This is something un-neutered boys will oftendo. It's one way they have of telling you that they love you, alongwith purring and spraying. It usually stops once the bunny is neutered.Hope this helps!
i haven't encountered spraying yet ( thank god), but marshmellow does the whole running around my feet thingsometimes too . marsh tends to smell my feet quite often too..butusually is more interested when i'm wearing my shoes..
My thummper will circle my feet whenhe wants to play or have me pet him.So far the only thing that he hasever sprayed was some paperwork i brought home with me and was sittingon the floor doing.
My old rabbit BunBun would circle, but thenafter a few rounds, he would actually hump my leg:shock:! Notlong after this started was a trip to the vet and it all stopped.
Bunny runs round and round my feet in circles for as long as I'll let her. She's yet to spray anything though.
She's also recently developed an obsession with trying to dig throughmy feet. Tickly with socks on, quite painful with bare feet. =P
Is it the same if they run in circles around youwhen you are sitting down? I will sit on the floor whenCocoa's out and he runs in circles all around me!
Is it the same if they run in circles around you when youare sitting down? I will sit on the floor when Cocoa's outand he runs in circles all around me!