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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Hutto, Texas, USA
Is there a way to put a bunny on a diet saftly?My dutch is supposed to be 3-4 lbs. and she is 7 1/2 lbs. Just a littleover weight! Plus my mini-rex is supposed to be 2 lbs and he is just atiny bit smaller than the dutch.:)I would hate to put them on a dietbut I know that being over wieght is very unhealthy (personalexperience!):(Please Help! Another thing is my mini-rex issupposed to be in a good weight as he is a show bunny! The picture

is leo. He just loves his horse!:):p
You are very wrong.... where did you get your information?

mini-rex males 3.5 to 4.25 pounds.

Mini-rex females 3.75 to 4.75 pounds.

Don't put them on a diet especially if they are babies.... they should get unlimited food.

I thnk I got my info in a book. They are 4 monthsand 6 months old. They get unlimited food all day but they really arefat. They are 7 lbs. each which is alot. They should not way that mucheven if they are babies.
With the bad information you seem to have, Iwonder if you have a mini-rex at all. Maybe it's a standardrex? Or could it be a mix? Where did you get the rabbits? howdo you know what they weigh? and not all rabbits are going to weighwhat they should.

Your pictures are not coming up so maybe if you got that to work we could help you better.

It's quite possible then, that they are not the breed they're supposed to be :p Did you get them from a breeder?
This is from the HRS:

What quantities of food should I feed babies and "teenagers"?
  • Birth to 3 weeks--mother's milk
  • 3 to 4 weeks--mother's milk, nibbles of alfalfa and pellets
  • 4 to 7 weeks--mother's milk, access to alfalfa and pellets
  • 7 weeks to 7 months--unlimited pellets, unlimited hay (plus see 12 weeks below)
  • 12 weeks--introducevegetables(one at a time, quantities under 1/2 oz.)
If you feed more try this:

If I feed fewer pellets, how do I compensate?
When you feed a lower quantity of pellets, you must replace thenutritional value without the calories, which is done by increasing thevegetables. Also, a variety of hay and straw must be encouraged all daylong, we do this by offering fresh hay a couple of times a day. :)
I got my mini-rex from a breeder, I have hispedigree in front of me because I was looking for the breeders emailaddress. The dutch is a mix between a netherland dwarf and a dutch.
They both get a lot of treats, all the hay theycan eat and 2 bowls of food a day. Plus a 30 oz. water bottle (i thinkthat is the size).
if you can post pictures, it would help a lot..my two mini rexes arent 7 lbs, but they're a little 'fluffy':p Bo has the weights for a mini rexright.. i really dont think there is a way that a mini rexcan even be 7 pounds if they're only 4 months old unless soemthing isreally really wrong.. :( by that point, being sotiny and overweight they'd have problems cleaning themselves andwouldnt be very active :(

both of mine pretty much still get free feed and they're not near 7pounds full grown! i just dont think you have a mini rexthere.

how much are you feeding them a day? and what exactly are you feedingit? and are you absolutly sure on the weights and the breeds?and just because someone gave you a pedigree unfortunatly doesntnecessarily mean that it's true.. :(
Please don't post that he is not a purebred Ialready have him registered. He is getting the bad kind of feed withthe pieces of carrots, sunflower seeds, and other stuff in it. His bowlsize if spreading out a adult hand it is about the big and not deep.
Seriously, I could see the breeder actually making a mistake and putting mini-rex instead of standard rex on it.

Why do you give him crappy food if you know it's crappy?

Also, weren't you talking about getting another bunny and/or breeding? :?
Yes, we are thinking about getting anothermini-rex to breed for show purposes. We are looking for a place to getgood healthy food. SO far I can only find the natures mix for bunnies.My mom buys the food and does not like to make a special trip to thestore (we live in the country) to get this food. So I have to go onweekends and beg her to go there to get it. It took me about 4 monthsto finally get woody litter so they didn't have to use that nastylitter.

Even though I am only13, I would appericiated it ifpeople on this website did not treat me as if I am stupid and don'tknow anything. My bunny is a purebred mini-rex, for I have had a judgelook at him, met his breeder, and got him registered.

I will say sorry that you feel badly about this,but not sorry that we've responded the way we did. a fourmonth old mini rex should not in any case weigh 7 pounds. Thepeople on this board are just trying to help you, and being honest intheir feelings on this. and again, it would really help ifyou'd post a picture.

Have you taken your bunnies to a vet?
bunnylover78642 wrote:
Yes, we are thinking about getting another mini-rex to breedfor show purposes. We are looking for a place to get good healthy food.SO far I can only find the natures mix for bunnies. My mom buys thefood and does not like to make a special trip to the store (we live inthe country) to get this food. So I have to go on weekends and beg herto go there to get it. It took me about 4 months to finally get woodylitter so they didn't have to use that nasty litter.

Even though I am only13, I would appericiated itif people on this website did not treat me as if I am stupid and don'tknow anything. My bunny is a purebred mini-rex, for I have had ajudge look at him, met his breeder, and got him registered.

Honestly, so far you haven't proven this to many.

If you cannot feed your rabbits appropriately, you really have no business breeding.

Sorry to make you unhappy, but I don't play games. I call it as I see it.

It does not seem to be a mini-rex to any of us. If your rabbit has gotten that fat, I would consider it abuse.

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