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Thanks Rebecca. It's interesting thather questions are now generating a whole set of new ones andinteresting information!

I do hope we can find the answers for her and the bunnies.They are simply adorable. Have you seen the photos on herphotobucket? Leo is a (I think red) mini-rex and I want tokiss his nose :)
My standard of perfection says 3 to 4 1/2 lbs forseniors of mini rex.they do like to eat and will become overweight, andas someone pointed out they can be purebred and not have a dwarf genewhich means they will get a little bigger.bluebird
I can feel Nepo's spineeasily and he has a little bit of skin hanging from shoulder ( orelbow? lol). He is 10 months and weighed almost 5 lbs when I lastweighed him. Is he the right weight or might it be possible that hedoesn't carry the dwarf gene? :)
I agree Bo, this whole topic is fascinating. It's great how everyone works together as a team when anyone has a query.

The pictures on photobucket are so cuuuute. I think you have a major soft spot for rexes though Bo. xx
Nepo's in the right range. Like Carolynsays, the main concern is health. If he's able to clean andeat his cecals and stuff.... he should be fine.

Mini-rex like to eat don't they? lol! piggies :)
*sigh of relief* Okay, now I can get the factthat Emmy isn't overweight. :DIt's because everytime that myfriends come over there eyes just widen open and say "Woha...bigrabbit!" My other friend Lance had said that Emmy's fat!! He owned aprevios rabbit when he was little which lived for 12 years! But then itdied :(

When I feel Emmy's spine, you can't really feel it. I mean like youcould but not that much, I mean :D. It is true about the "sticking outfur". It's because if Emmy's in her cage relaxing, she'll sit at ameatloaf position and all this fur sticks out making you realize thatshe looks overweight!

Thanks Bo for answering my questions, along with the others! Thank yousoo much -hugglez-

Love, Emmy & Katy.
I read all 4 pages of this thread, and I justdon't know what to say! Cosmo is a standard rex (which iswhat the people on this board have let me know)...he will be 4 monthson the 10th and he is 4.5 pounds! I'm pretty sure that thisis average and right where he wants to be....

Hope we get all this straightened out soon!

Emmy-webby wrote:
When I feel Emmy's spine, you can't really feel it. I mean like youcould but not that much, I mean :D. It is true about the "sticking outfur". It's because if Emmy's in her cage relaxing, she'll sit at ameatloaf position and all this fur sticks out making you realize thatshe looks overweight!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! You just made my day giving me a huge laugh!"MEATLOAF position!"ROFLMAO!

We call that "melting" via the language of lagomorphs page, but I truly love calling it the "meatloaf" position!

and Vanessa, Cosmo is gorgeous! I think you are right on his size and stuff.
Ok, I just looked at those pictures....

to be honest, the rex does have the fur and the face..but I really dothis he was mixed with a dwarf of some kind...his ears just look way toround and short to be astandard or minirex...

any thoughts?

hmm. squished up huh LOL!

yeah, he sounds about Bo's size. If bo lays in the scrunched up position he would be about 10 inches.

Weird. I still think your scales is off maybe. What kind did you use to weigh him?
A very old scale that is my moms... It is justone of those wheels that points at a number on the wheel when you setweight on it. Its for humans but, I don't have anything else.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Nepo's in the right range. Like Carolyn says, themain concern is health. If he's able to clean and eat hiscecals and stuff.... he should be fine.

Mini-rex like to eat don't they? lol! piggies :)
Then, he's fine :). I've never given Nepo something that he doesn't it lol :p
bunnylover78642 wrote:
A very old scale that is my moms... It is just one of thosewheels that points at a number on the wheel when you set weight on it.Its for humans but, I don't have anything else.
Oh, those things are awful! They never weigh right!

If you have a digital food scales (up to like 8 pounds they have them) they can work.

If you have a digital people scales they can work but they aren't as accurate as a small gram scale.

First weigh yourself then hold the bunny and weigh yourself. Subtract the difference.

We tried doing that with the old style scales and it weighed Bo at 4.5 lbs when he weighed under 3!!!!!!

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