Well..... Actually I have 11! But I thought it was a catchy title(for those of you old enough to even recognize the name).
Jeez! I can't believe I'm actually breaking down and starting a bunny blog, but I feel bad posting my pics on Chris and Morgan's blogs all the time, though they are always so nice about it. So here I go.
First I had ONE. Dakota
She was bonded with Baby(#1). I got Baby as a baby(yes, I know... very original
). He was just the cutest fluffiest rabbit ever.
But he was all alone. When Baby was 8 months old I decided I wanted another rabbit and got Dakota. She was 4 months old and a timid pretty white rabbit(oh how things have changed! not very timid anymore!). She and Baby got along really well and had lots of fun together.
But sadly they were only together for about 2 years as Baby got head tilt and didn't survive. So Dakota was on her own for a while, until Flopsy came along.
And now there were TWO.
I never thought Dakota would get along with a different rabbit, as she had become quite the grumpy girl. Being a red eyed white, she didn't have the best eyesight, and started getting nervous about things and would lunge and bite if she wasn't sure about something. Baby was just so sweet and good natured, that he put up with her.
Well, my neighbor got a bunny one fall, and named him Flopsy. He was a very happy and friendly bunny. I would often stop by and give him pets. Whenever I came up to his cage, he would do bunny 500's in it because he was so happy. After about 18 months the kids lost interest(you know how it goes), so I decided to take him in, got him neutered, and bonded him with Dakota. They have been a (mostly) happy couple for the last three and half years.
I say mostly because, as mentioned, Dakota is a BIG grump. But luckily Flopsy is VERY good natured(like Baby) and laid back, and usually just puts up with her behavior. If she gets nippy or boxes him, he'll usually just hop away and leave her alone. Though sometimes he does get fed up with her and will box her back, which then freaks her out and she runs and hides. She has this illusion that she is the 'Top Bun', but Flopsy's really the one in charge, he just lets her think she is most of the time. They actually do get along really well. They remind me of a grumpy old married couple

Part two coming soon.... If I can bear to type it all out!
Jeez! I can't believe I'm actually breaking down and starting a bunny blog, but I feel bad posting my pics on Chris and Morgan's blogs all the time, though they are always so nice about it. So here I go.
First I had ONE. Dakota
She was bonded with Baby(#1). I got Baby as a baby(yes, I know... very original
But he was all alone. When Baby was 8 months old I decided I wanted another rabbit and got Dakota. She was 4 months old and a timid pretty white rabbit(oh how things have changed! not very timid anymore!). She and Baby got along really well and had lots of fun together.
But sadly they were only together for about 2 years as Baby got head tilt and didn't survive. So Dakota was on her own for a while, until Flopsy came along.
And now there were TWO.
I never thought Dakota would get along with a different rabbit, as she had become quite the grumpy girl. Being a red eyed white, she didn't have the best eyesight, and started getting nervous about things and would lunge and bite if she wasn't sure about something. Baby was just so sweet and good natured, that he put up with her.
Well, my neighbor got a bunny one fall, and named him Flopsy. He was a very happy and friendly bunny. I would often stop by and give him pets. Whenever I came up to his cage, he would do bunny 500's in it because he was so happy. After about 18 months the kids lost interest(you know how it goes), so I decided to take him in, got him neutered, and bonded him with Dakota. They have been a (mostly) happy couple for the last three and half years.
I say mostly because, as mentioned, Dakota is a BIG grump. But luckily Flopsy is VERY good natured(like Baby) and laid back, and usually just puts up with her behavior. If she gets nippy or boxes him, he'll usually just hop away and leave her alone. Though sometimes he does get fed up with her and will box her back, which then freaks her out and she runs and hides. She has this illusion that she is the 'Top Bun', but Flopsy's really the one in charge, he just lets her think she is most of the time. They actually do get along really well. They remind me of a grumpy old married couple

Part two coming soon.... If I can bear to type it all out!