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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2007
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
[align=center]Wiggles is not right at all.[/align]
[align=center]Taking a few secs to ask for help. She's like that Thursday night when I found her. Struggling to stay conscious. She's straining a lot. I noticed that she chewed up some of the carpet though. She had stopped yesterday and I gave her an extra chew stick instead but I guess she did it when I fell asleep. It's really short haired carpet, I didn't think she would eat this one. :cry2[/align]
[align=center]She's all skinny in her middle. She was fine yesterday, You saw in the videos! :cry2What if it's not the carpet... What if it's something else? [/align]
[align=center]She's really not well and once again the vet is :soapboxclosed :rant:til Monday!!!!!!!!![/align]
[align=center]WHAT CAN I DOOOOOOOO? [/align]
Any discharge of any kind?

When did she last poop and pee anddid it look normal?

sas :pray:
When I passed her cage I saw her straining to pee... Only a few droplets came out. No discharge. She won't let me take her temp. She is keeping her mouth open with her teeth showing and her paws clenched tight. She's not cold to the touch. She is wrapped in layers and layers of polar fleece. She looks really bad though.

Her sudden loss of weight worries me a lot. She looks in pain. :(
At the very least she needs a Sub Q and probably antibiotics. Sounds like an internal infection of some kind.

Anyvet, rabbit-savvy or not, can do aSubQ. You can trysyringingwater into her in the meantime, ASAP, or Pedialyte if you have any on hand.

I did come across a phone number for a mobile vet in your area, I'll seeif I can find the number.

sas :pray:
Without the 'straining' part, the symptoms are similar toa gas attack, althoughit mayjust bethe same indications of pain.

Does the pee that came out look normal? And when did she last poop and was that normal?


Ty Pipp, sorry I was calling vets.

The mobile clinic doesn't treat rabbits. Non-exotic vets don't treat rabbits. They simply don't want to be responsible if something goes wrong. I asked even for Sub Q and she said she was sorry but she couldn't do it. :dunnoI found one vet... Said he was available 24-7... Yeah well, I wouldn't trust any animal in his hands :grumpy:He asks me how long she's been like that and I tell him and he goes "One hour? Well dear, it's not like she has been ill for 3 days. But if you can't sleep at night you can call me back.You do know though, it'll cost more for an emergency, and more if we need to keep her..." He sounded really bored and was almost chuckling at my worries. :tantrum:Felt like going over there and punching him out. The one in Lachine is way too far. There's one on Sherbrooke but I tried calling my parents to get a car ride and no one is home :cry2I don't have much money on me so I cannot afford a taxi all the way down there on top of vet bills.

She's not constantly straining but she like throws herself with her hind legs stretched out as far as possible. I've never seen her do that. As for the poop, I do not know as she shares a litter box with Bam-Bam. She's definitely in pain... Grinding her teeth. She looks distraught. She wants nothing to do with hay and is refusing even water. I am still getting some in but she's not happy. She has a hard time fighting me off though.

I'm gonna try to see if any simethicone can work. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get any metacam. How much simethicone can I give again? Sorry, I know you all get the question often. I just want to be 100% sure that I am giving the right amount.
Oh honey, I'm so sorry Wiggles isn't doing well. Is her tummy hard? If it's gas, it might feel somewhat hard, tummy massages will help to loosen it up. Let us know how the simethicone works. Sorry I can't be of more help...and sorry that vet was such a jerk:(.
Give her a LOT of Simethicone -- 1.5 cc's at least if she's a medium sized rabbit. Every hour for three or four hours.

It's good that she's fighting.

In case there's an internal problem, you don't want to rub her tummy, at least not too hard, but if you have a drier you can put her on, a vibratring toothbrushor anything that vibrates to put on her tummy, give it a go.

If she seems to get relief from that (once she gets over the surprise), could just be a gas attack. If it seems to hurt her, you have a different problem.

Good luck!

We are taking her to the vet in a few, her tummy is very soft, and her poop is very dry and haves a grayish green color.

Thank you for all your help.
It's not discharge. Her poops are very dry and grayish. I think it might be just gas though. There's no vet to take her to. Though I will be able to call one in about 20 mins for some assistance on the phone. I'm gonna give her simethicone and get her on the dryer. i got her to eat some hay though so that is a good sign. i think she will be ok. Thank you everyone for your help.
I so hope it was just a bout of gas. Does she appear to be in any less pain?

The only thing worrying me with this one is that she had that major surgery and shes at risk for infection.

Its good shes pooping and eating some hay. Does she appear to be any more alert? Is she still grinding her teeth?

Youre a great bunny mom (and dad) keep us posted on her status and we'll help you as best we can.

*Comes back looking disheveled... Clothes torn, scratches bleeding all over, bleeding finger...* Yeah... Simethicone huh? Could they not have made it cherry flavored or something?! MINT! She haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaates mint. :grumpy:I hold to roll her on her side and hold her down to get it in. She let half of it just dribble out though. Now she absolutely hates me. She has spent the last 10 mins angrily rearranging the blanket and showing me her teeth. :whatevahAnyway, at least she has enough energy to fight. I'll take that as a good sign. She put up one heck of a fight. Lol. She's exhausted now though and flopped. bam-Bam is keeping her company on the couch. She munched some hay angrily. More to show me her mood than to actually eat though. Lol.

She's still going at it.

I hope the simethicone works and that it is just gas. Sorry for getting so scared if it is just gas but seeing her like I saw her last time freaked me out badly.
Aww poor Ms. Binky! But youre right, its good she has fight in her- very gassy and/or sick bunnies wont even do that.

No need to apologize at all, I'lltakean overly-cautious bunny mom any day. Bettersafe than sorry. :)

For the next dose, try mixing it with something she likes...maybe some juice or baby food or something along those lines, that might be easier onher (and you)



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