This is absolutely correct, an ARBA registar may not register arabbit that is not over 6 months old, this mini rex is said to be 4months old. They could lose their lisence if they did so.bunnylover78642 wrote:According to ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Association), theorganization that registers rabbits...excerpt from Official Guide BookRaising Better Rabbits and Cavies issued upon joining ARBA.Please don't post that he is not a purebred I already havehim registered.
3. The animal to be registered must beATLEAST SIX MONTHS OF AGEand meet all seniorrequirements for its specific breed.
WOW! now see, Suzy, I never thought of a mini-rex lackingthe dwarfing gene. Is it a recessive gene? This is quiteinteresting to me since I have one and he's on the small end of normal.(3.5 pounds @ 9 mos roughly)
I didn't actually realize that they could lack that gene..... I guess I didn't really think of it is why. :?
note to bunnylover: see all of us are learning!
2. The animal must possess a three-generation pedigree showing pure breeding.
They must be purebred to be registered. They do not have to be purebred to be shown, just represent a breed.lanna21974 wrote:2. The animal must possess a three-generation pedigree showing pure breeding.
I thought Pam said they just had to meet breed requirements....have therules changed really recently, or have I got that all mixed up?
They must be purebred to be registered. They do not have to be purebred to be shown, just represent a breed.
BBB...I have no clue. LOL I would think, honestly, that a mini rex notcarrying the dwarf gene would work VERY well in a rex breeding programif you were trying to get the weights down. Say you had a lotofStandard Rex on the large side. I'm not sure you couldregister these animals since youre mixing two differentkindsof rexes....but you could DEFINITELY show them.
I know a satin breeder and ARBA judge that raises satins and actuallyused mini rex to createa "Mini Satin." I got to see them nottoo long ago. He's showing them at a show soon. Should be interesting.
WOW this is all very fascinating.
rabbitgirl, full grown I can see a bunny being a bit larger thanstandard. I know of a Holland Lop who is 6.5 lbs orso. He's not fat, just a big guy. Just like peopleI guess. We are all different sizes......
but a 4 mos old 7 lb mini-rex throws me..... that's like a 30 lb newborn baby! lol.
Really? so what did you do? change the "breeders" to get theflemish characteristics out and more PAL in? (me, i have a hard timeseeing the difference in them lol)