So I think I got all of the photos fixed, though I probably ended up changing a few. And I thought I would post a little bit more about the last few years with the buns with some photos.
Soon after Flopsy passed away, Baby passed from a bad reaction to a medication, and Dakota passed around the same time, from old age issues. Dakota had had a good long bunny life, but I was really sad about Baby's sudden passing. She ended up having a bad reaction to sulfa antibiotics of all things.
Penny was alone for a while after Dakota's passing, but adjusted fine to it. But the next year, 2017, a friend of mine had an older lop rabbit that she was trying to rehome for a friend of hers. I felt it was the perfect solution for Penny to have a bun friend again. So I took in Henry, a 5 yr old holland lop, who actually looked a lot like Dakota, Penny's previous bun companion, though Henry had blue eyes instead of red like Dakota, and was a much more chill bun than Dakota.
I got Henry neutered, waited a month for hormones to fade, then started bonding. And bonding was almost instantaneous, thank goodness. It was pretty much 'love at first sight'. The easiest bond I've ever had.
In 2018, Toby started having issues with his megacolon and was quickly losing weight. Up to that point it had been successfully managed with a strict diet, but in a short amount of time he started declining and very suddenly passed away without much warning.
The next year I took the bunnies on a bit of a trip to Florida. Let me just say, traveling long distances with rabbits is pure torture! It was so hard to manage their stress and keep them eating the entire trip. I pretty much had to stop at grocery stores all along the way to buy romaine lettuce to keep them eating and hydrated. And I had to stop every 4 hours to check on them and give them a break to settle down and relax so they would eat. Not to mention the difficulty of keeping water in their traveling carrier. It was constantly spilling everywhere. I had to change out soaked litter every few hours. And the worst of all was it was summer and hot, and part way through my AC started acting up. Very luckily it kept working and got us to Florida ok. I was sooo glad when we got there and the trip was over.
(Poor bunnies cooped up traveling across the country

Once we got there and settled into our new place, the bunnies actually adjusted really well. Because of limited space, I needed all the bunnies bonded into one group. Luckily I was able to successfully bond Henry and Penny with the little bunnies group on the trip there.
During covid, I returned back from Florida with the bunnies. They were sooo relieved to be back home and in their old condo.
In 2021 at the age of 10, my one eyed Pip passed away from old age, followed soon after by Libby and Roo. The bunnies left with me were Penny, Henry, Riley, and Jake.
Penny got sick earlier this year and passed away due to the illness and some medication problems. I was surprised as Penny had always been one of my healthiest rabbits and was doing well even being 9 yrs old.
But all of my rabbits were old at that point, and had the normal health issues that happen with old age. A few months later Riley passed from old age, then a little while later Henry's health issues worsened and he passed from health issues and age. Jake was my last and all alone. He didn't live long after Henry's passing. It all happened pretty suddenly and I was left rabbitless.
It gets hard when they get old. More health issues arise, and not all necessarily easily treatable. It usually just becomes a matter of managing the building health problems as best you can to maintain a good quality of life. And I had a lot of rabbits old at the same time. I hope I did right by all my buns. I certainly tried to give them the best life possible so they had a comfortable happy life together with each other and with me.
(blurry, but I like this picture, and it was one of my last of them)