First litter of babies

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Gosh! It's scary reading about a bunnydieing. This is the third time I've heard of it on thisboard, but I'm new here. Was it obvious in any way how yourbun died trying to get over to help the doe? I've heard thatthey can die from a bad fright even. If you wouldn't mind,please try to explain what you think happened. I have onebunnyand am trying to learn so as to avoid problems later..thank you in advance. And I'm so so very sorry to hear aboutyour losses.. :( LA
Did you breed the doe or did she comepregnant? It is possible and even common in some breeds (suchas "horny Hollands") to actually mate through the wire cages if theyare close together.

Some people have trouble sexing buns but I sexed mine at 2 weekswithout a problem. Press down lightly an dpull back a littlein their privates. For the boys it will stay a very roundwhole and for the girls it will change to a very noticable slit.

I am very sorry about your loss. I don't think herbirthingwould have killed him. Rabbits especially from petstores orpoor breeders (I have no idea how you obtained this bun) are prone toall sorts of cancers. I haver had most of my pet stores bunslive about half their lies before dying of cancerous tumorsetc. How old was he? I also had 1 female jerseywooly who wasn't very old but kind of old who just died mysteriouslyone morning.
Oh thats terrible and very sad 'unfortunately ihave no idea what could have happened to your babies'may be a moreknowledgeable member will read this and be able to give you someanswers.I'm very sorry

Are you sure she was feeding them? She may have had nursing problems(such as mastitis) or she just plain wasn’t feeding them. There alsocould have been a bacterial problem. Was this her first litter? Usuallythe first litter doesn’t go so well because the doe doesn’t know whatshe was doing. My doe didn’t even use her nest box, so the babiesalmost died, I had to force the mom to feed them twice a day, and ittook like 45 minutes every time.

I am really sorry about the kits:(


teenie I am sorry to hear about yourlitter. Poor things and sorry to hear about your other bunthat passed to.
Hi Teenie,

Do you really think it is necessary to breed her again?

Have you thought of thepossibleproblems that could occur when she is givingbirth?

If she is a really loved pet then I wouldconsider getting her spayed, if you breed her and she has acomplications and passes away what would you do? Do you really want torisk her life for babies?

Like I have said 300 times before, I haveNO problem with breeding, I have a problem when people are breeding andthey don't know what they are doing.

If you are going to breed then I wouldsuggest typing "Rabbit Breeding" into and then reading allof the breeding sites that you can. And let me warn you even if youread them all you will never be fully prepared when the babies come.

There are too many unwanted rabbits in this world, why bring more in?

What if she gets a stuck kit? Will youbring her into the vets? What if she gets mastitis and cant feed thekits, what will you do? There are just SO many things that could gowrong, you have to ask your self is your pets life really worthit?

ayglnu13 wrote:
Hi Teenie,

Do you really think it is necessary to breed her again?

Have you thought of thepossibleproblems that could occur when she is givingbirth?

If she is a really loved pet then I wouldconsider getting her spayed, if you breed her and she has acomplications and passes away what would you do? Do you really want torisk her life for babies?

Like I have said 300 times before, I haveNO problem with breeding, I have a problem when people are breeding andthey don't know what they are doing.
If you are going to breed then I wouldsuggest typing "Rabbit Breeding" into and then reading allof the breeding sites that you can. And let me warn you even if youread them all you will never be fully prepared when the babies come.

There are too many unwanted rabbits in this world, why bring more in?

What if she gets a stuck kit? Will youbring her into the vets? What if she gets mastitis and cant feed thekits, what will you do? There are just SO many things that could gowrong, you have to ask your self is your pets life really worthit?


