Flash's Place

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Ok, so onto happier things.


I went to clean out Lightning this morning and discovered he had made the most cute nest. Not bad for a fully intact male. :biggrin2:

I then took some more pics because he was being a bit super cute today.


Then I gave him the remnants of the food that was left in the bag. He liked that a little.






Then he went to sleep by his food bowl. Strange guy.



Once I had my camera out I just had to take some more pics.





I was mid cleaning Angel out at this point, and got distracted by Dusk, and then turn around to find that someone was most definitely waiting for me.



This is when his hutchs and run were all cleaned and he got fresh toys (they smelt ultra bad though because they had been in with Lightning).





It was this racket made by Dusk that distracted me from Angel. He was being stroppy that he wasn't getting enough attention. This is a far cry from the bun who was really depressed last week. It's good when you see them back to normal :D

[align=center] [/align]
Oh my! They are beautiful! Such gorgeous markings! I love the sweet little lines above their eyebrows... too cute. Was Angel chinning his toys cause they had been in with Lightening? LOL! Trying to make them smell better? :biggrin2:
lol, yeh, he was making them smell much better :D

Flash got his name due to his eye brow markings, he had a bolt of Lightning (sort of like Harry Potter) so he ended up Flash of Lightning. I just love their little faces :D
Ok, now some more.


The Dopeys have been inside for a while due to their spay and are VERY miffed at being back outside. Can you tell?



Even more disapproving than the Dopeys are Cloudyfloss, not sure why though. These are also the first pics of this fresh pair.

This ones cute.



Look at his little face.



Who is just worried about food.


Let's play 'spot the Badger' (you might struggle on the first one though because the pic is small). Also, just to say that at the moment we have to empty some of the rooms in our house, and so all the crud is being piled up in the spare room, its not normally that awful!


This cheeky tike thought me getting hay was the perfect gettaway time, and here is him sheepishly being herded back in to his area.


The Fosters

Finally the fosters.

I mentioned on another thread about Summer dunking her dewlap and it gets soaking. This shows her wet dewlap and where it is.

I had some help whilst trying to clean them out today. Roger was being more sociable than normal.




Waiting for breakfast.


Getting breakfast!


Still no worm, or that I have found at any rate. I thought I had found a bit today and got excited only to find it was a weird piece of hay. Oops.

Did some physio with Tilly today, for the first time in a few days. She has retained her neck movement and has not gone backwards which is good. She can turn her head round the other way so that shows she has the capability there, to a certain extent. She also enjoys her massages and chunters her teeth at those.

Ok, so those are my updates for today.

Oh, and those that had their Droncit yesterday all seem fine today :)
Yeh! Doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Although really its my turn to come to you, but I'm not bringing him all that way, lol. Mind you, couldn't bring myself all that way.
Great blog! I love all your buns!! I would gladly take Summer if I could and if I were closer! she is just gorgeous! I can't believe that you kept all of those babies! You must really love them!
[align=center]I give you My Guy.[/align]
[align=center]Flash's Video Collection. [/align]

[align=center]Ihope this does him justice.[/align]
It's a bit of a pain with the buffering though, sorry.
Flashy wrote:
I also just wanted to add that you've all been so nice, thank you :)

Ali, just wanted to say that please don't think you will end up suicidal if you lose him because you might think yourself into it and it could end up worse than the grief might have been. Just try to enjoy each day as it comes and not focus on what happens when he dies. We are all stronger than we think.
I have fought hard in life not to be there I have a time to for other reasons but I know it will be hard. As long as I have the others they need me. :)
Flashy wrote:
My diagnosis is is Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder, that's what the UK call it, but other places call it Borderline Personality Disorder. That is my main diagnosis, but I also have what is apparently severe Seasonal Affective Disorder and anxiety problems, but the BPD umbrella covers most of the problems though.

That is one of many things my brother has.Alongwith Bipolar;ADHA; and a few others.I am not diagnoised because I refuse to. I just won't I have fought it with out help and I will keep on.

http://www.nami.orgMy mom is on the board of directors for her chapter. They both (her and my brother) very active with it. I just found out there is a chapter that meets near here. I think I might start going once work slows down.
What an awesome video (I really need to have you do something for Tiny)....you really captured so much of him.

I sat here in tears because you made him come so "alive" for me - its like I could see some of his uniqueness - in the way he let you hold him and the way he interacted with you.

