My hoomuns always had ALOT of different animals! Every time they come outside their is this gweat BIG black thing that they hook it up on this STWINGY thing thats attached to a twee! It scares me!!!!!!!!!:shock:
Thumper here.My human is a young one, she has her parents to boss her around, as well as 2 younger humans who she refers to as idiots a lot. My guess is she doesnt like them. My human has 4 brightly coloured flying creatures- she calls them "noisy" or "budgies". They always fly to me and my new little playmate Archie when we are in their room. I love to sniff them. She also has 3 scaly creatures who live in a tank of water. They are beatiful and gold. Then she has my favourites, a big furry beast and his smaller less furry companion, otherwise known as Zeus and Fudge, "dogs". They are good to me and Archie, keeping away any cats with the intentions of a rabbit dinner. So, thats my humans family.
my mommy has a skiny ginger fing he say he a cat...:?(wats a cat?) also two pig fings that are hairy they look like fat furrybrown sauseges:biggrin2:and a little hammy hamster she old and dont talk much
Hai, Kayshie here! My hoomin talks to me lots bout's that mean ol' kitteh. That he's only a bad illooshun! Then there's the Mama-kitteh who came to live with us after they foolishly took her in off the streets to give babeh kittehs! Those devils earned my discust now me and Mama-kitteh have no like.
And the brown goggie! He nice but lazy. My mom makes me be sister with uther bunneh, but I will never like her for taking mom's attenshun from me, how dare her :/
This Akina, my turn. I not mean like Kaysh and think that kitteh Illooshun is nice I make him fluff nest with my fur fur and he lie in it. Mom takes pictures and oogles dunno whys. The goggie sniffs me lots and halps mom give me my yuckies he always be with her- me thinks they love. My ickle sister Kaysh is meanie and we fight so we no live together but I like to have friend. Illooshun make friends.
mah hooman haz 4 HUGE dawgies! (a big black one dey call a grayt dayn, a tan one dey calz a pibble bludhond mix, a strip-ed one dat iz a masiff n anottur dey calz a boxah mix)
and 2 fayt kittehs
Myhumanused to have big scary black thing!Me and Jude were lik wut is tat!It would chase my smallhumanallthe time! But I thumped my feet every now and than.Alsothese kittens keep hiding under me and Judes cage. And my filthy humans brought ANOTHER one inside only if I could get out of this cage and explore the outside world of this cage. OH BOY! Would that be nice. I've gotten out of my cage before but of course my friend sam used to help me. Now she's long gone classical mini lop but was she so cute and i'm speakin as a himilayan! But I used to sit on a table outside and so did she I would talk to her. But until I was their to watch her get sold. I swear I cried but also died a little inside. All you other buns tell me you'll atleast add me as your friend and me and Jude will tell you all some more of my stories the other buns will to.
Hello becksta this is Lilly my boys are idiots and the same thing hapened to me at a show I was at and I can tell you one thing they are "noisy" and what ya say "budgies" look i'm a little new here just joined here last month. My human says there this one thing called birds they kind of give me te chills......... be my friend? Yours Sincerely, lilly*
My hoomins have dis thing called a dog.It goes woof woof when it sees me and i dont like it.I tink it's name is minny.They also have dese tings dat swim.They live in a large supply of da stuf i drink.I like da swimmin tings better than da 1 dat gos woof woof.
YA mine have the same swimmy things they are like my best friends. My name is Spot. Very glad to meet you all here on a fine day like this. My hoomins they have this wierd thing that goes mow mow all of the time.I think they call it sox. But oh well. SEE YOU ALL LATER!!!!!! Spot love you guys BUY!Pray that youre all alright! =]:innocent
There are four things that she likes to call 'Cattzz'
There are three things that she likes to call'Doggss'
Then there are three things outside that I cant see but hear mummy on about them. She calls them 'hurses'
Hazel: Da Lady has three cats. Dey're called Noise, Tiger an' Millow. Mister has a ferret. I hate dat ting! It smells funny an' always tries ta get inta MY room! Da Lady doen't really like da ferret either.
Mommy has like dese weird squawky fings dat live in cages and are out during da day. Dey is not rabbits so dey must be muuuuuuuch further down the intelligence ladder.
I heard Mommy call one of dem Psycho Coco. Da other one is called Zorro. Da stwangest thing is dat the Psycho one talks hoomin!!!:shock: He calls Mommy "Baby" and says, "I Love you" to her. He gots to understand dat I am Mommy's only love...except Daddy of course, but he is clearly less important dan me! I mean c'mon weally.:rollseyes
Hi der,
this is delilah. other than me an my sistah, our momma has 2 puppies- we dont likes them- and a thing that meows- momma doesnt let us see the meow thing, she says that it will hurt us :shock: but i know my momma wont let that happen she luuuvs us too much :biggrin:
Chance hear! I only stayz in ze house so i only gets to see the ITTLE BITTY mini wabbits with no ears! AND NO TAILZ! Momma says they are dwarfs too... like me and mah wifey Zsa Zsa but theyre SO MUCH WITTLER! She sayz they is "Hamsturs". Also when momma lets me on the bed wif her, da little dawggie she calls Scout is usually up der curled on her IN MY SPOT! :shock:Also sometimes when momma isnt lookin da BIG FAT "kiddy Kat" comes in the baffroom to watch me and Zsa Zsa, but mainly me cuz im bigger and closer to the floor.
Ok now dis is Ruby. Im an outsyde bunny. We haz an open rabbitry that we stay in wif chicken wires on de side so nuffin can get it! We got a NEW seester a few days ago. a black cotton ball rugg thingy named "Scotch". She looks just like the OTHER BIG white cotton ball rugg thingy named "Sheepy" sept she's smaller. Maybe the black one is a dwarf too?! Momma calls them "Sweep" or somethin like dat. Momma also has a BIG BIG BIG thing that sticks its nose into our room when it hears feed buckets being opened. She usually taps its nose and tells it to leave. She calls it "Tawny" and.. I saw her get on its back before and it was walkin with her up there =O! AND IT STARTED RUNNIN WITH HER UP THAR! Also i think she has a dwarf tawny too. Its littler but i tink its older. Her name is Lizzy and momma says she's a "Shetwand Powny" She bought it for the two dwarf hoomans to ride with momma on deh BIG shetwand powny.
Plus i dink momma said there was gonna be a baby "howrse" that would be herez in May like when i was borwn! I dun no what a howrse is... but i hope its a bunny lyk me!!!
me mommy usedted to has sumfing cawwed guinea pig, but he isunt here no mo. i used to butt his wittle fayce. now is just me and a big dawggy, and two wittle dawggies who WEALLY get on my nerbes and i gwunt at dem and kick dem.
Mah hoomin has these birdies that can't fwy, and noisy swimmin ones, and five big howses, I love howses, and there are two dawgies that I ignore, and two cat's that are afraid of me, my mate Pepper is terrified of all animals but bunnies and hoomins, and my daughter Snip likes howses, hates cats, ignores dawgs, and we all hate those tiny lough hoomins (kids?).