He was watching from behind the perspex in the hutch, then he poked his head around the bed area door (that door stays permanently open, and the perspex covers the day area to ensure they do have a 'bed area' to go in), and then he bounded over, and sat next to Tilly and stuck his nose out. Never, not ONCE, has he done that before. He sat for a fuss and I gave him a fuss for ages. In fact, I had to stop before he was ready because the other two were demanding food by this point. It's one of those little things that is actually a huge massive thing. It shows that even after these few tough weeks the basic level of trust is still there. He's just so cute!

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