He reminds me so much of our Puck - not in looks - but in the personality and his relationship to you. I understand now why Art loved Puck so very very much and why Puck was so special to him. (I loved Puck too but sometimes saw him as a pest because he was so much like a puppy..).

I loved the video...thanks for sharing it.
Oh Tracey... that is magnificent! What a touching and sweet tribute to him. (And you have such a talent for editing !!!) I got such a feeling for his personality. No wonder you were so close to him! He will be with you always...

You are so kind to share him with us. Thank you very much!

That was a fantastic vid! I'm alternately laughing and crying... What a wonderful guy Flash was; he obviously loved you so very much:D. He stuck right with you, playing with you even...

This is inspiring me to make a video of my guys really soon.I want something like your video to remember them with (in case of the inevitable :?) Thank you so much for sharing your film with us, Tracy.

BTW: That was really neat to actually see you! I guess I always think that people will resemble their avatar, so I think of them in terms of the colours or fonts they've used instead of imagining their faces... You iz pretty :)
Thank you :) I'm very happy with it although there was one bit I couldn't find, where he was running with the ball with no help from me and my brother. I can't watch it though, lol, because I just sob my heart out. I was a bit of a robot making it and now it's done its too much.

I have watched it though and it shows me how close we did get during that time. And it also shows the progression because you have where he isn't keen on being held, where he will sit with me but doesn't like strokes, where he comes to me, and when he sits on my lap by choice.

The hide and seek bit was so funny to film because I hid firstly behind a curtain and he got his separation anxiety thing and was looking for me (something his children later inherited), and then when I called his name he came straight to where I was. When I moved elsewhere to hide he would keep going back there first, sure I would be there, he would also stare out the window (something Sky used to also do), and the bit you see here is when he started to look sad and confused, and then when I called him he came running as fast as he could (only to find me and spray me).

I don't think I'll ever love anyone like him (because I never intend to have children or force a guy to be my hubby or anything) so he was the most precious thing I've had the fortune to have in my life.

As for me, lol, I'm in various states of dress and readiness in that, lol, in my PJs at one point, or dressed with no makeup or hair done, but most commonly dressed with full slap on.

It tells the full story of his life, with his first picture and last picture (well, not actually the last picture because that was accidently deleted shortly after he died), and it's a comfort. I love the songs, and that's the only part I can tolerate, lol.

I'm making another couple of videos currently, one of the fosters, and I've started planning one of Sky and Moon full of baby cuteness. I have also been asked to do videos for the RSPCA for those longer residents who need homes. They keep me busy but they are so rewarding when they are done and finished and you are happy with them :)

Thank you very much for seeing my guy as he was.

The Foster Trio

We started our day very nicely today, with the usual daily trip to the vets (well, that's how its been this week).

He said he could finally see a visible difference in Tilly and how active she was, and he was amazingly chuffed. We have been using Convenia with her, and been gradually cutting the timeframe down, so we now give it weekly, and that seems to work perfectly for her. She is doing so well, her movement is infinitely better than it was when she came and we never have any rolling anymore. She jumps and leaps, and runs, and she leaps over things, and turns her head the other way and whilst she will always have a residual tilt, she is doing amazing. I was really chuffed with how pleased my vet was. Last week he said if she keeps tilting over we will stop the injections, but this week he said he can see the visible difference and we will keep doing weekly injections, which is fantastic.

We then talked about Summer. He agrees that the changes we are seeing in her indicate she has had a worm and that it is no longer a problem for her. He said that the worm probably has died and been digested. We have only seen symptoms from her recently so possibly its not very big (I told him to shh when he told me it could be 2 ft long).

I finally feel like those three are headed in the right direction.

Now I wait to see what happens next (and I already have a shrewd idea given what I saw from one of my buns this morning).

I made a post the other day about Summer and her dewlap dunking. I was watching her the other day and she reaches her head right in which is how it gets wet, so I have gone out and bought an aray of small dishes/pots/containers that she might be able to drink from and that would be too small for her to drink and for her dewlap to go in. Fingers crossed something will work. If it does, it will all be very ridiculous and I give everyone permission to laugh :p
Tracey what a great video. Can you ever tell how much you love and care for your pets.

Also you are such a Pretty Young Lady.


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