My little man cocoa puff has had Ec twice and seems to be going through a third bout of it. He was taken to an emergency clinic july2 at 1am due to squeaking in pain 3 times,small very small poops and a slightly elevated fever of 39.9 The vet suggested that EC could have caused the stasis as he has paresis of his back legs,he cannot stand,hop etc but he can move and has sensation in them both. she put him on 3 different motility drugs,metacam and panacur.
I have been expressing his bladder for over a year for him as he doesnt pee a drop on his own. But since the stasis its become near impossible to get anything out of him and when i do its not much and very dark,almost looks black. My regular vet is looking into drugs that may help his bladder to contract. But im wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this?
I have been expressing his bladder for over a year for him as he doesnt pee a drop on his own. But since the stasis its become near impossible to get anything out of him and when i do its not much and very dark,almost looks black. My regular vet is looking into drugs that may help his bladder to contract. But im wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this?