I don't think you metioned if you had a breeding box or not? Ifyou did, did she use it and pull lots of furr out and such? I'm notsure why the babies would just die if they had no marks on them andtheir bellies were full. How is the temperature there? because babiesare very sensitive to temperature, and is there any other animalsaround that could go up to the cage? like dogs etc.. becausesometimes a rabbit will kill her babies if she feels threatened. Thereis tons of good sities on the net so I hope you check them out, and Iam sorry for your loses.
I, for one thing, meant NONE of that asan insult, all of what I said is the truth. We get way too MANY peopleon this board saying "Oh I am going to breed my rabbit, it will be fun"and they don't know what they are doing, and since that happens a lot Ihave to assume that you MIGHT be one of them. I am sorryif I offended you, but what I wrote to you, I saytoLOTS of people, you are not the only one. Andby the way you were posting you made it seem like having baby rabbitswas the same as having puppies, which is not true, they are totallydifferent.

I am sorry if you were offended by what I said, but I mean every word.

You said, and I quote "When do they getweaned? What do they eat when its time to wean them, anything alongthose lines. How soon can you sex them? "

Saying that it makes me feel like you HAVEN'T reada whole lot, because if you were reading about rabbit breeding youwould have already known that. So don't tell me you are reading whenyou are not that informed.

Don't you think you should know these kinds of things BEFORE you breed??

And so where you live you just DON'T spay? Youwould rather EAT your pet then keep her from getting reproductivecancer?? Or you would rather let her have TONS of babies then spay her.

Go to and type in RABBIT and see howmany MUTTS need homes, you are only adding to it.

I mean MAYBE you are breeding for meat, by allmeans I have no problem with people eating rabbits. I have problemswhen people mistreat their rabbits!!!!

~Amy :X

Sorry hun but unless you plan to eat babiesproduce I disagree with producing mutt bunnies. And you haveno reason to be offended. There is nothing wrong with needingto learn it doesn't mean your "dumb". Just research beforeyou consider breeding. Why exactly do you want to breed her?And spaying is a good thing.

Was there a nest box and all the babies were in it? Otherwise mommymight stewp on them and crush them. The nest box is also goodso mommy can get away from babies from time to time.Temperture is also important...babies can freeze or roast..especiallyon wire.

teenie4356 wrote:
First of all yes she is a pet,however she is a rabbit and we dont take rabbits to the vet to getspayed. We would eat her for dinner before doing something like that.She had the babies fine. We have lots of animals andWE DOKNOW WHAT WE ARE DOING, that offends me that you put me off as somemoron. I have read many books and bred many animals sucessfully, thisis not my first rabbit just our first attempt at breeding. Some peopleon forums get ot caught up in it. I was asking for advice not putdowns.I would put an animal down rather than let it suffer.And obviously I want the babies or I wouldnt breedduh???????????????????????? If she gets a stuck kit then you help herjust like anything else. I have birthed to many animals SO I DO KNOWWHAT I AM DOING. Thanks for the insults though you made my day.

I personally found your reply to be Totally offensive. I foundyou to beterribly rude to the people you are asking for help.We are a group of peoplethat love rabbits and enjoy coming here, Biengamong friends and helping each other. If you have a problem withsomeone has posted to you there are two ways to answer. The polite wayand your. Hopefully you'll chose the nice way next time.

Would you eat you cat or dog rather than get them spayed? Whyis a rabbit any different. That is the way I took what you said. Thatrather than spend money you would eat them. I don't understand thementality.

Amy was only trying to help and you got nasty. I agree withAmy, if you read all that you said you did then why are you asking themost basic questions. It makes one wonder. It also leads us to believeyou have Not done your homework.

I just don't understand.

teenie4356 wrote:
First of all yes she is a pet,however she is a rabbit and we dont take rabbits to the vet to getspayed. We would eat her for dinner before doing something like that.
I may be reading this wrong - but here is the impression I'm getting:

"I would rather kill my pet (by eating her) than have something donewhich would keep her from getting cancer - which she has an 85% chanceof getting if she doesn't have the surgery."....or in other words, "I'drather eat her than have a surgery that could keep her healthier foryears.."

Got it.
