Well-Known Member
Wait.. you bred the rabbit at 4 months? :shock:
They can get pregnant at 4 months, but shouldn't. Glad to hear she is 6months old instead, as that is a more reasonable age. Does this meanthe male was 4 months? I know alot of males don't drop their testiclesuntil around 6 months, so if he hasn't yet I wouldn't be worrying abouta litter too much.Yes, rabbits can get pregnant at 4 months old but she is 6months old! Like I have said in prevous posts the only reason we thinkshe is pregnant is because there was a accident including my dog,bunny, and other bunny and they got put together for about 10 min whileI was trying to get the dog out of the yard and stop chasing thebunnys!!!
Reeses was going to be the father but we ended up not gettinghim. Leo is the father maybe if she is pregnant...hey bunnylover, i just noticed that you have a thread withyour bunnies pictures.. from looking at your little Reese, who I'massuming is the mini rex, there is no way that little guy is 7pounds.. looks pretty normal if that's the bun you're talking about
I know my male has dropped because I couldn't tell if he was a male ornot intill it happened. They were just there one day and suprised me. Idon't really know if she is pregnant, she just might be.bunnylover78642 wrote:They can get pregnant at 4 months, but shouldn't. Glad to hear she is 6months old instead, as that is a more reasonable age. Does this meanthe male was 4 months? I know alot of males don't drop their testiclesuntil around 6 months, so if he hasn't yet I wouldn't be worrying abouta litter too much.Yes,rabbits can get pregnant at 4 months old but she is 6 months old! LikeI have said in prevous posts the only reason we think she is pregnantis because there was a accident including my dog, bunny, and otherbunny and they got put together for about 10 min while I was trying toget the dog out of the yard and stop chasing the bunnys!!!
Exactly. Don't ask a question if you don't want to hear the answers.please quit fighting. i got enough of that today when myborther, mother, and father and i got into a big arguement today overmy brother having to take me to only causes hurtfeelings. don't shut someone out just because you don't like whatthey're saying, it might need to be said.
NO one is calling you stupid over your age. No one has been calling you stupid until you got defensive and rude.I dont try to fight but I don't like it when people say thatI am a bad pet owner. I spend hours doing research on my buns. I ownmore books then most people read in a life time. I am trying to do theright thing but it is very diffucult when you are only 13 and peopleare calling you stupid.
As Bo said, no one is trying to make you feel bad or stupid, we are just trying to help you.This is the first post I liked since I started this Topic.That picture is one of my favrites. He is chunky. Maybe my scale isbroken. It is really old. When Leo is sitting he looks huge. He getsall bunched up and it is really funny. When he streches he is reallylong but he rarely does it. That pic was taken really quickly becauseas soon as I put the camera in place he started to move again.